Business Ethics


Business Ethics

Focus of topic: Understanding and resolving ethical issues in contemporary business

Speaker: Rodolfo P. Dominno, IE,


 Educational Attainments:

 Industrial Engineering, Saint Louis Universitybatch 1992’

 Master in Business Administration, University of the Cordilleras- Batch 2008

 Previous Positions:

 Personnel Officer, Odilon Heavy Equipment corp.-1995 to 2001

 Branch Sales Manager, Permanent Plan Baguio-

2002 to 2005

 Marketing Manager, Winaca Development Corp.-

2008 to 2009

Business Ethics

 It is the form of the art of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and morals or ethical problems that can arise in a business environment.

Important of Business Ethics to

Overall Society or Organizations

 Business ethics is crucial to overall society because the strength of business operation is sustain by public confidence.

What are the usual issues in the absence of business ethics

 Ethical mal practice

 Relationship conflict

 Discrimination

 Harassment

 Affecting privacy of others

Guidelines in Resolving Ethical


 Establish ethics policy

 Establish business code of conduct

 Establish practical guide to ethical decisions

 Adopting ethical decisions model

Ethical Decision Models

values and ethics- Dr Emily Gacad

 Utilitarian Model

 An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

 Moral Right Model

 An ethical decision is one that best maintains and protects the fundamental rights and privileges of the people affected by it.

 Justice Model

 An ethical decision is one that distributes benefits and harms among stakeholders in a fair, equitable, or impartial way.

Ethical Versus Unethical Decisions

Values and Ethic- Dr. Emily Gacad

 Ethical Decision

 A decision that is reasonable or typical stakeholders would find acceptable because it aids stakeholders, the organization, or society

 Unethical Decision

 A decision that a manager would prefer to disguise or hide from other people because it enables the company or a particular individual to gain at the expense of society or other stakeholders.

Practical Guide to Ethical Decisions

Values and Ethics- Dr. Emily Gacad

 Does the manager’s decision fall within usual and accepted standards?

 Is the manager willing to personally and openly communicate the decision to all affected stakeholders?

 Does the manager believe that his friends would approve?

 If the answer is “yes” to all the above, the decision is probably an ethical decision.

Implementation and control of business ethics

 Implementation of ethical policy

 Evaluation and control by ethic officer

The Foundation for Ethical Behavior

 Culture development

 Policy implementation

 Early morale training

Basic Duties of Workers

Values and Ethics class of Dr. Emily Gacad- mba

 1. Work honestly and comply with all agreements.

 “Honestly can keep you safe”. Proverbs 11:6

 2. Never injure capital nor steal from the employer.

 “Thou shall not steal”. Exodus 20:15

 3. Never outrage the person of the employer.

 “Do not devise evil against your neighbor”. Proverbs


 4. Never employ deceit nor violence in presenting a cause.

 “Deceit causes trouble, & foolish talk will bring you to ruin”

 Proverbs 10:10

 5. Never consort with agitators or men of evil principles.

 “Do not envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them”.

 Proverbs 24:1

Word Class Worker

 Bear the golden rule in mind: “Do not do unto others, what you do not want others do unto you”


 Business Ethics, 3 rd ed. (C. Gow & G.


 Wikipedia

