Theoretical frames : development and evolution - the case of the French didactics Michèle Artigue Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot Summary Introduction Some characteristics of the French didactics community that have influenced its relationship with theory The birth of a systemic approach through the theories of didactic situations (TDS) and didactic transposition (TDT) From the TDT to the anthropological approach (TAD): the integration of an institutional point of view Some further developments of these theories: the evolution of concepts: medium and didactic contract ostensive and no-ostensive, mathematical and didactical praxeologies Connections between theoretical frames Introduction The essential role of theoretical frames in didactic research A crucial issue: the diversity and heterogeneity of the current theoretical landscape The interest of developing an « historical » reflection, trying to understand the rationale for theoretical constructs, for their evolution, to look for possible connections between theoretical frames and to understanding also the limits of these connections One essential aim of these two lectures: working on these issues through a particular case: the case of the French didactics Some characteristics of the French didactics community A community attached from the begining to the development of the didactic field as an autonomous scientific field A community which, very early, attached strong importance to its institutional development and to its scientific coherence A community attached to its links with the mathematical community A community attracted by epistemological and theoretical reflections Some dates… 1979: creation of the national seminar 1980: creation of the journal RDM and of the summer school 1984: creation of a RCP at the CNRS, becoming then a GDR 1991: creation of the ARDM The first developments of educational research in mathematics The predominant influence of Piagetian constructive epistemology Priority given to the cognitive dimension MK T S The first developments of educational research in mathematics The predominant influence of Piagetian constructive epistemology Priority given to the cognitive dimension MK T S The first steps of the French didactics An original position integrating: A cognitive approach developed by G. Vergnaud which will lead to the theory of conceptual fields But also a theory of didactic situations initiated by G. Brousseau whose central object is not the student but the situation where students interact with others and with mathematical knowledge And also, very soon, a theory of didactic transposition initiated by Y. Chevallard that problematizes taught knowledge And strong debates reflecting the existing tensions at that time between cognitive and systemic approaches The theory of didactic situations A theory relying on the constructivist epistemology, but not a cognitive theory The central object is the didactic situation, and what is aimed at that time is: the understanding of the relationships that can occur between teachers, students and knowledge in such situations, and their influence on learning processes the development and control of « fundamental situations » for the development of mathematical knowledge in school context through a process that combines three different dialectics : dialectics of action, of formulation and of validation, associated to three functionalities of knowledge One paradigmatic example: the race to 20 Two players: player 1 starts with 0 or 1 or 2, player 2 can add 1 or 2, player 1 can add 1 or 2 and so on. The first saying 20 wins. 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 20 Action: pupils play, progressively building winning strategies Formulation: the elaboration of a specific language and assertions « winner numbers » Validation: what is now at stake is the validity of assertions A fundamental situation for introducing rational numbers Comparing the thickness of sheets of paper Couples of numbers which can be compared leading to (Q+,<) Then added, leading to (Q+,<,+) A fundamental situation for the Riemann integral M 8m 3m What is the intensity of the force that the bar creates on the mass M? Some crucial points Analysing the characteristics of the medium and how it shapes students’ relationships with mathematical knowledge: Possible strategies and their respective cost and efficiency Feedback provided by the medium Determining the didactic variables of the situation Trying to optimize the choice of these variables in order to make the mathematical knowledge aimed at, the knowledge underlying both an optimal and accessible strategy Evolutions and reconstructions The institutionnalisation process The devolution process The didactic contract and its paradoxes The TDS seen as a hierarchy of models The a-didactic situation Insitutionnalisation Didactic contract The didactic situation Epistemic subject Devolution Institutional subject How to reach an adequate balance between a-didactic and didactic processes of adaptation? Some issues progressively open to discussion Does there always exist fundamental situations? How to grasp through the TDS situations where the relationships with the a-didactic medium are not enough for producing the expected knowledge? What is the power of the TDS for analysing and understanding the functioning of ordinary school situations? The theory of didactic transposition Rejecting a vision of taught knowledge as a mere simplication of scholarly knowledge Trying to understand the specific economy of taught knowledge Scholar knowledge Knowledge to be taught Taught knowledge Some issues progressively open to discussion Is scholar knowledge the unique source of legitimation of taught knowledge in mathematics? Are the characteristics of taught knowledge presented by Chevallard all necessary characteristics? What is the real field of validity of the laws governing the didactic transpositive process initially identified in reference to the new math reform movement? The ecological vision Where do mathematical objects live in the educational system and what functions do they play? With what other objects do they have to compete? From what other objects do their existence depend? Niche, Habitat Trophic chain A situation more complex that it can appear at a first sight as the ‘didactic time’ does not coincide with the ‘learning time’ Towards an anthropological approach A radical change in the gravity center of the theorisation: the central point becomes the institution Mathematical knowledge emerges from institutional practices The meaning attached to « knowing something » is institutionally dependent Teaching and learning processes cannot be understood without taking into account this institutional dependence One example: the thesis by B. Grugeon The initial problem: the failure of adaptation courses Some « easy » explanations A radical change in the problematics A problem of institutional transition Vocational high school General high school Two institutions that have with algebra different institutional relationships Most problematic differences are differences in institutional relationships as regard common objects, as they are source of misunderstanding between teachers and students What is the real source of the students’ failure? The research work within this problematics Characterising the algebraic culture of the two institutions Analysing the similarities and differences between these Identifying possible sources for transitional misunderstanding Finding ways for helping students and teachers to build a bridge between the two cultures The methodological tools The construction of a multidimensional grid of analisis of algebraic competence aiming at the determination of both curricular and cognitive coherences with: a dimension focusing on the arithmetic-algebra transition, a dimension focusing on the building and management of algebraic expressions a dimension focusing on the functionalities of algebra and on algebraic rationality a dimension focusing on the connection between the settings and semiotic registers involved in algebraic work The construction of a diagnostic set of tasks The results and posterior developments Proving the existence of differences in institutional relationships as regard common object, and their relative invisibility Proving, thanks to the test diagnostic, the existence of coherences in the students’ algebraic functioning generating a more positive vision of these Identifying didactic levers more appropriate for these students for progressing in algebra and overcoming their difficulties, relying more in their previous culture: enrichment of the work on formulas, connection with the functional world Developing a didactic enginnering design that allowed the majority of these students overcome their failure state and develop a relationship with algebra compatible with the institutional values of algebra in general high school Thanks to a collaborative work with researchers in AI, developing a computer version of the test and computer tools for instrumenting teaching practices Some further developments of the TDS and the TAD The TDS: Refining the concept of medium through its vertical organisation (Margolinas, Bloch) Refining the concept of didactic contract The TAD: The dialectics between ostensive and noostensive (Bosch & Chevallard) The notion of praxeology The concept of medium Level Medium +3 Student position Teacher position Situation Planning medium Noospherian teacher Noospherian situation +2 Design medium Teacher planning Planning situation +1 Didactic medium Reflexive student Teacher designing Design situation 0 Learning medium Student Teacher acting Didactic situation -1 Reference medium Student learning Teacher supporting Learning situation -2 Objective medium Student acting Teacher observing Reference situation Ostensive and no-ostensive Mathematical objects are not ostensive objects, but they develop and are worked through ostensive objects The development of ostensive and noostensive objects is a dialectic development Ostensive objects have both a semiotic and instrumental valence The notion of praxeology Every human activity consists of doing some task t of a certain type T, by the way of a technique , which is justified by a technology , which can be itself justified by a theory . [T, , , ] is called a praxeology, and is formed of two blocks: the practical block and the theoretical one This notion is used both for analysing mathematical and didactical organisations and their actual or potential life in educational institutions, and also infer the knowledge that can emerge from these A crucial point of attention: the students’ topos in these praxeologies Coming back to more general issues: internal connections Connecting notions and frames: The same name but different underlying concepts: conception, medium Different names but close objects: conception - personal relationship to knowledge, ostensive – semiotic register of representation, students’ topos and type of didactic contract Connecting different levels of analysis from the micro to the macro-level: The The The The The The level level level level level level of of of of of of the persons (students, teachers) classroom (from short term to long term studies) a particular school a particular level of education the educational system the global society External connections Opposite tendencies: A global evolution of the field which could favour the establishment of connections But, at the same time, The multiplication of local theoretical constructs, The diversity of educational cultures and the necessary influence of this diversity on research cultures Some interesting examples of mixity in theoretical frames The thesis by Michela Maschietto relying both on embodied cognition and on the TDS The thesis by Paul Drijvers relying both on RME, on the instrumental approach, and on the process-object duality The thesis by M. Maschietto The interaction between two didactic and educational cultures: the Italian culture and the French culture with: Different curricular organisation and views Different relationships with technology Different theoretical focus Different relationships with classroom experimentation, between teachers and researchers The negotiation of a research problematic from: Epistemological views on the field of analysis and the role played in it by the dialectic interplay between local and global points of view Epistemological views on the transition between algebra and analysis and the associated cognitive reconstructions Cognitive views on the role played by embodied activities and metaphors in the development of mathematical knowledge Didactic views on the role played instudents’ knowledge development by the didactic situations proposed to students and the potential they offer to a-didactic functioning But also: Sensitiveness to the risk of abusive inferences when developing educational strategies from the analysis of the use of metaphors by professional mathematicians Sensitiveness to the danger of producing uncontrolled meta-cognitive slides if the management of metaphors in the classroom remains the usual one The research project Analysing the potential offered by embodied activities and metaphors carried out around « local linearity » in order to make the « globallocal game » a fundamental dimension of high school analysis, from the begining A symbolic calculator environment A methodology based on didactic engineering The crucial steps of the engineering design The construction of a perceptive invariant and the birth of a metaphor The mathematisation of this perceptive invariant The development of an associated algebraic langage and the enrichment of algebraic practices x 3 7x 2 The mathematisation process The perceptive invariant Zooming out: the spatial proximity a b c Looking for equations The numerical proximity Unifying through algebraic symbolic language and new algebraic practices The main results The potential of the constructed fundamental situation for an a-didactic construction of the perceptive invariant The fundamental role played by gestures and discourse (zoomatalineare) The quality of the students’ engagement in the mathematization game The crucial role played by the teacher in the successful development of this game, the mathematical and didactical expertise it requires The difficult control of the mathematical charge of the metaphor Encouraging results as regard the symbolic dimension of the globallocal game, whose development is supported by a specific discourse The problematic ecology of this approach in the present Italian educational culture References Perrin-Glorian (history of the TDS – connection between frames) Margolinas (medium) Bloch (a-didactic/didactic) Brousseau (didactic contract) Chevallard (TAD) Bloch & Chevallard (semiotic dimension of the TAD) Artaud (ecology of knowledge) Maschietto (thesis) Grugeon (thesis)