Durkheim&Merton Anomie or “Strain” Theories Emile Durkheim French Sociologist Suicide Coined the Term “Anomie”: – When “institutionalized norms” lose their meaning and ability to control human behavior and needs Mechanical vs. Organic Solidarity Robert K. Merton Social Structure and Anomie (1938) From Durkheim: Institutionalized norms are weakened in societies that place an intense value on economic success Applied this to the United States – The “American Dream” as a virtue and VICE Anomie -- Macro Level The “road not taken” Explanation of high crime rates in the United States? – Follows close to Durkheim – Gist = Unrestrained American capitalism and fetish with money creates anomie Picked up by Messner and Rosenfeld Strain Theory--Anomie at the Micro Level Cultural Goals in U.S.? – The American Dream = $ = Universal Institutionalized Means? – Given social structure in the U.S., the means are to achieve $ are unequally distributed – Segment of society with no way to attain goal b/c they lack means Strain Theory (Micro) MODES OF ADAPTATION CULTURAL GOALS STITUTIONALIZED MEANS 1. Conformity + + 2. Innovation + - 3. Ritualism - + 4. Retreatism - - 5. Rebellion +/- +/- Support for Micro Strain Theory Typically tested as the disjuncture between educational or economic “aspirations” and “expectations” Little empirical support for this – Delinquents tend to have low expectations and aspirations – More recent tests have found some weak support (e.g., disappointment with monetary status). Criticisms of Merton and “Strain” Theory Is crime a “lower class” phenomena? Why ritualist vs. innovator? Cannot explain “expressive” crimes Weak empirical support Hirschi = “Oversocialized Man”