Political Parties Chapter 5 Unit 2 Political Parties Goals & Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Primary purpose of two party system. Nominations, support organization, watchdog agent. Ideological consensus, history and tradition of a two party system. Multiparty and One-party systems 3 eras of one-party dominance and it’s effects. Divided government Minor parties: Ideological, Single-issue, economic protest and splinter parties. Minor parties roles and influence on elections. Political Parties 3rd Party Research 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Research 3rd Party; Research the Republican and Democratic Parties: Platforms on PERSONAL & ECONOMIC issues. Oral Presentation: Must present 3rd party as if “pitching” parties platform. Visual Aid: Poster of Parties: Name, symbol, platform, 4 major reasons to support party. Power-point: List platform, issues, comparison to Democrats or Republicans on specific issues. Conservative or Liberal: Use 4 issues to define the party as being constitutionally conservative or liberal. Constitutional or Communist: Use 4 issues to define the party as being constitutional or communist. Democrats, Republicans, Independents 1. $25.00 is the cost to be either a Democrat or Republican. 2. Do candidates take a part platform test or swear an oath to their party preference? 3. What is an Independent? Are Independents important in the political arena? What is a political party? How are factions and political parties alike and how are they different? Do political parties have internal factions? Explain by using specific examples to support your answer. What is the ultimate goal of both factions and political parties? Factions Within 1. 1. Democrats: Yellow-dogs: Southern Democrats (Dixicrats). Social Conservatives & State Sovereignty Blue-dog Democrats: Northern, Pacific. Social & Economic Liberals. (Socialists, Communists, Fascists, Authoritarians) 2. 1. Republicans: Southern Republicans: Social & Economic Conservatives. Northern Republicans Economic Conservatives and Social Liberals. (Libertarians) Democrats Divided Republicans Divided Political Party Functions Recruiting Candidates: 2. Organize and Run Elections 3. Present alternative policies to the electorate. 4. Operate the government. 5. “Watch-dog” losing party. GOAL: seek control and influence public policy. George Washington’s warning about a divided nation (factions/parties). 1. 2 Party System 1800 establishment of a two-party system. Much less democratic than Europe. A two-party system manages to eliminate competition from the far left or far right. Two moderate parties that James Madison designed in the Constitution. Americas Two Party System. Ballot Access laws 9 Periods of Parties 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1789-1816: Creation of parties 1816-1828: One party rule 1828-1860: Andrew Jackson’s Era 1860-1896: Civil War & Reconstruction 1896-1932: Progressives/Populists 1932-1968: New Deal Period. 1968-1980: The Great Society 1980-2008: New Federalism 2008: “Change” (Blue Dogs) (Blue Dogs) (Republicans) (Yellow Dogs) (Yellow Dogs) (Yellow Dogs) (Republicans) (Yellow Dogs) 4 Major Eras of Party Power 1. 1800-1860: Era of the Democratic-Republicans (Party of Thomas Jefferson; todays Libertarian Party) 1. 1820 Split of the Democratic-Republicans 1. Democrats vs. Whigs (to be Republicans) 2. Who were the Democratic-Republicans? 1. Small farmers, debtors, frontiersman, slaveholders. 3. What caused the split? 1. Second Bank of the U.S., high tariffs, slavery 4. Republican Party formed in 1854 (Anti-slavery) 4 Major Eras of Party Power 2. 1860-1932: Era of Republicans 1. 2. Election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 Who were the Republicans? 1. 3. Business, financial interests, farmers, laborers, freed slaves, gold bugs 1896 Election: Populist Party gains a foothold in the South and Mid-West. 1. 1912: Populist Party Platform adopted by the Democratic Party and move away from sectionalism. 4 Major Eras of Party Power 3. 1932-1968: Era of Populist-Democrats 3. Who were the Populist-Democrats? 3. Southerners, labor unions, graft organizations, small farmers, socialists and communist immigrants, African Americans and other minority groups. 4. Populist-Democratic Platform & Policy. 3. New Deal: Radical change in the role of the federal government 4 Major Eras of Party Power 4. 1968-?: Start of a New Era (Divided government) 1. President Johnson announces not to seek reelection or nomination by the Democratic Party. 2. Democratic Party splits: Governor George Wallace of Alabama starts the American Independent Party (Dixicrats) 3. Richard Nixon (Republican) wins election. 4. The House of Representatives, Senate and the Presidency largely remain divided between party control. Federalists v Anti-Federalists George Washington and Thomas Jefferson’s warnings about factions and party objectives Explain in no less than 3 sentences the meaning of: National Unity & Popular Government Federalists v Anti-Federalists 1. 2. 3. 4. Federalists: John Adams Commercial Interests Merchants. Large Farmers Strong National Government Anti-Federalists: 1. 2. 3. 4. Thomas Jefferson Small Farmers. Small Business. Artisans. States Rights The Era of Good Feelings 1800-1825: Republicans opposed the Federalists strong more active central government. Republicans controlled government in Congress and Executive branches. “Era of Personal Politics” like Baldwin County, Alabama today. Democrats and Whigs • 1824: Return of 2 party system: 1824 election of John Q. Adams split the Republican Party. 1. Adams: “National Republicans” (Whigs): Bigger federal government 2. Jackson: Democrats: personal liberty and the common man. Civil War Crisis Whig Split • Northern Democrats and • Southern Democrats “a Whigs form the government strong enough to build roads is “Modern” Republican Party a government strong enough to free your slaves” Scalawags and Carpetbaggers End of Jeffersonian Government: small limited government. Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion: Northern Democrats feared a strong government. Republicans and Prohibition, Religious Schools, Moral values in society. Southern Democrats small government and states rights over slavery & property issue. Carpetbaggers after the War Triumph of Republicans Populists in the South and West 1890’s Populists: Wanted cheap money, inflation & income tax. Democrats adopt Populist Platform Republicans: gold standard, protect jobs in America, and low inflation. Laissez-faire Capitalism Progressive Interlude 1900’s: Progressivism in both parties. 1912: Republican Party split into Bull Moose Party under T.Roosevelt 1912: Democratic Progressivism under W. Wilson marked “radical” change in Democratic policies. The New Deal Era 1932: John M. Keynes and Deficit Spending: Fiscal Policy (New) “Taxes and Spending” New Deal: Government Jobs, NIRA, AAA, Social Security, Public Salary Tax Private Sector: Refuses to stimulate the economy Why the “Great Depression”? Free Enterprise is Modified? Explain…. Concept of Limited Government changed by New Deal Policies Divided Government, James Madison’s Warning about factions 1. 2. 3. 4. Vietnam War Civil Rights Movement Race Riots Assassinations: MLK, JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, George Wallace (attempt) Explain the divisions: Race, Economics, Cultural Values Vietnam Conflict & Limited Government Red State/Blue State Explain: Race, Religion, Cities, Rural areas, Education level Why Blue? Why Red? 2012 Election Results by County 2 Major U.S. Parties Today Tweedledee and Twedledum ?????? How different are they really? Make a list. Repubocrats? Explain term. Why the explosion of 3rd parties and explain what limits 3rd parties from being elected to state wide and national positions. Parties Constituents Democrats: Republicans: 1. Least Educated Labor Unions Blacks/Hispanics Cities Northeast West Coast Jews Women Government Employees Single-Parent Families 1. Upper Income Businesspersons Evangelicals Men Rural Areas South Rocky Mountain Great Plains Private Sector labor Two Parent Households 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Economic and Cultural Differences Democrats: 1. Poor 2. Lower Middle 3. Less Religious 4. Diverse Norms or values 1. 2. 3. 4. Republicans: Middle Income Rich or Wealthy Religious Traditional Cultural Norms & Values FDR and the New Deal Factor 1. Social Programs and Government Intervention changed the landscape of the Democratic Party: Social Welfare 2. Govt regulation of business 3. Affirmative Action 4. Social Security/Medicare Republicans Self-Reliance, “pull yourself up by your own bootstraps” Limited Government Regulations and taxes Individual Worth, dignity and freedom Private Property and Free Market prinicples The Big Switch!!! 1960’s: Started The Big Switch – Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, Civil Rights Laws, Affirmative Action, Income Tax, Death Tax, Gift Tax Has the Democratic Party or Republican Party changed party ideology? Or Have party constituents switched parties? Explain Republicans and Tariffs? Democrats and Free Trade? Social Class Warfare? 1. Cultural Politics, Socioeconomic Status: “A working person voting for the Democrats is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders”? Explain. --Economic Conservatism: associated with higher incomes --Social Conservatism: associated with lower-income groups Regional Factor in Cultural Politics 1. 2. 3. 4. Cultural Liberals: ?? San Francisco & Gays Nevada & Casinos Southwestern States & Immigration Wash./Oregon Drug Laws Cultural Conservatives: ?? 1. Solid South & Bible Belt 2. Mid-Western States & Farmers lives 3. Texas and Independence 4. Alaska and oil access 3 Faces of a Party 1. Party-in-the-electorate: loyalty, emotional ties, attachment to party 2. Party Organization: structural framework of the party; volunteers, caucuses, conventions, election campaigns 3. Party-in-government: Appointed and elected officials (Superdelegates— appointed, delegates—elected) Why has the 2 party system endured? History of 2 Party System 2. Political Socialization: Schools, Churches, Media, Educational level 3. Winner-take-all system (plurality) --Electoral College System: Single Member Districts & plurality --Maine and Nebraska split electorate 4. Ballot Access Laws: State laws which restrict 3rd party ballot access 5. What will cause the demise of the 2 party system and our political consensus? Social Media 1. Role of Minor Parties in U.S. Politics 1. 2. 3. 3rd Parties: Special-Single Interests: Green, Prohibition Issue Oriented: Constitution, Socialist Ideology: Libertarian, Communist Ideological Third Parties Research each party’s platforms or issues: Compare them to the Republican or Democratic party platforms. 1.Libertarian: 2.American Independent 3.Reform 4.Green 5.Communist 6.Socialist Ideological Functions 1. Psychological Cohesiveness: People like to identify themselves with a group. 2. Pull 2 party system towards their agenda a. Libertarian Party and the Republican Party’s Free Enterprise System and laissez-faire economic philosophy. a. Communist Party and the Democratic Party’s progressive income tax, death, and gift tax philosophy. Splinter Parties • • • • 1. Bull Moose Party (Split from Republican) 2. Reform Party (Split from Republican) 3. Constitution Party (Split from Republican) 4. American Independent Party (Split from Dixicrat) • Impact of 3rd Parties: “Spoiler Effect” • 2000 Ralph Nader • 1992-1996 Ross Perot Multiparty Systems • European democracies – Broader representation of the electorate – Instability in government • America’s 2 party system prevents multiple parties winning elections: Ballot Access Laws, Single-Member Districts, Consensus One Party Systems • One Party Systems can equal Democratic Dictatorship – How is the American system of “checks and balances” supposed to protect its people from democratic dictatorships or one-party rule? National Party Machinery 1. The National Convention: Adoption of Party Rules & Platform 2. The National Committee: prepares the agenda for the national convention 3. The National Chairperson: Leader of the party, nominated by the most recent presidential candidate: Raise money, party unity, recruit new voters 4. Congressional Campaign Committees: Reelect incumbents, campaigning, State & Local Machinery 1. State Organization: 1. State Central Committee 2. State Chairperson: Works directly with Governor 3. Further the parties interests 2. Local Organization: 1. Wards: City party organizations 2. Precinct: Areas of cities 3. Blocks: In large cities New York Mayor & Local Politics Political Change 1. Realignment: --1968 Richard Nixon’s southern strategy reformed the Democrats and Republicans --Dixicrats (Southern Democrats or Blue Dogs) switch to the Republican Party --1896-1932 unification of Industrial Workers and Capitalists into the Democratic Party Realignment A fundamental problem with “the party” will create a realignment. 1980: Blue-dogs switch to Republican Party (Christian Coalition) New Deal brought together Segregationists and African Americans into the same party. Why? Southerners and Federal Grant Money Dealignment A surge of Independent or 3rd party participants in an election period. Fewer people voting straight-ticket Increase of swing voters: Increase of tipping: Age, Race, Religion, Entitlement eligibility, Gender, National Origin, etc…