Ancient Egypt Power - HRSBSTAFF Home Page

Homes in Ancient Egypt are brick. They are
made out of sun dried mud and sometimes wood, but it
was not very common. Egyptian noblemen had three
areas; they are: a reception area, a hall and private
quarters. The doors and windows had mats over them
so that flies, dust and heat would not get in.
The furniture in the house were wall hangings
made out of leather and the floors were made out of
tile. They also had oil lamps and other necessities.
Sometimes Egyptian families had three rooms on their
roofs so they could sleep there on hot summer nights.
Town Houses were meant for businesses on the
1st floor. The 2nd and 3rd floors were family houses and
most people on summer nights would sleep on the
Houses in Nova Scotia are made out of brick with cement and
wood. Instead of having 3 rooms we would have rooms like:
bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens, etc. Our doors are made out of wood
and the windows are made out of glass instead of rugs.
Furniture in Nova Scotia aren’t just wall hangings and tiles,
we have couches, televisions, beds, etc. Our floors aren’t just tiles,
they could be carpet or wooden floors. Apartments had more than 3
floors and families don’t sleep on the roof because if it had more than
four floors (or even less) they could fall off and hurt or kill
Food in Egypt were cooked in a clay oven or over an
open fire with wood as fuel, though it was uncommon. The
food could be baked, boiled, stewed, fried, grilled or roasted.
Beer was the most popular beverage and bread was an
Egyptian diet. In the bread people used sesame seeds, honey,
fruit, butter or herbs for flavor. They also ate dried fish and
Canada has really good food, it is not just candy and
junk. The four food groups are: fruits and vegetables, meat and
alternatives, grain and dairy. In these four food groups they are
filled with vitamins and calcium. Lots of kids our age would
eat day and night JUNK! That is not good; we have lots of
good food that can also be: baked, boiled, stewed, fried, grilled
or roasted. Once in a while you can eat junk, but probably only
2-3 each day. Foods that help are: carrots, because they are
good for your eyes and broccoli, because they make you
strong. For a diet, it is mostly salads and popular drinks are
water, milk or juice and sometimes pop, but that is a JUNKY
In Ancient Egypt, peasant girls would have to get
married at the age of twelve, but the guys were quite a few years
older. Girls with richer families married when they were older
than 12 year old girls. The parents would arrange these
weddings for the girls. A good fact to know is, “When an
ordinary man had 1 wife, the king had several!” Another one is,
“The wife would get an allowance from the husband and would
maybe use for them!”
In Nova Scotia, girls would get married at usually 19 or
older because they would still be in school at age 12! Men would
probably only have 1 wife because it might not be fair to the
other wife and that could cause a divorce in which both people
would want. These marriages are arranged by the couple and
usually the family might also help.
What did Egyptians do for fun? They did a lot of
things. Some things that they did were making cave
drawings, doing drama and relaxing by the Nile river.
Hobbies that they might have are fishing, boating,
swimming, hunting and lots more! Festivals were held in
Egypt to honor the Gods and a statue of the God was
carried through the streets. Wealthy people would hire
singers, acrobats, dancers and musicians for entertainment.
They would also drink beer, wine and eat lots of food!
In Nova Scotia, we have a lot of different types of
entertainment! There are video games, computers, televisions,
etc. We play sports, have hobbies and have parades like the
Christmas parade. We might think we have more
entertainment than Egyptian kids and their parents but we
don’t because we don’t know all their fun and games.
♫ Egyptian Girls
Egyptian Girls wore
their hair in pigtails and the
women wore wigs made out of
sheep wool and human hair.
They would wear bracelets,
earrings, armlets and anklets.
Some kids and adults wore
sandals while others would go
barefoot. Mostly everyone in
Egypt would wear make-up.
They would put on perfumed
oil made from flowers, wood,
oil and fat.
♫ Me
Girls at my age have all
different hair styles and are all
different colors. We also wear
bracelets, earrings, armlets and
anklets, but also necklaces. Girls
would wear make-up like eye
shadow, mascara, lip gloss and
blush. Girls in Nova Scotia are
similar to girls in Egypt.