Plot Style Community Gardening in Minnesota

Plot Style Community
Gardening in Minnesota
A preparation guide for new
community gardeners
By Charlene Gruber and Kelsey Sparks
What is a Community Garden
“Any piece of land gardened by a group of
- American Community
Garden Association (ACGA)
“A community garden is any space where plants
are grown and maintained by a community to
meet the needs of the community.”
-Gardening Matters
Types of Community Gardens
Neighborhood community gardens
 Educational
– School gardens
– Job training
Gardens that support food banks or
 Demonstration gardens
 Therapeutic gardens
Finding a Community Garden
Minnesota organizations
– Gardening Matters
– Minnesota State Horticultural Society’s
Minnesota Green program
National organization
– American Community Garden Association
Plot Style Community Gardening
– Limited space
– Close proximity to neighbor plots
– Rules and guidelines
– Pest management
– Theft and vandalism
– Limited resources
– Site permanency
Plot Style Community Gardening
– Neighborhood and community development
– Land access
– Crime prevention
– Cross-cultural connection
– Youth education
– Food production
– Health
Garden Rules and Courtesy
– Learn and follow rules and regulations at your
community garden
– Be courteous to neighbors
– Report neglected plots to the garden coordinator
– Maintain you plot
– Watering, harvesting, or cleaning neighbor plots
– Allowing your plants grow into neighbor plots
– Growing tall plants where they will shade neighbors
Some community gardens have tools to borrow or
storage space
Some common garden tools:
Hand fork
Hand pruner
Garden fork
Wheelbarrow (great to have as a group on site for onsite compost
Water can or hoses depending on your water source
Creating Community
Annual picnic
Share recipes
 Read newsletters and garden postings
 Host events for community members
 Send out press releases to the local newspapers
 Post articles in local town newsletters
 Get schools involved
– Art classes can design a sign
– Have a scarecrow contest and display at the garden
 Ask artists to display work
 Invite organizations to purchase plots
 Look for businesses and organizations willing to donate
Security in the Garden
Know your neighbors
– Ask questions
– Attend meetings
– Accompany visitors
Perimeter fences
– Deters animals
– May prevent intruders
– Vines can soften the look
Personal safety
– Garden during daylight hours
– Keep a cell phone nearby
– Garden in pairs
Soil Test
Ask to see a soil test or test your own plot
 Helps determine fertilizing needs
 Determine soil pH
 Ensure fertile soil for plants and avoid over fertilizing
Soil tests available at University of Minnesota Soil
Testing Laboratory
 Contact your local extension educator
 Call the University Soil Testing Laboratory
 (612) 625-3101
 Visit the Soil Testing Laboratory website
Lead testing can be requested
Soil Composition
Sand, silt, and clay
– Soil texture will affect watering
 Sand will require more watering that other soil
 Clay can be prone to over watering
Organic matter percentage
– Increases pore space in clay soils
– Holds moisture and nutrients in sandy soils
Plant nutrition is essential for optimum yields
 Synthetic fertilizers
– These may not be allowed in your garden plot so
check the rules carefully
Organic fertilizers
– Examples: blood meal, fish emulsion, manures,
composts, cover crops, and green manure crops
– Fresh manure vs. composted manure
Water Management
Understand the watering system for your
– Consider any rules for water use with the
system available
Some offer steady sources while some will
have supply tanks
Water tank at Cambridge Community Garden
Water Management
Mulch helps soil stay evenly moist
 Check garden rules before installing drip
irrigation or other systems
 Avoid overhead watering
 Water early in the day
– Leaves dry quick preventing disease
Selecting Varieties
Most vegetables varieties perform well;
– Avoid:
 Varieties restricted by organization
– Aggressive / invasive varieties
 grow into pathways, neighbor plots
 Tall plants that shade
– Try:
 Unusual varieties less common in stores
 Plants with special interest for children
Challenging Plants
Sweet corn
– Some require isolation to prevent cross pollination
 Affects flavor and kernels
– Example: shrunken supersweet (sh2) types should be 250 ft. from
other sweet corn types or field corn or planted at different times
– Isolation can be difficult without communication between neighbor
Tall plants can shade neighbor plots
– Sunflowers
– Amarathus
– Corn
– Plants on support structures
Challenging Plants
Vine crops (watermelon, muskmelon, cucumbers, squash)
– Do not allow vines to grown into neighbor
plots or rows
– Consider using support structures when
 Beware of shading
– Look for compact “bush” types
Contain Yourself!
Consider compact plant varieties
– Bush varieties of cucumbers, muskmelon,
watermelon, and squash
– Determinate tomato plants
– Compact varieties of vegetables
Lycopersicon esculentum
‘Window Box Roma’
Solanum Melongena
Determinate tomato
Compact eggplant
'Fairy Tale'
Contain Yourself!
Materials designed to contain climbing or tall
– Fences and trellises
 Pole beans, cucumbers, or squash
– Use varieties with fruit under three pounds are best
– Netting
 Use between stakes, on walls, or with structures noted above
– Cages or Stakes
 Tomatoes
– Teepees
 Pole beans
 Cucumbers
Contain Yourself!
Large fruit may need support!
A French Charentais
melon 'Savor‘ on a fence
Cucumis sativaus ‘Olympian’
Cucumber on a teepee
Contain Yourself!
tomato plants
can become
very tall!
Annuals vs. Perennials
Annuals complete their lifecycle in one
– Most vegetables traditionally grown in
Minnesota gardens are annuals
Perennials live for more than two years
– Check rules for your community garden
– May be allowed when returning to same plot
– Utilize containers above or below ground for
aggressive mints, horseradish, etc.
Perennial Edibles
Many small fruits
Fruit trees
Some mints
Containing Perennials
– Utilize containers
– Set containers in garden
– “Plant” container with drain holes
 Keeps roots contained
Know the best date to start each plant
 Consider the last average frost date in
your city as a guideline
Decide what you would like to grown
– Use an existing garden layout
– Create your own layout
Consider plant spacing recommendations
– Use the sample layouts to get started
– Modify as needed
Cool Season Vegetables
These can be seeded directly outside as
soon as the soil is workable
 *Dates are approximate for
Minneapolis/St. Paul
– Adjust for your location
Cool Season Vegetables
April 10*
– Radish
– Peas
April 15*
– Beets
– Carrots
– Lettuce (leaf)
– Spinach
– Turnip
– Onion sets
– Onion transplants
– Onion seeds
– Head lettuce
– Potatoes (Irish)
– Kohlrabi
– Kale
– Collards
– Endive
Cool Season Vegetables
Transplant outdoors April 15th*
– or when soil is workable
Start seed indoors March 1st
 Broccoli
 Brussels sprouts
 Cauliflower
 Lettuce (head)
 Early cabbage
Early May
May 1st
– Seed outdoors
 Swiss chard
 Cucumbers
 Parsnips
May 1st
– Transplant outdoors
 Late cabbage
– Start indoors April 15
May 10th
– Seed outdoors
Squash, summer
Squash, winter
Sweet corn
– Date may vary with
Warm Season Vegetables
May 15th
– Seed outdoors
Beans (snap bush, Pole, Lima, dry shell)
May 15th
– Transplant outdoors
 Tomato (Seed indoors April 1)
 Celery (seed indoors Feb. 15)
June 1st
– Transplant outdoors
 Eggplant (start indoors March 15)
 Okra (start indoors March 15)
 Peppers (start indoors March 15)
Starting Seed Indoors
Commercial seed-starting mixes are
– Vermiculite and peat based
– Sterile
– Soil less
– Lightweight
– Free of weed seed
Starting Seed Indoors
Fill containers with soiless mix
– Moisten prior to filling or water after filling
Plant seed four times as deep as the seeds width
 Label trays
 Cover with thin layer of vermiculite
– Allows light
– Maintains moisture
Determine which varieties need light or dark
conditions to germinate
 Consider heat mats
Use fluorescent lights (cool white)
– Four inches above the seedlings
– Twelve to sixteen hours of light daily
“Harden off” plants from the garden center or
those you have seeded is recommended prior to
 Bring plants outdoors for part of the day to
gradually adjust to wind and temperature
fluctuations for one-two weeks
Chemical Use in the
Community Garden
“A substance or mixture of substances intended to
prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate a pest, and a
substance or mixture of substances intended for
use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.”
Minnesota state law (18B.01 subd. 18)
Definition of Pesticide
Chemical Use in the
Community Garden
Pesticides include:
– Herbicides for weeds
– Insecticides for insects
– Fungicides for fungi
The label is the final authority on how you may
legally use any pesticide
 Read the label carefully and follow all directions
 Many community gardens do not allow
– Check your garden rules and ask questions before
using any products
Weed Management
Weeds in the community garden
– Creates an undesirable appearance
– May develop seeds that blow into neighboring plots
– Compete with vegetables for space, water, and
– Allowing weeds to overgrow may cause you to lose
your plot
Manage weeds in your garden plot so you can
be welcome back to the community garden the
following season
Weed Management
There are various options to manage weeds in
your garden plot
– Mulch
– Hand pulling or hoeing
 These methods may be prohibited in your
– Synthetic herbicides
 Read label carefully if allowed in the garden
– Roto-tilling
Weed Management
– Manages weeds
– Conserves moisture
– Moderates soil temperatures
– Blocks soil splash
– Adds organic matter
Weed Management
Synthetic Mulch
– Plastic sheets
 Effective for blocking weeds, but also block water when drip
irrigation is not used below
 Increases soil temperature for warm season crops
– Landscape fabric
 High cost for a vegetable garden setting
– Ground up tires
 Difficult to remove
These artificial materials do not break down readily
and may not be allowed in your plot garden
Weed Management: Organic Mulch
Organic mulches
– May be a good choice for a community
– Some may need to be removed at the end of
the season
Weed Management: Organic Mulch
Wood chips and pine bark
– May require additional nitrogen since the woodchips
use nitrogen as they break down
– Avoid mixing into the soil at the end of the season
Clean straw
– Weed free straw avoids introducing weed seeds
Grass clippings
– 1-2 inches of dry clippings
– Avoid those from lawns treated with herbicides
Insect Pest
Insect pests can create a gardening challenge,
managing them can require some planning
under a community garden setting
Hand picking
Synthetic insecticides
Organic insecticides
Traps & barriers
Beneficial insects
Insect Pests
Pesticides may be prohibited in your garden
Alternative management methods
– Remove weeds, debris, and spoiled fruit where insects may
– Monitor for insect holes in leaves and hand pick insects as you see
– Utilize barrier methods like floating row covers or Reemay
 Reemay polyester cloth allows 80% light and water in but insects out
 Secure Reemay or row covers over plants early in the season before
insects are active
 Secure with rock or soil to secure the edges so insects can’t slide in
 Varieties that require insect pollination will need to be uncovered at a
specific time
Insect Management
Beneficial insects and organisms can be
effective if planned wisely
 Discuss with coordinator and gardeners
– Beneficial insects may move to other plots
– If other gardeners use insecticides, the
beneficial insects may be affected
Consider beneficial insects species more
likely to stay in a small area
Disease Management
Cultural practices to manage disease
– Sanitation
– Water
 Avoid overhead
 Water early in the day
– Choose resistant plant varieties
– Crop rotation
Refer to University of Minnesota Extension
publications for details on your specific
Do not harvest neighbor plots without
 Consider asking someone to harvest your
plot if you should be out of town
 Share your harvest
– Friends and neighbors
– Food banks
End of the Season
Note cleanup deadlines
 Remove plants and synthetic material
 Attend season end meetings and events
Put the “Community” in your
Community Garden!
Encourage each other to maintain your
plots is important to gain community
 Encourage individual involvement
 Local organization involvement
Plot Style Community
Gardening in Minnesota
A preparation guide for new
community gardeners
By Charlene Gruber and Kelsey Sparks
American Community Garden Association (ACGA). “Ten Tools Every Community Gardener
and Garden Needs” Accessed October, 2009.
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Barrott, Susan. 1999. Mulching the Home Landscape. accessed
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Beckerman, Janna. 2004. Managing Vegetable Diseases of the Home Garden. accessed
December 2009.
Bennett, Kathleen. 2002. Caterpillar Pests of Cole Crops in Home Gardens. accessed December, 2009.
DNR State Climatology Office. Spring Frost Free Dates. accessed December,
Foord, K., and MacKenzie, Jill. 2009. Growing Melons (Cantelope, Watermelon, Honeydew)
in Minnesota Home Gardens. accessed December,
Fritz, V.A. 2009. Planting the Vegetable Garden. University of Minnesota Extension Service. Accessed October,
Gardening Matters. accessed 14 December 2009.
Fritz, V. and Zlesak, D. Starting Seeds Indoors. 2009. University of Minnesota Extension. accessed December,
Gardening Matters. 2007. Twin Cities Community Garden Start-Up Guide. Accessed. November, 2009
Gillman, Jeff. 2008. The Truth About Organic Gardening. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.
Herzfeld, Dean. 2002. Management of Pesticides. Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
fspesticides.aspx Accessed December, 2009.
Kirby, E and Peters, E. 2008 Community Gardening. Brooklyn, NY: All Regions Guides
MacKenzie, Jill. 2009. Trellises and Cages to Support Garden Vegetables. accessed November,
McKelvey, Bill. 2009. Community Gardening Toolkit. MP906. University of Missouri
Meyer, M. 2007. Master Gardener Core Course. University of Minnesota Extension Service. Accessed December, 2009
Minnesota State Horticultural Society (MSHS). accessed 14 December 2009.
Naeve, Linda. 2005. Small Plot Vegetable Gardening. Iowa State University. accessed October, 2009.
Nordin, John. Master Gardener.
Rima, Dana. Isanti County Environmental Coalition.
Rosen, C. 2002. Lead in the Home Garden and Urban Soil Development. FO-02543. University of
Minnesota Extension. .
Rosen, C.J. & Bierman, P.M. Manure as a Nutrient Source for Vegetable Crop Production. 2007.
Rosen, C.J. & Bierman, P.M. Maintaining Soil Fertility in an Organic Fruit and Vegetable Crop
System. 2005. accessed
December, 2009.
Saylor, Kirsten. 2005. Twin Cities Community Garden Sustainability Plan. accessed December, 2009
Saylor, Kirsten. 2007 Community Garden Rules. Gardening Matters. accessed November, 2009
Shannon, Joellen. 2005. “Sowing and Reaping on Borrowed Land: Garden City Harvest’s
Gardens.” City Farmer, Canada’s Office of Urban Agriculture.
Smith, Jackie. Program coordinator for the UMN Extension Master Gardeners in Carver and Scott
Steffenson, Gary. Isanti County Master Gardener Coordinator.
Tong, Cindy. 2009. Growing Sweet Corn in Minnesota Home Gardens. accessed November, 2009.
University of Minnesota Soil Testing Laboratory.
accessed December, 2009
Walser, Ron. 2008. Starting a Community Vegetable Garden. H-246. New Mexico State University
Cooperative Extension Service.
Weisenhorn, Julie. University of Minnesota Master Gardener Director
Zins, M., Wildung, D., Smith, J., Olen. R. 2009 Suggested Vegetable Varieties for Home
Gardeners. WW-01425 University of Minnesota Extension Service. accessed
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