Summary of ARM Research: Results, Issues, Future Work Kate Tsui UMass Lowell January 8, 2006 Summary of Work Programming the ARM Accomplishments Challenges Future Work Programming the ARM Control Modes Receiving and Sending Packets Structure of Communication Packet Control Modes Manual and Transparent Control Modes Both are capable of Joint Movement and Cartesian Movement. Joint Movement - One of six joints move at a given time. Cartesian Movement Wrist moves linearly in 3D space; joints may move simultaneously. Control Modes: Manual Control The maximum velocity is 9 cm/s. Using Cartesian Movement, the ARM can only move linearly in X, Y, or Z. Math processor handles safety checking, Cartesian coordinate transform checking, and calculation of necessary motor torques for velocity inputs. Control Modes: Transparent Mode The maximum velocity is 25 cm/s. Using Cartesian Movement, the ARM can simultaneously move in X, Y, and Z. Math processor is bypassed; safety check is not done. Communication: Receiving and Sending Packets Communication thread is spawned during program initialization. Based on single producer, single consumer donut factory problem. Incoming packets from the ARM are stored in reader 10,000 slot semaphore. Outgoing packets to the ARM are stored in writer 10,000 slot semaphore. Communication: Receiving and Sending Packets ARM sends packet to PC every 20 ms (hardware limitation). 3 types of incoming packets. ID = 0x350, 0x360, 0x37F QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. General Communication Packet QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Cartesian Mode Packet Interpretation QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Cartesian Mode Packet Transmission Velocity: p/(20 * 10-3) mm/s QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Accomplishments Design of initial interface Demo at Robotics: Science and Systems 2006 Conference Workshop on Manipulation for Human Environments User Testing Paper presentation (forthcoming) at AAAI-07 Spring Symposium Series Workshop on Multidisciplinary Collaboration for Socially Assistive Robotics Interface Design QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Interface is compatible with single switch scanning. Left: Original image is quartered. Quadrant containing the desired object is selected. Middle: Selection is repeated a second time. Right: Desired object is in 1/16th close-up view. Demo QuickTime™ and a H.264 decompressor are needed to see this picture. User Testing: Hypotheses H1: Users will prefer a visual interface to a menu based system. H2: With greater levels of autonomy, less user input is necessary for control. H3: It should be faster to move to the target in computer control than in manual control. User Testing: Experiment Participants 12 participants (10 male, 2 female) Age: [18, 52] 67% technologically capable Computer usage per week (including job related): 67% 20+ hours; 25% 10 to 20 hours; 8% 3 to 10 hours 1/3 had prior robot experience: 1 industry; 2 university course; 1 “toy” robots User Testing: Experiment Methodology Two tested conditions: manual and computer control. Input device was single switch for both controls. Each user performed 6 runs (3 manual, 3 computer). Start control was randomized and alternated. 6 targets were randomly chosen. User Testing: Experiment Methodology Neither fine control nor depth existed in implementation of computer control during user testing. In manual control, users were instructed to move the opened gripper “sufficiently close” to the target. User Testing: Experiment Methodology Manual Control Procedure, using single switch and single switch menu: Unfold ARM. Using Cartesian movement, maneuver opened gripper “sufficiently close” to target. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. User Testing: Experiment Methodology Computer Control Procedure: Turn on ARM. Select image using single switch. Select major quadrant using single switch. Select minor quadrant using single switch. Color calibrate using single switch. User Testing: Results H1: Users will prefer a visual interface to a menu based system. 83% stated preference for manual control in exit interviews. Likert scale rate of manual and computer control (1 to 5) showed no significant difference in user experience preference. H1 was not proven. Why? Color calibration User Testing: Results H2: With greater levels of autonomy, less user input is necessary for control. In manual control, counted the number of clicks executed by users during runs, divide by run time. This yields average clicks per second. In computer control, the number of clicks is fixed. H2 was confirmed. User Testing: Results H3: It should be faster to move to the target in computer control than in manual control. Distance to time ratio: moving distance X takes Y time. Under computer control, ARM moved farther in less time. H3 was confirmed. Challenges Vision system Shoulder camera Gripper camera Evolution of UML Vision System: Shoulder Camera Evolution of UML Vision System: Gripper Camera QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Unc ompressed) decompres sor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Current UML Vision System Shoulder (occupant’s view) camera is a Canon VC-C50i Pan-Tilt-Zoom. Specifications (NTSC): 340,000 pixels 460 horizontal lines, 350 vertical lines 2:1 interlaced 26x digital zoom Focal length: [3.5, 91.0] mm Current UML Vision System Gripper camera is CCD Snake Camera. Specifications (NTSC): 1/4” color CCD 510 x 492 pixels 350 vertical lines 2:1 interlaced Focal length: 3.1 mm Processor board located 30 cm from CCD. Gripper Camera Placement Our choice was to place camera within gripper. Camera is inline with axis. Gripper Camera Concerns Wired: Wires impede movement of ARM. Wireless: Image quality. Placement not within gripper: Not within axis of movement. Accidental knocking off of camera. Folded position. QuickTime™ and a H.264 decompressor are needed to see this picture. Current/Future Work Integration of ARM with power wheelchair Depth extraction (image registration, motion filter, optical flow) Occlusion User interface Initial testing at Crotched Mountain