RQ’s Ch. 26 part 3 pp. 612-625 and v.v. Visuals 1 Picture 612, Giant harvester…which state? 2 Picture 615, Nebraska homesteaders…what type of house? 3 Poster 615, *****impt, title, in the caption they reference a speech “Cross of Gold” who – quote…about cities and farms copy… 4 Picture 616, Who? Nickname? 5 Picture 617, Protest group on its way to DC protesting during depression of 1893…Name of Group? 6 bbox 618, Painting 618, What Strike? Who led Union? What future political party does he lead, from jail? 7 Picture 621, PC 621, Populist and Democratic parties candidate for Pres. Who? Symbol? 8 Gimcracks 622, candidates and parties? Which election? The Farm becomes a Factory What system are the Farmers during the Gilded Age quickly being drawn into? Why is depending on a single crop dangerous for the farmer? 9 1st Mail Order catalog..what company? When? 10 What dramatically affects how Farmers farm? What are two examples of Machines Farmers use? 11 How does the investment in costly machinery affect the farmer? What two groups do farmers blame often for their troubles? 12 The mechanization of Agriculture led to miracles of production and labeled America as…? 13 Bonanza Farms? Where? Size? 14 Size of California Farms was due to what two (2) influences? What does this foreshadow for the future? Deflation Dooms the Debtor 15 Reliance on what…caused problems for farmers? 16 What happened to the prices of agricultural products in the 1880’s and 1890’s? 17 How were the prices of Agricultural Products determined? 18 What were the 2 chief concerns of frustrated farmers? How does this affect their ability to pay back loans? 19 Whom does the Deflationary policy benefit? Does the amount of Currency in circulation increase or decrease and does this lead to inflation or Deflation? What does the Farmer do to attempt to pay back loans….but ends up decreasing prices even more? 20 How many Nebraska farmers had mortgages by 1890? Interest rates? To Whom did Farmers feel they were at the mercies of? 21 Farm Tenancy? By 1880? Unhappy Farmers Poster 615**** Quote from “Cross of Gold Speech?”*******GET A BOOK AND STUDY THIS POSTER******IT IS IMPORTANT*********** 22 Mother Nature- environmental problems? “In God we Trusted…(finish quote)? Taxes? 23 What fraction of the Population were farmers by 1890? 24 Why were farmers so disorganized? The Farmers Take Their Stand What Political Party emerges just after the Civil War, from 1868 until 1878 that farmers support? What did this party want to accomplish specifically concerning the economy? How many members of this party are elected to Congress, showing a growing concern building in the nation for this issue? 25 THE GRANGE**** ? leader & when founded? 1st objective, 2nd objective, 3rd objective -Grange laws? 26 Munn v. Illinois SC decision? Wabash SC decision 1886? What happened to the Grange after the Wabash decision? [remember the Congress attempts to pacify the famers by passing the Interstate Commerce Act –which creates the Interstate Commerce Commission to Regulate RR’s in the interests of the people after the Wabash case…although it was controlled by RR’s initially and ineffective**********] Prelude to Populism 27 FARMER’S ALLIANCE**** founded where & when? Purpose INITIAILLY AND AFTER GROWING DISCONENT? Spread TO WHERE… 1880’s? Weaknesses? CFNA, by 1890? WHAT FRACTION OF FARMERS IN THE SOUTH WERE BLACK? PROBLEM HISTORICALLY IN SOUTH? 28 Which political party originates in the Farmer’s Alliance? 29 Omaha/Ocala Platform (523) …What do Populists want to accomplish/change -[This is called the Ocala Platform or the Omaha Platform}? (4 IDEAS HERE BUT MORE ON P. 523 OR AT THE END OF CH 23 PART 2 NOTES********THESE ARE VERY IMPT….BUT NOTE HERE THE “SUB-TREASURY PLAN”? 30 WILLIAM HOPE HARVEY’S- Coin’s Financial School? 31 Mary Lease, nickname & QUOTE***? 32 Results of 1892 election for Populists ON A NATIONAL AND STATE LEVEL? NAME OF POPULIST PRESEDENTIAL CANDIDATE? 33 *****Hope of Populist alliance for future? FROM THE WIZARD OF OZ…WHAT TWO CHARACTERS REPRESENT THE FARMER AND INDUSTRIAL WORKER? [IN THE NEXT SECTION OF NOTES } Coxey’s Army and Pullman Strike 34 What event (1893) CAUSES MORE PROBLESMS AND DEEPENS THEIR RESOLVE TO MAKE CHANGE? WHAT TWO GROUPS HOPE TO TEAM UP TO DEFEAT THE CAPITALIST ROBBER BARONS? NOTE: CLASS WARS IN AMERICAN HISTORY ARE RARELY SUCCESSFUL….THE RICH HAVE A WAY OF SPLITTING THE LOWER CLASSES BASED ON SOCIAL ISSUES…RACISM, RELIGION, ETC…AND GETTING SOME OF THE LOWER CLASSES TO SUPPORT THEM…INTERESTING TO WATCH AS WE CONTINUE TO STUDY …AND OF COURSE IT TAKES $$$ TO CAMPAIGN FOR OFFICE.. 35 Coxey’s Army- WHAT IS ATTEMPTED…1ST TIME IN AMERICAN HISTORY FOR POPULAR PROTEST? WHAT DID THEY WANT THE GOVT TO DO FOR THE MASSES OF UNEMPLOYED, REMEMBER AT THIS TIME THERE IS NO “SAFETY NET” (WELFARE, ETC…)? What happens in DC…ARE THEY SUCCESSFUL IN GETTING 500,000 MARCHERS? ARRESTED FOR WHAT? 36 Pullman Strike 1894, WHERE & why strike? NAME OF Union & Leader? Does the AF of L strike too? 37 ATTORNEY GENERAL-Richard Olney/US Gov’t actions (2) to stop strike? Pres. Cleveland (remember his quote, “It is the peoples job to support the government, not the government’s job t support the people.”) …..what is his quote about the Pullman strike and use of US TROOPS? 38 What happens to strike? 39 WHAT HAPPENS TO Eugene V. Debs? QUOTE FROM DEBS WHILE IN JAIL? WHY WERE PEOPLE UPSET WITH THE GOVT? WHAT DOES THE INJUNCTION PROVE ABOUT AN ALLIANCE….BETWEEN WHAT TO GROUPS…FOR WHAT PURPOSE? Golden McKinley and Silver Bryan 40 WHAT FEARS AND HOPES ARE MENTIONED BY TWO GROUPS HEADING INTO THE Election of 1896? 41 Which issue AND WHO WANTED WHAT, SPECIFICALLY … is foremost in 1896 election? 42 Elec. 1896-candidates & parties? Marcus Hanna’s role - & character In Wizard of OZ? 43 “Trickle Down Theory” {What according to the wealthy “trickles down?” [You will see this idea consistently in the 20th century….really even today…for example when NC 2 years ago cut income taxes for just the top 20% of Income…they said to “create jobs???” 44 Democrats –“New Moses”…from where & how old? Who receives BOTH THE POPULIST AND DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT IN 1896? Notice: Traditionally in American History when a 3rd party, like populists, have an idea that is popular, like “Free Silver,” One of the Two major parties, Republicans or Democrats, will ALSO SUPPORT THIS POPULAR ISSUE, or “take it,” from the 3rd party….the effect of this is that the 3rd party is usually absorbed into one of the two major parties…and ceases to exist after… some last longer some are gone immediately. “Cross of Gold Speech” – Who & idea? 45 “Gold Bugs- why leave the democratic party? 46 Fusion***** in the North? Fusion In Va. and NC…NOTE: [leads to Wilmington Massacre in 1898] due to Blacks and Whites combining to take power….WHITE SUPREMACISTS GO ON A MASSIVE CAMPAIGN AFTER THIS ELECTION TO REGAIN POWER….REALLY THE LAST TIME BLACKS SHOW ANY POLITICAL POWER IN THE SOUTH UNTIL AFTER THE MODERN CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT 70 YEARS LATER… GREAT EXTRA CREDIT RESEARCH, LOTS OF PC’S THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND Class Conflict: Plowholders v. Bondholders 47 William Jennings Bryan- speeches? “Free Silver”, Gold Bugs? 48 Hanna’s slush fund, War Chest? 49 McKinley’s campaign slogan? 50 Factory Owner’s warning & actions? FEAR of what? Contest really between what two ideas? 51 Results of Election of 1896 -Elec. College? Pop. Vote? WHAT ALLIANCE DOES NOT OCCUR AND THUS DOOMS THE POPULIST AND DEMOCRATIC CAUSE? 52 Why is elec. Of 1896 so significant? 53 New Era in American Politics, 4th Party system [Asterisk at bottom of page… explain? 54 Elec. 1896 a resounding victory for whom? Future? Change in politics? Republican Stand-Pattism Enthroned 55 Business and Trusts benefit, How? 56 Dingley Tariff, 1897 –Amendments -rates? 57 Prosperity? 58 Gold Standard Act of 1900 -Inflation? New Gold Deposits? Varying Viewpoints 59 What essay is so significant? Written by whom &When? 60 His Argument? Transformation? New Forces is a question, explain? 61 Is Turner’s Thesis adequate? What questionable assumptions? 62 New Western Historians, WHO (3)? What is their perspective of American development, EXPLAIN?