The End of World War II

The End of World War II
Hitler’s Downfall
Allied soldiers
surrounded Berlin
Adolf Hitler committed
Before his death, he
ordered his supporters
and generals to commit
suicide as well
Himmler: Head of the
Concentration Camps
Goebbels: Minister of
Heinrich Himmler
Hitler often referred to him as “the loyal
In the last month of the war, he
attempted to negotiate peace with the
Allies behind Hitler’s back
He claimed that Hitler would be “dead in two days”
Shortly before Hitler committed suicide,
he ordered Himmler’s death for his
Joseph Goebbels
Hitler appointed him the new leader of Germany
Nine days after becoming dictator, he
“The Führer has given orders for me, in case of
a breakdown of defense of the Capital of the
Reich, to leave Berlin and to participate as a
leading member in a government appointed by
him. For the first time in my life, I must
categorically refuse to obey a command of the
Unconditional Surrender
May 9, 1945: Germany surrendered
August 15, 1945: Japan surrendered
Death Toll
China: 20 million
Germany: 7 million
Japan: 2.6 million
Poland: 5.6 million
Soviet Union: 23.1 million
United States: 418,000
Total of all countries: 72 million
The Nuremburg Trials
The Nuremberg Trials: 24 Germans
were accused of war crimes and crimes
against humanity
• 12 were sentenced to execution
• 4 were sentenced to10-20 years in prison
• 3 were sentenced with life in prison
• 3 were acquitted of all charges
• 2 committed suicide prior to trial
The Nuremberg Trials
“These prisoners are living symbols of
racial hatreds, of terrorism and violence,
and of the arrogance and cruelty of
Creation of the United Nations
The United Nations
consisted of
representatives from
50 nations and
served the purpose
of keeping world
Dividing Germany
Allies split Germany
• France
• Great Britain
• Soviet Union
• United States
• *Poland
With the rising power of the Soviet Union,
Communism began to spread
The United States’ opposition to
Communism fueled what would become
the Cold War
The Cold War: A nonviolent conflict
between the Soviet Union and the United
States that lasted 44 years and resulted in
the Soviet Union’s collapse