Learning Team B Special Learning Need: Gifted Students Resource (URL if necessary) Benefit for Specific Learning Need Modifications Made Explanation of How Resource is Developmentally Appropriate Strategies for Implementation Challenges for implementation Schoology (Schoology.com) This allows students to make comparisons to the real world application Facebook; students create pages for themselves or characters or historical figures to communicate with other peers. Students can take the voice of a character or figure in order to understand different viewpoints. This challenges the gifted students to look at various perspectives, other than their own. This is appropriate because Schoology allows students to create a page much like Facebook, with adolescents are interested in. Computer/lab time since there is limited space and resources. Yummy Math (Yummymath.com) This is a math website with problems that connect to the real world. For example, they have problems that deal with the U.S. Open or the lottery. They have a lottery simulator. So students are able to apply their knowledge to the real world and see a benefit in learning the concepts. After getting students familiar with the site, you can have the gifted students create their own real world applications and problems. This has the student become the teacher to show that they are experts. Because it connects to the real world, this is appropriate for students to learn about current events, as well as bridge the learning from school to society. Implement at he beginning of the year to get students used to the program or at the beginning of a unit of study. Allow students to use on a weekly basis to communicate with peers in their class, other classes, or even other schools. The teacher can show students the site and complete some problems on the site, then students can create a concept map (using Kidspiration or a SMART board with the tech teacher) to create their own realworld examples and problems. They can create a journal to write about their creation to apply the literacy standards from CCSS. Computer/lab time since there is limited space and resources. Also, there is only one tech teacher for the 7th grade, so her time is limited, as well. Turning Point/ Turning Key Clickers Polleverywhere.com Glogster.com Glogster is an online network that allows students to make interactive posters, called “Glogs”. Mathforum.org Some gifted students If a student answers It is much like a text are a challenge because the question correctly message system, which they 1) don’t like to with the clicker, the students frequently do put forth effort or 2) teacher can on their cell phones. just try to skate by differentiate the lesson doing minimum work. then using the data to Polleverywhere.com Turning Point forces challenge gifted has students actually ALL students to students. text in their answer; participate, and the this is very much like teacher can track American Idol. progress and student responses in accordance to the state standards. Glogster is a great tool Teachers can make Glogster not only for gifted students assignments more allows students to because it allows them challenging for teach themselves to to showcase their students by narrowing organize information, knowledge in an the information bases it also is a aesthetically pleasing that students get their developmentally interactive manner. information from. For appropriate The outcome depends example, if a student is technological tool. It is on how much work making a Glogster fairly easy to use once students put in, and about the Civil War, you get the hang of it. advanced students can the teacher might tell Middle schoolers need benefit from the need them that they can only to know how to sue for self-monitoring. use information from web-based technology. first hand sources. Math Forum is a website where students can find and work on math related problems and puzzles based on the type of math that they are currently taking. The problems featured on the site are These types of problems would most likely be assigned to students who are capable of higher level mathematical operations. Solutions are posted as well. This resource is developmentally appropriate because the website offers problems ranging from basic mathematics to trigonometry and calculus, and everything in between. Use as “checking points” during direct instruction, to ensure students aren’t “checking out” or use for testing to gather data quickly. Teachers can easily integrate Glogster into any research project or assignment in which information has to be displayed. There are so many setups that can be used, and teachers may want to make the use more effective by limiting the possibilities. This website offers problems that seem to be the type you would find in either a beginning of the class problem of the day type thing, or a problem of the week that is assigned on Not all classrooms have the Turning Point clickers, so resources are limited. Parents may be concerned with the use of cell phones, or students may not have cell phones. A parent letter would need to be sent home in order to use polleverywhere.com. Because any information can be publically shared on Glogster, teachers need to be wary of inappropriate information that can sometimes pop up when browsing others’ Glogs. There is a school version (that might not be free) that only allows for school related material to be posted. First and foremost, you need a membership to access the problems. This would be a problem if you are working from a budget, as basically all teachers do. Reading A-Z http://www.readingaz.com/ “Problem of the Day” type problems and require thought out explanation and high level mathematics procedures. Reading A-Z is a website that offers online books from level aa to Z. The site also offers vocabulary, phonics practice, and assessments for teachers. Lexile.com This website provides information on the reading levels for books. This will help gifted students because you can make sure they are reading the right book for their level. Khan Academy http://www.khanacade my.org/ Students at any grade have vast differences in developmental, knowledge and skill levels. Khan allows students to proceed at their own speed. A teacher at any level of mathematics can assign a problem from this website to their students. Monday to be turned in on Friday. They require explanation and math skill so they may require time to complete. Because the books are This site is very easy to Because of the Again, this site organized by reading use for both students different reading requires a membership. level, teachers can and teachers. The levels, students can be They do offer a free assign different books books are divided by divided up into reading trial, however. that are appropriate for reading level so groups and can be each student based on teachers can pick out allowed to choose texts their own personal books based on the from the appropriate reading needs. levels of their students category as assigned and students can pick by the teacher. out books based on their own reading level or to challenge themselves. You can have the The site gives an Teachers can have Again, some of the gifted students look up evaluation of the students agree/disagree books are not lexiled, their own book and reading level by book, with the lexile and so teachers are going read about how their so students can pick a grade-level. If the book to need to get creative book was lexiled. Then book to challenge them is not available, the with using the website you can have them at their level. It will teacher and explain (ex-have students write agree/disagree with the make sure the book is how the book is their own entry based level (the site also grade level evaluated and then the on the criteria outlined assigns grade levels to appropriate, thus student can determine on the website). the book, so the making it it’s level and write a student can developmentally mock entry for the agree/disagree). appropriate. book. Khan has the potential The first weeks of May supplant Math Each student needs a for a ‘flipped’ every class usually curriculum. Each login and a Gmail classroom in which begin with beginning student logins in. account. Khan most learning is done skill assessments. Teachers gather those requires one computer by the student at their Khan also starts at first logins into a class. per student, own pace. Teachers principals and allows Principals may gather headphones and become a coach to see students to classes into a school or adequate computer Instruction and practice are online and can be repeated as needed. that adequate progress is being made. Since instruction is delivered online teachers now have the time to provide individualized attention. Work may be done as easily in a connected home as at school. MIT Introduction to Computer Science and Programming https://www.edx.org/c ourses/MITx/6.00x/20 12_Fall/about Harvard, Udacity, Coursera, Khan and others offer similar services. demonstrate mastery even district. At each be solving 10 Math level; individual, class, problems correctly. school and district The comprehensive progress is charted and Math curriculum (not at individual level) begins with single digit aggregated so that at addition and ends each level student beyond most college attainment may been Math. All tracked and reported developmental levels individually by class or are addressed and aggregated by grade, individualized. school or district. hardware to play and bandwidth to provide streaming video to each student. Teachers and teachers need not be in the same location. Enrichment. This is an independent This resource is not Screening. Must monitor for Blows the top off of Kstudy course. Some universally appropriate This resource is only frustration and 12 curriculum. advanced assistance to all developmental appropriate for the excitement levels. Students who exceed may be needed to needs but is an most advanced There is a high dropout standard secondary resource students if excellent fit for secondary students. If rate but some 30% do curriculum may, gaps in their secondary Academically Talented a teacher finds a finish. While the same without cost or GPA education become students in High student who has work is done that an risk. Students are apparent. School who have fully learned all that a High M.I.T. student would afforded the attained the entirety of School has to offer free do it should be opportunity to take K-12 Math/Science. online college course understood that no introductory Computer academic credits or Science courses at credentials are accrued. M.I.T.!!! But, ‘if you can make There are (computer) it here you can make it graded assignments, anywhere’. deadlines and tests. Students directly attain with much older and international classmates. Student Management Systems [Skyward] http://skyward.com/pa ge.ashx/InterestingInfo/Why-ChooseSkyward Skyward provides organization of the many assignments and due dates a student faces but this is the best tool for parent involvement. Every written record about a student’s academic life are instantly accessible to students and family. Current grades, pending, late and missing assignments, discipline, attendance, even if milk or cookies were purchased at lunch are accessible from the web or smart phone. We are near a military base so many parents are half a world away. A parent in Afghanistan may know everything all current information about a student’s academic life. Students who experience anxiety about academic success are able to access timely performance information. Staff must enter assignment details as soon as they are assigned and promptly enter test and homework scores or mark work missing. Inform parents and students of their log in credentials and way to access academic information on the web or smart phone. Instruct parents during Open house and conferences how to use the student management system. Parents may be fully involved in student progress and know as soon as students are beginning to fall behind. Provides parents with resources to identify the need for early intervention and remediation Parents may also see what assignment details and help students organize their academic life if those skills are lacking. This is an expensive service. Districts will pay $2 to $3 per student to set it up and thousands per year to maintain. Much district I.T. expertise is needed. Larger districts may need one or more full time staff to maintain an SMS. All certified staff require an explanation expectation posting all assignments and assessment data before end of the school day. Staff are busy but the program will not work without prompt data entry of all pending and assessed work. Publicizing the service, securely providing log n credentials and instructing parents how to use the web site. Moodle Course Management System http://moodle.org/ A Free Phoenix.edu CMS Phoenix constituents are well aware of the benefits of a Course Management System like Phoenix.edu. Most of those resources and more are available without licensing costs to schools. Moodle provides learning communities based on Social Constructivist theories. Features Phoenix.edu like Forums, Chat, online Quizzes, lesson delivery, RSS push, Course Calendar and Wiki publishing services. The site should also contain daily lesson plans, curriculum and assignment information. Students may collaborate directly with peers through chat and forums, review lessons, reference assignment details, turn in work and take quizzes online. A database provides Materials that teachers present in class should also be published online. Once a course is set up it may be reused and modified year after year. While some students have well organized binders for each class with all assignment information, calendar, worksheets and notes. Some do not. Students need to be Moodle provides trained in online Course Management conduct and how to services that serve as use a Forum, take an an online, well online quiz, chat, turn organized binder for all in assignments in the necessary course proper format and have material. Internet access away from school. Like Phoenix.edu, everything a student needs for each course they are enrolled in is accessible online. Teacher’s must assume responsibility to publish all course material they use. Lesson plans should be uploaded as well as any content needed to complete assignments at home. Student log in and find all assignments, due dates and whatever material they need to complete an assignment. Complies with the SCORM online course standard that can import and export courses in a standardized format. Requires one knowledgeable I.T. person familiar with servers to set up the system. Requires student email accounts to receive daily synopsis of school work and due dates among other things. Each teacher is given a log in and is responsible for taking online training in using Moodle and placing classroom content online along with assignment dates and materials that may be needed. direct access to files, links and images of course content. Wikis provide easy, quick web page creation and publishing so students may access course material at any time. Reflection Effective middle school teachers have the following characteristics: empathy, flexibility, and perseverance. First, middle school teachers need to have empathy in order to understand individual learning needs. By having sensitivity, teachers will be able to connect with each student and know his/her needs. Consequently, the teacher will be able to differentiate instruction based on his/her students’ readiness and interests. Secondly, middle school teachers must be flexible. New technology is emerging every day and technology is rapidly changing based on societal needs. In order for a middle school teacher to be strong, he/she must be flexible and willing to adapt to what students are using in their social and emotional lives. In doing so, the teacher will be able to engage his/her students by bringing in what students are using at home. For instance, if students are using Facebook and enjoy perusing Facebook, then the teacher could set up a site, like Schoology, because it is set up like Facebook, but for instructional purposes. Students can create a Facebook page for a character they are reading about or a historical figure. This will allow students to see connections from the classroom to the real world using a system they enjoy. Lastly, a teacher must have perseverance, which ties in with flexibility because sometimes technology is going to fail, or it is going to take time to learn how to use the technology. However, if a teacher understands that teaching is a learning process and we are going to be students at times, the teacher will be stronger. Teachers must continue with the technology, no matter how frustrating it may be; in doing so, teachers will be able to use systems that will engage the students. For instance, the Turning Key clickers tend to fail or lose data; however, if the teacher perseveres through the technological problems, this technology will be a helpful resource to gather information to assist in instructional planning. In having empathy, flexibility, and perseverance, the teacher will strengthen his/her practice and create lessons that are developmentally appropriate and engaging for all types of learners (Manning and Bucher, 2012). Effective middle school teachers also need to have an open mind to new ideas. Some teachers that have been teaching for a long time might be rooted in their curriculum. This is great because they know exactly what their students need, but if they are not willing to try new things they may never know other ways of teaching that can be even more beneficial to the students. Being open to learning new things is also beneficial because students today are so technologically plugged in. Teachers that understand student use of technology will not only empathize with their students more, but also be able to use it as an applicable resource in the classroom. Bill Kampmeyer writes that “If your only tool is a hammer then every problem you face will look like a nail” (Bill Kampmeyer, 2012). If teachers are able to adapt to new technology and arm themselves with a whole arsenal of “tools”, then the problems that they may come across can be dealt with in a more meaningful way.