Fundamental Payroll Certification 2011 Paycheck Fundamentals Chapter 3 ANNE SCHAFROTH, CPP Paycheck Fundamentals Federal Withholding Social Security & Medicare Withholding Additional Deductions from Pay State Taxes Deceased Employees Gross to Net Calculations Employer-Paid Taxes 2 Elements of a Pay Check Gross Amount vs Actual Paycheck Amount Additions Deductions Net Pay ABC Manufacturing 1213 West Higgins Rd Palatine, IL 60638 John I. Doe 234 Main St Highland Park, IL 60035 Check # 814177 Period End 08/31/2011 EE # 5609 DEPT 33456 Hours 80.00 80.00 Rate/Amt Current 4246.88 4229.17 17.71 Year to Date 81250.38 60022.17 283.36 736.90 4664.91 2242.74 13300.30 Fed W/H Social Security W/H Medicare W/H IL State W/H Health PreT Dental Pre T Vision Plan Pre T 401(k) 401(k) Co Match 561.87 173.40 59.86 197.96 98.00 14.00 6.52 169.17 84.59 12182.00 3332.87 1150.63 3805.77 1568.00 224.00 104.32 3238.73 1619.45 Net Pay 2948.39 55360.70 Description JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase Amount 1948.39 1000.00 Total Gross Regular Group Term Life Floating Holiday Flex Time Off Company Holiday Bonus Direct Deposit #1 Direct Deposit #2 17.71 Routing 71000012 71000012 Account 11112222000 22200044040 3 Withholding Federal Taxes Taxable wages = all remuneration for services (includes non-cash benefits) Federal taxation is FIT, SS, MED Some benefits are fully taxable, some partially taxable and some are nontaxable 4 Taxable Compensation Back pay Bonus Commission Company car (personal use) Dismissal pay (severance) ER pd commuter fees in excess of $230/month ER pd parking greater than $230/month Fringe benefits (unless excluded) Gifts, gift cards, prizes Group legal services Group term life greater than $50,000 Non-accountable reimbursed business expenses Noncash fringe benefits unless excluded by IRC Sick pay and disability benefits (portion attributable by employer contribution) Nonqualified moving expenses Overtime pay Regular wages Tips 5 Nontaxable Compensation Dependent child care up to $5000 under section 129 plan Company vehicle (business use only) De minimus fringe benefits Disability benefits (employee contributions) Educational assistance (job related /no limit) Group term life up to $50,000 Med/dent health plans (employer contribution) No-additional-cost fringe benefits Qualified ee discounts on ER goods/services Qualified moving expenses Qualified transportation fringe benefits Reimbursed business expenses Working condition fringe (if deductible if it was paid by ee) Non-job-related education up to $5250 Long term care insurance Workers’ compensation benefits Health Savings Accounts 6 Wages / Taxability Period Ending – is the period when wages were earned Pay Date - is the date wages are paid and dictates the taxability, as well as structure for depositing and reporting of taxes to government agencies Constructive Receipt - is the date the funds are available to the employee Overpayments / Repayments in same calendar year, repayment requested is the employee’s net overpayment; OP and RP can be netted together for W2; Employer can claim refund of taxes from IRS in subsequent year, repayment requested is Gross OP minus EE and ER SS and Med taxes; ER can claim refund from IRS; OP and RP cannot be netted together for W2; EE can claim refund of federal tax on 1040. 7 Factors Affecting Withholding Form W-4 Withholding Certificate Employee’s marital status Number of withholding allowances Pay Frequency Whether regular or supplemental wages Pretax Deductions 8 Withholding Methods Three main acceptable methods: *Wage-Bracket Method (Pub 15 - Circular E) *Percentage Method (Pub 15 – Circular E) Optional/Mandatory Flat Rate of 25% (or in some instances, 35%) * Methods Used Most Commonly 9 Withholding Methods Wage Bracket Method — quickest and easiest 10 Withholding Methods - Percentage Method most common method used in computerized payroll systems 11 Withholding Methods Optional Flat Rate Method Supplemental wages paid in addition to employee’s regular wages. Examples: bonuses, commissions, overtime pay, back pay Does not take into account Form W-4 elections Can result in under or over withholding Supplemental Rate 25% Mandatory Flat Rate 35% Supplemental Wages also subject to Social Security, Medicare & FUTA 12 Supplemental Wages When YTD supplemental wages exceed $1,000,000, use mandatory flat rate of 35% For the remainder of the year, all supplemental wages are subject to 35% withholding When reaching limit, can apply to all wages or only that portion going over $1,000,000: YTD Supplemental Wages $900,000; Bonus of $200,000 ($200,000 x 35% = $70,000) OR (($100,000 x 25% = $25,000) + ($100,000 x 35% = $35,000) = $60,000) 13 Supplemental Wages Methods for Taxing Supplemental Wages If paid with regular wages, must withhold as if a single payment for the pay period If paid separately, there are two options: Calculate supplemental amount at 25% or 35% OR Use aggregate method 1) calculate taxes on the combined wages 2) calculate taxes on regular wages only 3) subtract #2 from #1 – the remaining is considered supplemental wage tax amount 14 Supplemental Wages Calculate supplemental amount at 25% or 35%: $1,000 Bonus Paid Separately (or defined separately): $1,000 x 25% = $250 15 Supplemental Wages Aggregate Method: (Optional; Must use this method if no FIT withheld in preceding year) Bonus $500.00 Regular Weekly Wages $645 W-4 Single with 5 allowances. Wage-Bracket Method: Weekly Wage Federal Tax $29 ($500.00 + $645 = $1,145.00) Wage-Bracket Method: Federal Tax $113.00 ($113.00 - $29 = $84) $84 would be attributed to Supplemental Wages Also acceptable to use Wage-Bracket on Regular Wage $29 and flat rate on Supplemental Wages ($500.00 x 25% = $125.00) 16 Federal Withholding Final Notes: Rounding to whole dollar $.01 to $.49 Round Down $53.40 = $53 $.50 to $.99 Round Up $353.60 = $354 Be consistent!! Withholding income tax from pensions and annuities Use Form W-4P Withholding Certificate for Pensions and Annuities 17 Social Security & Medicare Taxes Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) 2 parts: Social Security & Medicare 7.65 % of taxable wages for employers 5.65 % of taxable wages for employees 18 Social Security & Medicare Taxes Social Security Also known as OASDI- Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance 6.2 % & 4.2 % Maximum Salary $106,800 Maximum for ER $6,621.60 Maximum for EE $4,485.60 19 Social Security & Medicare Taxes Medicare Taxes Also know as HI—Health Insurance 1.45 % No Maximum Salary No Maximum Contribution Employer Matches EE Contribution 20 Social Security & Medicare Taxes When paying Fica Tax on $1000.00 Example EE Tax ER Tax Totals OASDI 4.2% & 6.2% $42.00 $62.00 $104.00 Medicare 1.45% $14.50 $14.50 $ 29.00 Total Due $133.00 21 Additional deductions from pay Types of voluntary deductions: Charitable contributions Retirement programs i.e. 401k Credit union Direct payments Savings bonds purchase Health insurance outside Section 125 Stock purchase in employer’s company Advances / loan repayments Union dues and fees 22 Additional deductions from pay Additional notes on voluntary deductions: Require authorization (written or electronic) Last Priority – Wage Assignments first ER can set Priority Substantiation of charitable contributions requires 2 types of documentation Pledge Card Pay statements or W2 23 Additional deductions from pay Involuntary Deductions-Wage Attachments (general priorities): Child support orders Chapter 13 bankruptcy Federal agency garnishments Federal tax levies State tax levies Local tax levies Creditor garnishments Student loan garnishments 24 Federal Tax Levies Take home pay minus exempt amount documented in Pub. 1494 IRS instructions on form 668-W Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary & Other Income Deductions in effect prior to levy are ok No new voluntary deductions allowed Involuntary deductions mandated by company as condition of employment are ok 25 Federal Tax Levies Amount of exempt wages based on Marital status Number of exemptions Part 3 of Form 668-W Payroll frequency needed for number of annual pay periods Chart to show exempt amount from levy -- Publication 1494 Do not stop withholding until Form 668-D, Release of Levy is received 26 Child Support All orders are considered immediate unless stated All orders in arrears are immediate Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA) governs amount that can be taken Based on a percentage of Disposable Earnings Gross wages minus taxes (generally not including tips) 27 Child Support Maximum % If the employee supports a second family – cannot exceed 50% of disposable earnings (55% if in arrears) If employee does not support a second family –cannot exceed 60% of disposable earnings (65% if in arrears) State maximum withholding may be lower, but cannot be higher than these limits 28 Uniform Interstate Family Support Act -- UIFSA Clarifies the rules for processing out-of-state wage orders Duration and specific amount of payments Person or agency to receive the payments Medical support – specific amount / mandatory coverage Amount of payment of arrears and interest, stated as a sum 29 UIFSA—Continued Employers must comply with rules of their work state when: Withholding employer’s fee for processing order Determining the maximum amount permitted to be withheld Determining the time frame for withholding and disbursement Handling multiple orders 30 Multiple Order Handling State law governs the handling of multiple orders Multiple state orders default to the state where the employee works 31 States resolve multiple order challenges- - - 1 of 3 ways 1. Allocate the available funds to each order on a percentage basis 2. Allocate available funds equally to all orders 3. Prioritize based on receipt of orders Current support calculated before arrearages 32 APA & Office of Child Support Enforcement Both agencies lobbied and Congress implemented a standardized Child Support form which is mandated in all states Must have current child support obligation amount based on pay cycle, arrears amount, medical support amount, payee, and payee’s address 33 Centralized Support Collections and Disbursement Units Federal law mandated all states develop one unit to disburse payments All states but South Carolina currently participate in a centralized collections location within their state 34 State law takes priority – Federal law limitations State can allow an administrative fee for processing Payment must be made within 7 days of withholding from wages First payment must be made within 14 days of mailing date of order 35 Garnishments Consumer Credit Protection Act Federal Limit = 25% or Amount of disposable pay that exceeds 30 x federal minimum wage Multiple orders are prioritized and will effect lower priority attachments Garnishment Limits (Page 3-28) Watch for changes in Federal minimum wage 36 State Tax Calculated by Wage bracket Percentage method or flat percentage Percentage of federal No state tax: Alaska Tennessee Florida Texas Nevada Washington New Hampshire Wyoming South Dakota 37 Local Income Taxes Cities, counties, school districts, etc. Each local taxing authority has its own requirements. Verify with the locality for its requirements and your compliance. 38 Local: City, School District, County, and Head Taxes Most common states for local taxation are Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania Many variances and local government regulations on these taxes – verify with the agency to determine their requirements 39 State Disability Tax Six states have employee/employer funded programs for illness and disability California New York Hawaii Puerto Rico New Jersey Rhode Island Employers must deduct, report, pay, and record payments—failure to withhold is employer’s liability. 40 State Unemployment Tax Three states have provisions to withhold SUI from employees (in addition to the employer’s obligation): Alaska New Jersey Pennsylvania All other states unemployment tax is exclusively the employer’s expense 41 Deceased Employees Payments after date of death are taxable Federal income tax is responsibility of whomever receives the payment If the payment is made in same year as the employee’s death Tax withheld for Social Security and Medicare On W2, report wages in boxes 3 & 5 and tax withheld in boxes 4 & 6 Amount not reported as federal taxable wages in box 1 of W2 Provide 1099-MISC with federal taxable wages reported in box 3, and use name of deceased’s estate or beneficiary If payment is paid in year after death Do not withhold Social Security and Medicare Do not issue a W2 Do issue a 1099-MISC and report amount paid in box 3 42 Paying the Employee Gross to Net Calculation Calculate Total Wages Determine Pretax Deduction Amounts Determine Tax Withholding Determine Disposable Earnings (Total Wages minus Taxes) for Child Support and Garnishments Deductions Deductions Result = Net Pay ABC Manufacturing 1213 West Higgins Rd Palatine, IL 60638 John I. Doe 234 Main St Highland Park, IL 60035 Check # 814177 Period End 08/31/2011 EE # 5609 DEPT 33456 Hours 80.00 80.00 Rate/Amt Current 4246.88 4229.17 17.71 Year to Date 81250.38 60022.17 283.36 736.90 4664.91 2242.74 13300.30 Fed W/H Social Security W/H Medicare W/H IL State W/H High Opt Health PreT Delta Dental Hg Pre T Vision Plan Pre T 401(k) 401(k) Co Match 561.87 173.40 59.86 197.96 98.00 14.00 6.52 169.17 84.59 12182.00 3332.87 1150.63 3805.77 1568.00 224.00 104.32 3238.73 1619.45 Net Pay 2948.39 55360.70 Description JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase Amount 1948.39 1000.00 Total Gross Regular Group Term Life Floating Holiday Flex Time Off Company Holiday Bonus Direct Deposit #1 Direct Deposit #2 17.71 Routing 71000012 71000012 Account 11112222000 22200044040 43 Gross Up Payments Employer Pays the Taxes! Typical situations for a Gross Up Payment Want a specific amount as net amount – bonus of $100 Employer decides to pay taxes on taxable relocation expense GTL for a termed employee –SS/Med paid by employer Employer failed to withhold taxes on an employee’s previous payment 44 Gross Up Calculation steps 1. 100% - tax% = Net % 2. Payment / Net %= Gross Earnings 3. Check by calculating Gross to net Need to Know for Exam !!! Examples: pages 3-38 to 3-39 45 Test Your Knowledge An employee is to be awarded a net bonus of $2,000 as supplemental wages. Year-to-date regular and supplemental earnings are $15,000. Using the current supplemental flat tax rate and Social Security and Medicare tax rates, what should be the gross amount of the payment if the employee lives and works in a state with no state income tax? A) $3,060.44 B) $2,666.67 C) $3,108.00 D) $2,883.93 Answer: 1. (100% - (25% + 4.2% + 1.45%)) = 69.35% 2. $2,000 / 69.35% = $ 2,883.93 3. $2,883.93 - 720.98 – 121.13 – 41.82 = $2,000 46 Gross Up Special Circumstances Employee meets or met SS tax limit 1. 100% - Tax % (no SS %) = Net % 2. Payment + ((SS wage base-YTD payments) x 4.2%) divided by Net % = Gross Earnings 47 Test Your Knowledge An employee is receiving a $500 net bonus. The employee is married with 3 allowances. The employee’s YTD gross pay is $115,640 and the employee is paid biweekly. The employee lives and works in a state where there is no state income tax. Calculate the gross amount of the bonus. A) $500.00 B) $679.81 C) $742.39 D) $777.00 Answer: 1. (100% - (25% + 1.45%)) = 73.55% 2. $500 / 73.55% = $ 679.81 3. $679.81 – 169.95 – 9.86 = $500 48 Test Your Knowledge An employee is receiving a $500 net bonus. The employee is married with 3 allowances. The employee’s YTD gross pay is $106,640 and the employee is paid biweekly. The employee lives and works in a state where there is no state income tax. Calculate the gross amount of the bonus. A) $598.02 B) $688.95 C) $742.39 D) $693.30 Answer: 1 (100% - (25% + 1.45%)) = 73.55% 2. $500 + ((106,800 – 106,640) x 4.2%)/ 73.55% = $500 + $6.72 / 73.55% = $688.95 3. $688.95 – 172.24 – 9.99 – 6.72 = $500 49 Paycheck Fundamentals Chapter 3 Questions? THANK YOU!!!! Anne Schafroth, CPP 50