Name___________________________ Period________ “The Story of an Hour” Text Questions Text Dependent Question On p. 1, the author states that “…Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble.” What does the word “afflicted” mean based on context? On p. 1, in paragraph 2, Josephine and Richards tell Mrs. Mallard the news. Why do they break it to her so gently? What do you think they fear based on your reading? On p. 1, paragraph 3, underline the words that describe Mrs. Mallard’s initial reaction. Now, put this description into your own words. On p. 1, paragraph 5, Mrs. Mallard is in her room looking out the window. Underline the words that are used to describe the scene she sees. How are these descriptive words at odds with what just happened? On p. 1, paragraph 9, how is Mrs. Mallard feeling? Make a prediction- what do you think is “coming to her?” Use your clues from the above question to help you. On p. 1, paragraph 10, we see what is coming to her when she says, “free, free, free!” What do you think she means by this? Evidence Based Answers On p. 2, paragraph 11, why does the author choose the phrase “monstrous joy” to describe how Mrs. Mallard is feeling. On p. 2, paragraph 12: Put this paragraph into your own words. On p. 2, paragraph 13, she admits to love, but then says it does not count “…in the face of this possession of self assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!” According to this passage, what is more important than love? On p. 2, paragraph 14, “Free! Body and soul free!” Why does she keep whispering this? On p. 2, paragraph 16, look at the phrase “ might be long.” Why does the author choose to repeat it? What does it mean each time? On p. 2, paragraph 17, “…she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory.” What does the narrator mean by this? Why would the author choose this description? On p. 2, paragraph 18, who comes home? And what is everyone’s reaction? On p. 2, paragraph 19, the story ends with the line “…of the joy that kills.” What does this mean? Why did she die?