What Can POS Do? - Bars and Stripes Bar Code Software

What Can POS Do for you?
Workforce Training
by W. Mike Tyler
POS: Types of POS
General Retail
Auto Sound
Auto Repair
Book Stores
Fast Food
Food Stores
Gift Shops
Liquor Store
Music Store
Pet Store
Video Store
POS: Features
POS: Basic Functionality
Employee Check-in / Check-out
Inventory Control
Barcode label design/printing
Pricing levels
Sales tax calculations
Ordering and receiving
Suspend/resume transaction
Networking / Security
Basic Cash Register functionality
POS: Check-in / Check-out
Basic security
Sales tracking by employee
Monitor/control employee theft
Integrates with payroll (some POS)
Tips / Gratuities
POS: Inventory Control
Maintains sales, costs of goods and inventory ledgers
Inventory depletion based on sales
Inventory usage forecast capability
Inventory depletion details report
Create, review, & edit purchase orders
Track historical inventory purchase
Create barcode labels from inventory
Inventory shopping list triggered by inventory level falling
below pre-defined threshold
POS: Label Design and Printing
Print labels based on inventory
Supports label printers and PC printers
Use stock label paper (Avery)
Item: 280
Widget $12.95
shameless plug: www.barsnstripes.com
POS: Price Levels
Normal List price
Multiple sales prices
Employee price discount
Volume discount pricing
Good customer pricing
Price options presented based upon current cashier
POS: Sales Tax Calculations
Taxable / Non-taxable items
Tax tables (some automatically updated)
Hotel / Motel State/Federal Room taxes
Resort tax?
POS: Ordering and Receiving
Create purchase orders / track status
Receive products to inventory
Reduce over/under stocking
Consider Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
POS: Invoicing
Invoice aging allows the option of charging interest or "late charge"
on over due invoices
The credit limit function specifies the maximum purchasing limit for
an account
Contract pricing for different customers
Invoice printing and billing cycles
Creating quotations without affecting inventory, customer account, or
POS: Suspend/Resume Transactions
The ability to manage multiple customers
Check on stock
Waiting for item
Left purse in car
POS: Networking
For larger stores with multiple registers
For multiple stores
Connect to accounting computer in back office
POS: Industry-Specific Functionality
A POS solution for any business
Restaurant / Pizzeria / Fast food
Liquor store
Pet Store
Artisan Business
Bar / Lounge
General Retail
Movie Theatre
POS: Seating
Design seating layout
Assign wait staff to tables
Monitor how long a party has
Occupied a table
Been served
Monitor employee efficiency
POS: Kitchen Displays
Tells kitchen staff what to prepare
Multiple language support
Combination of hardware / networking / software
POS: Telephone Orders / Takeout
Interface with Caller ID
GPS for delivery status
GIS maps for drivers
Good customer prompts
Hi Mr. Smith. Do you
want the usual
toppings on that pizza
POS: Pizza Building
POS: Menu Building
Ingredients database: StarChef
POS: Menu Builder
Menu Item: StarChef
POS: Gift Certificates
Issue, track, and redeem gift certificates
Ensure that the redeeming gift certificate is
Centralized gift certificate processing via
POS: Gift Cards
Swiping it through the card
swipe activates the card.
The cashier enters the
amount to add to the card
Consumers can use the
card like cash.
The cashier swipes the card
through the terminal and
enters the sale amount.
Card balance is adjusted on
POS: Customer Loyalty Program
Repeat customer
Personalize transactions
Name on receipt
Christmas Card List
POS: House Accounts
Run up a tab for each of your regular
keeping track of what they’ve purchased
and when they purchased it.
A House Account is considered a payment
POS: Bad Check File
prevent recurring bad checks
Verify bad check by:
account number
driver license number
telephone number.
possibility of collection at the
next sale.
POS: Security Camera Integration
POS: Warranty Tracking
Since your POS system
knows when an item was
purchased and who
purchased it, it can also store
warranty information.
POS: Serialized Inventory
Capture serial number
data at time of sale.
Track warranty, returns,
repair operations, etc.
Flag when warranty has
Great opportunity to sell
warranty options
Kit Inventory Items
3 for $10.00
Buy Item A get Item B for half
Combo deal: Item A, B and C for
less than their sum
Prices set in back office, price
levels generated automatically
at POS
POS Smart enough to recognize
POS: Layaways
Payment history, balance and payment date
Flagged as held inventory
Special orders can be created for out-of-stock
merchandise or special orders
Overdue layaways and special orders are
tracked and reported
POS: Currency Converter
Canadian$ to US$
Different price levels to offset currency fluctuations
POS: Credit Card Authorization
CPOS replaces familiar terminal with swipe,
computer, and software.
POS: Credit Card Authorization
Many POS software products use 3rd party
software to do CC Authorization
 Modem
 Internet **
3rd Party Software
 PC Charge™**
 PC Authorize™
 XCharge™
 Web Authorize™**
 IntelliCharge™ **
 IC Verify™
POS: eCommerce Integration
If you operate a web
store in addition to your
brick and mortar store,
you probably want to
use the same Merchant
account for both.
CC Authorize software
Online payment gateway
Merchant account
POS: eCommerce
Acquiring Bank
 Acquiring Bank provides Internet Merchant Accounts
Credit Card Association
 A financial institution that provides credit card services
Customer Issuing Bank
 A financial institution, such as a bank, that provides your
customer with a payment instrument
Internet Merchant Account
 A special account with an Acquiring Bank that allows the
merchant to accept credit cards over the Internet
Payment Gateway
 A service that provides connectivity among merchants, customers
and financial networks to process authorizations and payments
 A large data center that processes credit card transactions and
settles funds to merchants.
POS: eCommerce
Customer decides to make a
purchase on the Merchant's
Web site, proceeds to check-out
and inputs credit card
The Merchant's Web site receives
customer information and sends
transaction information to the
Payment Gateway
The Payment Gateway routes
information to the Processor
The Processor sends information
to the Issuing Bank of the
Customer's credit card.
The Issuing Bank sends
transaction result (authorization
or decline) to the Processor
The Processor routes transaction
result to the Payment Gateway
The Payment Gateway passes
result information to the
The Merchant accepts or rejects
transaction and ships goods if
POS: Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - a set of
standards used by many companies to automate
transactions between those companies. Electronic
Purchase Orders, Invoices, etc. are generally
formatted according to EDI specification and
wrapped in an "EDI electronic envelope" when
exchanged. This allows suppliers and retailers to
write a single common interface rather than have a
custom interface with every customer or supplier
they do business with.
POS: Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
Back-office software
Integration with POS
3rd Party service companies (www.altova.com)
XML / Schema’s
POS: Reports
POS allows comprehensive business reports
Not just Z-out
Transactions reports
Account reports
Inventory reports
Purchasing reports
Employee reports
Sales reports
POS: Reports: Transactions / Sales
Back Order Report
Sales Commissions Report
Drawer Reconciliation
Exceptions Report
Itemized Listing
Register Recap
Sales Tax Report
Transaction Summary Report
Sales Analysis Report
Sales History Report
POS: Reports: Account
Customer Listing
POS-index listing
Customer Detail Report
POS Index-detail
Account Aging
A/R Statements
Mailing Labels
Vendor Detail Report
Vendor Listing
Accounts Payable Reports
POS: Reports: Inventory
Alert Report
Bonus and Commissions Report
Cross Reference Listing
Detail Report
Inventory Evaluation Report
Inventory History Report
Inventory Status Report
On Order Report
Reconciliation Report
Pricing Labels
Price Listing
Stock Levels Report
POS: Reports: Purchasing
Detail Reports
Purchase Orders
Outstanding Orders
POS: Reports: Employee
Commission Report
Register Reports
Sales by employee
POS: Summary
A vertical POS software product is often
written by retailers for retailers who are in a
specific industry.
Not all POS have these all of these functions
Not all POS functions are listed here
Not all POS do the functions they do have
Some POS are easier to use than others