Professorial and Senior Manager Vacancy Request Form (VRF-PSM) SECTION 1 Completed by the Head of Department Date Post Title: Department: Section (if applicable): If the appointment is jointly made with another Department, please state the other Department and Section Department: Section (if applicable): Departmental contact name: e-mail Tel. Alternative contact name: e-mail Tel. Anticipated start date: New Post or Replacement post If a replacement post, who is it replacing? (Forename, Surname) Does this post require: Pre-employment checks? (e.g. General Medical Council registration) CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check? (unsupervised contact with under 18 year olds or vulnerable adults) Source of funding: (Dept, research grant name,HEFCE etc) Cost code: Grading and Salary range Grade/expected Prof band: Salary (Full Time Equivalent): £ FTE: Type of contract: Open Duration (if fixed term): Fixed Term Months SECTION 2: Departmental Justification Completed by the Head of Department (articulate how this proposal fits with the medium to longer-term academic and financial strategy of the Department) a) Please provide details justifying the appointment: b) Please provide details of research groupings and distribution of existing Chairs: (Chair appointments only): Research Group Existing Chairs Next step: Forward to the Departmental Management Accountant for commentary SECTION 3: Financial Commentary Completed by Departmental Management Accountant Date Comments: Approved Grade: Advertised Salary: Spine Point Range: Cost of Post (incl on-costs)[not required for R codes] £ Next step: Management Accountant to forward to Director of Corporate Planning for comment Date SECTION 4: Academic Planning commentary Completed by Director of Corporate Planning (in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Academic Co-ordinator. This confirms that the proposal accords with the signed off medium-term plan and the long-term strategy for the Department) Comments: Next Step: Forward to the Vice-Chancellor for comment and approval SECTION 5: Vice-Chancellor Approval Completed by the Vice Chancellor Comments: Vice-Chancellor Authorisation: Date: Next step: Forward to HR Services to commence recruitment SECTION 6: To be completed by HR Services HR Services Check Current Post Holder end date (if applicable): HERA Role ref: HERA Grade indicated: The HERA role is that held by the previous postholder, or the role reference agreed with the Rewards Team for a new post. If the HERA grade indicated is different from the recruitment grade in Section 1, query with the Recruiting Manager SECTION 6: Health Aspects of the Post (see next full page) Completed by the Head of Department The section on the next page identifies the health aspects of the post. It will form the first page of the Health Questionnaire sent to the successful applicant as part of the Offer of Appointment pack. 2 Health screening requirements SECTION 1 This is to be completed by the Recruitment Manager as part of a vacancy request form procedure. Completion is essential to ensure notification of health screening and health surveillance requirements of the post to Occupational Health. POST DETAILS Post title Click here to enter text. Department / section Click here to enter text. Start date Click here to enter a date. Hours of work Click here to enter text. RECRUITMENT MANAGER / SUPERVISOR DETAILS Name Click here to enter text. Telephone Number Click here to enter text. Email Click here to enter text. HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE If any checks are made in this section a full health questionnaire will be issued to the employee in addition to the health declaration form Does the post belong to any of the following categories? Please check all that apply. ☐ Night worker / regular shift worker ☐ Driving University vehicles ☐ Food handler or regular work in areas where food handling occurs ☐ Maintenance staff, including electricians, joiners or plumbers ☐ Technical, academic, research or teaching staff working in labs or workshops ☐ Campus services cleaning and porter staff ☐ Nursery staff ☐ Gardeners / grounds staff Any other role considered to be safety critical or where more detailed health screening is requested? Click here to enter text. 3 HEALTH SURVEILLANCE Health surveillance allows for early identification of ill health and helps identify any corrective action needed. It may be required if the employee is exposed to noise or vibration, solvents, fumes, dusts, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health. Health surveillance provision is subject to Departmental risk assessment and should be notified to Occupational Health. Does the post involve or require any of the following? Please answer all that apply. ☐ Work with animals including insects ☐ Work with human blood or tissue ☐ Hearing tests for work with noise (80dba-8hrs twa) ☐ Hand arm vibration surveillance for regular work with vibrating equipment ☐ Work with Artemesia, biomass or other plant material requiring respiratory surveillance ☐ Hazardous chemicals or biological agents requiring regular surveillance eg blood tests for work with Schistosoma ☐ Other hazards where a health record requirement is identified Other work where health surveillance or a medical appointment is requested - please specify Click here to enter text. Managers should ensure that appointments are attended before the activity commences or as soon as possible (no later than four weeks) JOB REQUIREMENTS Please also indicate any of the following other aspects of the job which apply and/or answer below. ☐ Managerial responsibilities for people / systems ☐ Regular VDU / computer use ☐ Lone working ☐ Work outdoors ☐ Work at heights ☐ Work in confined spaces ☐ Regular manual handling / lifting ☐ Electrical hazards ☐ Travel abroad ☐ Other chemical hazards eg cleaning agents ☐ Latex ☐ Ionising radiation ☐ Lasers Any other hazards not already list above, specify below: Click here to enter text. 4