Preteaching: Chinese Religions Origins to the Present Chinese Civilization Chinese civilization began c. 1800 BCE between the Yangtze (Chang Jiang) and the Yellow (Huang He) River Valley Zhou Dynasty 1046-256 BCE) The Spring and Autumn Period, 1/2 Civil war spread across China from 771 to 476 BCE These centuries in Chinese history are called “The Spring and Autumn Period” The Spring and Autumn Period, 2/2 Chinese civilization was threatened - the government stopped working -cities were destroyed - many thousands of Chinese were killed - bandits roamed the countryside - nothing seemed safe or certain Spring and Autumn Period In this environment, several philosophies/ religions emerged. Each wanted to find the TAO, or the “WAY,” to fix China! Some of the Hundred Schools of Thought Confucianism Taoism Legalism Moism Confucius Kung-fu Tzu was a government clerk around 500 BC. Kung-fu Tzu wandered across China teaching his own version of the Tao. After his death, his students collected his sayings and teachings in a book called “The Analects” • Confucius called for • order, • control (of the self and others), • hierarchy. In other words: know your place, do your duty! Hierarchy Spread of Confucianism • The Chinese Emperors loved Confucianism! Officials were expected to be trained in Confucianism • Confucians founded schools across East Asia. Buddhism in China • Buddhism had arrived in China (from India) by 100 CE • By 600 CE, Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism was a major Chinese religion • Chinese Buddhists spread Buddhism to Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. • Today, 500M Chinese identify as Buddhists. 1.7B people are Buddhists, worldwide. Communism and Religion Communism is suspicious of organized religion, which it believes has been a tool to oppress people in history. Communist countries are officially atheist. Religions in China under the Communist Party • Under the Communist party in China, religions have undergone periods of repression. During the Cultural Revolution (1966/7) thousands of religious sites were destroyed. • Since the 1970s, religions have been experiencing a revival in China. In recent years, this has been speeding up. • Officially, the government of China recognizes five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestant and Catholic Christianity. All are closely overseen by the Government.