Unit 4 - Day 1: Properties of Waves and Light Course/Unit: SPH4U / Wave Nature of Light Date: To be decided Lesson Big Idea(s): Light has properties that are similar to those of mechanical waves. Overall Expectations: E2: Investigate in qualitative and quantitative terms, the properties of waves and light, and solve related problems. Specific Expectations: E2.1 use appropriate terminology related to the wave nature of light, including, but not limited to: diffraction, dispersion, wave interference, nodal line, phase, oscillate, polarization, and electromagnetic radiation. Learning Goals: Success Criteria: By the end of the class students will understand: I know students have achieved their learning goals when they can: The properties of waves and light. Explain properties of waves and light to a peer. Reflection of waves at a boundary. Describe similarities between mechanical waves (e.g. water waves) and light. Expected Prior Knowledge: SPH3U: Waves and Sound Before: Minds On Time: Description 20 min Watch the following videos: 1. http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/waves-andoptics/v/introduction-to-waves?topic=physics 2. http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/waves-andoptics/v/amplitude--period--frequency-and-wavelength-of-periodicwaves?topic=physics Diagnostic Assessment: Hand out assessment as students walk in. Find out how much students remember from SPH3U (use modified unit test from SPH3U). Minds On: Write question on the board: How can we use properties of light to create technologies that enhance our lives? Use Think Pair Share to discuss. Possible answers: X‐rays, MRI, CT scans, photocells, lasers, infrared cameras, night vision goggles, sunglasses, CFLs, LEDs, CD, DVDs, Fibre optics, holograms, GPS etc. Transition from Minds On to Action: Take up questions and views from homework videos. During: Action Time: Description 10 min Action 1: Direct lecture on the problems and explanation on the board. Give the students worksheet related to the homework videos and the direct lecture. Materials Computer Internet Materials White board Markers Nelson Physics 12 Unit 4 - Day 1: Properties of Waves and Light 30 min Action 2: Give the students worksheet related to the homework videos and the direct lecture. See separate file called Properties of Waves and Light - Worksheet.docx (Students can work in groups or individually). The teacher takes up individual problems from students. Questions page 443 (Nelson Physics 12) Copies of worksheet on the properties of waves and light Nelson Physics 12 White board Markers After: Consolidation Time 10 min Description Consolidation: Summarize the lesson verbally. Complete questions on Page 443 (leftover from class work). Materials Nelson Physics 12 White board Markers