Fruit Focus 2015 - East Malling Research

15 JUNE 2015
Fruit Focus 2015: Innovative technologies and new opportunities for
UK fruit growers
Plans to deliver another advice-packed Fruit Focus event are well underway with a
wide range of exhibitors, seminars and demonstrations expected to attract more than
1200 visitors from all corners of the country.
Fruit Focus, the UK’s leading technical fruit event, opens its doors on 22 July at East
Malling Research, Kent.
At least 120 exhibitors are expected to attend, showcasing latest technologies and
developments in agronomy, machinery and equipment, post-harvest technology and
business information.
“Fruit production employs some of the most advanced technology of any agricultural
sector in the UK,” says event director Jon Day of Haymarket Exhibitions. “Fruit Focus
offers a terrific opportunity for growers of soft fruit, orchard fruit and vines to catch up
with the latest developments and to help grow the UK’s market share.
“In addition, our renowned forums programme returns, where growers can listen to and
debate key issues with some of the best brains in the business.
“Fruit Focus also provides a unique opportunity to exchange views and network with a
wide range of contacts from across the sector.”
Mack, the specialist fruit supplier to multiple retailers, returns as Fruit Focus principal
sponsor for the fifth consecutive year.
Managing director Nigel Trood says: “There’s so much packed into one great day at
Fruit Focus; it’s a fantastic opportunity to take a look around all the exciting innovations
in British fruit, to spot opportunities and to develop networks.
“The show has grown steadily without losing what’s at its core, and it’s a pleasure for
the people at Mack to attend an event that really is at the heart of our industry. We very
much look forward to seeing you there.”
The Fruit Forums, sponsored by the NFU, begin with NFU deputy president Minette
Batters, who will examine the challenges of increasing consumption and reversing the
decline in UK self-sufficiency.
AHDB Horticulture Chairman Gary Taylor will then look at strategy and aligning
research funding to help secure growth in the fruit sector.
Guy Poskitt, chairman of the NFU National Horticulture and Potatoes Board, says:
“Fruit Focus is a key event and attracts growers from right across the country. The fruit
forums give us the fantastic opportunity to update a large group of growers on current
policy and technical issues and hopefully provide some challenging top-level debate.”
Frost will be the subject of a seminar hosted by the United Kingdom Vineyards
Association. Steve Hammersmith, CEO of Shur Farms Frost Protection will explain
how the problem develops and how growers can achieve a more frost-free
Further forums are planned but no details are currently available.
East Malling Research (EMR) has a wide range of information to showcase this year,
so has altered the way its research tours are delivered. Rather a long tour with three or
four different stops, visitors can pick and choose subjects of most interest to them over
different time slots.
This year’s topics include encouraging beneficial pollinators and predators, increasing
pear yields and improving water use in soft and orchard fruit.
EMR farm manager Graham Caspell says: “As a grower I am convinced that keeping
abreast of innovations and best practice is key to maximising margins. Fruit Focus is
the ideal venue to meet the people and companies that deliver these technological
Several machines will be put through their paces in the live demonstration arena,
including John Deere specialist fruit tractors and Rotabug, a novel range of biological
agent applicators.
Vines to Wines, the area of Fruit Focus designed to stimulate and encourage technical
developments and business opportunities in viticulture and wine production, is
partnered by the UKVA.
“With the planted area of vines set to hit 2000ha this year it is an exciting time to get
involved with English Wine,” says Sam Lindo, chairman of the United Kingdom
Vineyards Association.
“Fruit Focus provides a one-stop shop for a range of suppliers and advice to the wine
growing and winemaking community. And, for anyone new to the trade, Fruit Focus is
an ideal introduction.”
The Vines to Wines area includes the popular WineSkills Workshops, where vine
growers can brush up their canopy management and disease monitoring skills in a
series of technical workshops held in the demonstration vineyard.
Other partners include Berry Gardens and English Apples and Pears.
Alastair Brooks, Berry Gardens’ chairman, says: “Berry Gardens is proud to sponsor
Fruit Focus. It provides an excellent opportunity for the industry to come together and
share ideas and issues and to focus on the future.”
English Apples and Pears chief executive Adrian Barlow says Fruit Focus attracts
attendance from most English fruit growers, industry commercial organisations and
“As the trade association for the English apples and pears industry, the event provides
us with the opportunity to meet many of our members and others.
“These discussions help determine our future strategies and actions. Additionally, the
show takes place immediately before the start of the new season, ideal timing to
consider new crop prospects and opportunities.”
Tickets for Fruit Focus cost £10 and are available online or on the day. Visitors can
earn 4 BASIS and 2 NRoSO points for attending the event.
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Notes to Editors
Fruit Focus takes place on Weds 22 July 2015 at East Malling, Kent. Opening times 9am
– 5pm.
Show features include leading suppliers’ stands, crop plots, a live demonstration area,
the NFU Fruit Forums, fruit research farm tours and the Vines to Wines exhibition and
seminar programme
Principal sponsor – Mack. A major supplier of fruit and vegetables to the UK’s multiple
retailers, the company history of this family-owned business stretches back to 1874, with
a strong heritage in growing and marketing UK-produced fruit from their base at Paddock
Wood in Kent.
Other key sponsors – NFU and Berry Gardens
Fresh Produce Journal is event media partner
Fruit Focus is organised and presented by Haymarket Business Exhibitions and
supported by Horticulture Week/Grower
Visitors will qualify for 4 BASIS points / 2 NRoSO CPD points for attending the event.
Robert Harris
Jon Day
Fruit Focus PR
Event Director
Robert Harris Communications
Haymarket Business Exhibitions
01823 401343
01788 892042
07768 402850
07717 541500