Unit 4 - Day 1: Properties of Waves and Light

Unit 4 - Day 1: Properties of Waves and Light
Course/Unit: SPH4U / Wave Nature of Light
Date: To be decided
Lesson Big Idea(s):
 Light has properties that are similar to those of mechanical waves.
Overall Expectations:
E2: Investigate in qualitative and quantitative terms, the properties of waves and light, and solve related problems.
Specific Expectations:
E2.1 use appropriate terminology related to the wave nature of light, including, but not limited to: diffraction,
dispersion, wave interference, nodal line, phase, oscillate, polarization, and electromagnetic radiation.
Learning Goals:
Success Criteria:
By the end of the class students will understand:
I know students have achieved their learning goals when
they can:
 The properties of waves and light.
 Explain properties of waves and light to a peer.
 Reflection of waves at a boundary.
 Describe similarities between mechanical waves (e.g.
water waves) and light.
Expected Prior Knowledge:
 SPH3U: Waves and Sound
Before: Minds On
20 min
Watch the following videos:
1. http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/waves-andoptics/v/introduction-to-waves?topic=physics
2. http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/waves-andoptics/v/amplitude--period--frequency-and-wavelength-of-periodicwaves?topic=physics
Diagnostic Assessment:
 Hand out assessment as students walk in.
 Find out how much students remember from SPH3U (use modified unit test
from SPH3U).
Minds On:
Write question on the board:
How can we use properties of light to create technologies that enhance our lives?
Use Think Pair Share to discuss. Possible answers: X‐rays, MRI, CT scans, photocells,
lasers, infrared cameras, night vision goggles, sunglasses, CFLs, LEDs, CD, DVDs, Fibre
optics, holograms, GPS etc.
Transition from Minds On to Action:
 Take up questions and views from homework videos.
During: Action
10 min Action 1:
 Direct lecture on the problems and explanation on the board.
 Give the students worksheet related to the homework videos and the direct
 Computer
 Internet
 White board
 Markers
 Nelson Physics 12
Unit 4 - Day 1: Properties of Waves and Light
30 min
Action 2:
 Give the students worksheet related to the homework videos and the direct
lecture. See separate file called Properties of Waves and Light - Worksheet.docx
 (Students can work in groups or individually).
 The teacher takes up individual problems from students.
 Questions page 443 (Nelson Physics 12)
 Copies of
worksheet on the
properties of
waves and light
 Nelson Physics 12
 White board
 Markers
After: Consolidation
10 min
 Summarize the lesson verbally.
 Complete questions on Page 443 (leftover from class work).
 Nelson Physics 12
 White board
 Markers