Pronoun hunt


Pronoun hunt

Let us now examine your Hamlet essay.


 On the SAT writing sections, there are more problems involving pronoun mistakes than any other grammar issue.

 Pronoun – a word used to replace a noun.

Circle all your pronouns.

Personal pronouns:

I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us, them

Demonstrative pronouns:

This, that, these, those

Possessive pronouns: my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs

Interrogatory pronouns:

Who, whom, whose

One, someone, anyone

Thing, something, anything, everything

Eliminate all



and 2


person pronouns.

 I believe that Janie’s relationship with Tea Cake is realistic because it is complex.

 You realize that Tea Cake and Janie have a relationship that is both complex and realistic.



Do not use the 2 nd person pronoun you.

It’s vague & general. You want to be clear & specific.

It’s a writer’s trap. Once you’ve used it once, you will probably get stuck into repeating it several times over the next few sentences.

Suggested replacement: one, readers

Fix unclear pronouns

 Willy and Biff both have dreams for the future, but his dreams are more realistic. In the greatest country in the world, a true land of opportunity, he cannot find success.

 Often on the SATs

 Check – replace with the name to avoid any possible confusion.

Look for a pronoun shift

 When someone reads Death of a Salesman for the first time,

they can easily get confused when Willy has a flashback.

 Often on SATs

 One  you or one  they = mistake. Stick with one thru your entire sentence.


is unclear

This causes a great deal of tension between Willy and Biff.

 This moment? This problem? This pen? This failure? This inability to remain grounded in the present? This football game? This unreasonable expectation? This infidelity?

 Avoid starting a sentence with This ________.

 This is often on the SATs.

No apostrophes!

 NEVER use apostrophes with possessive pronouns!

Who’s = who is. Who’s there?

Whose = possession. Whose pen is this?

It’s = it is. It’s Bill Oliver’s pen.

Its = possession. The play’s structure is dictated by its content.

They’re = they are. They’re a dysfunctional family.

Their = possession. Their home is in Brooklyn.

Your’s = a mistake. This does not exist in English.

Get rid of this thing.

Thing is one of my pet peeves. It’s vague. I hate all forms of this word (except nothing. I like nothing because, in the words of Macbeth, “Nothing is, but what is not.”)

 Eliminate thing, something, anything, everything.

 Replace with a noun, the more specific, precise, & concrete the better.

Find your quote(s)

 The prompt required you to use language from the play to support your position. Find the quote(s) you used.

 Avoid “floating quotes”!

Did you provide a just enough context? Will the reader of the essay understand how this quote fits into the story? Do you need to explain to whom the speaker is talking ? Or the subject they’re talking about?

Do you provide at least a sentence or two or analysis? Explain the significance of this quote. Why is it important? How does it help to illustrate your point?
