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Q4: Who would be the audience
for your media product?
Typical Thriller Audience
The typical age rating for thriller films is normally 15 because there are often scenes that contain
strong violence, frequent strong language (e.g. F***, or in strong cases C*** but if there is an over
use it would be considered higher than 15), possible scenes of a sexual nature/strong verbal
references/nudity, discriminatory language and/or drug taking. The age rating can change
depending on the subgenre/hybrid film type, e.g. in horror/thrillers there can be a strong threat
and menace (providing its not sadistic or sexualised) however, strong gory images wont be
accepted as a 15. The audience we expect for Thrillers is for people to have emotions such as
suspense, tension ect. The audience should has there brain stimulated through out the film
because of how complex some parts can be. One of the main aims is to keep people on the edge of
there seats through-out the film.
• Age: Teens and adults would be the most common age of the audience because the film
normally centres around people that are that age so the audience can relate to characters.
• Gender: Both male and female people like watching thrillers, males like to watch because of the
potential action that may be in the film and females like to watch thrillers because of the
mystery and possible the male lead.
Example of a Thriller Film Age Certificate
There is no discrimination in Case 39.
There is no use of drugs in Case 39.
Imitable behavior
There is no real imitable behavior in Case 39.
There is no nudity in Case 39.
There is no sex in Case 39.
There is a brief use of language but nothing that is very noticeable.
There is a small amount of horror in Case 39 but nothing sexualized
No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.
There is strong use of bloody violence in Case 39, some viewers may find this disturbing. However its
not to graphic to be considered to be an 18.
Case 39 Trailer
The target audience for our OTS would be people who are mid teens
and upwards and both sex. I think most teens that are interested in
seeing thrillers that have a good soundtrack or a book version with the
friends as they are around the same age as the main character but I
also think there will be an older audience as some will find it intriguing.
I think a lot of people would enjoy watching, trying to figure out what
the ending will be, and if they guess it it will make them feel good
about themselves. I also think our film will get around quickly by word
of mouth because if they like this film, everyone always goes home and
talks about it with family and then they go on social networking
websites and then friends of friends see it.
I think the age rating will be 15 because there is some violence and bad
language etc. but there is no nudity, drug taking, sex. we think that
Sutter Island is most like our film and so many different people went to
see that multiple times because it was such a good ending that no one
expected and that’s what we want from our audience. I would probably
give our film about a 4 out of 5 star rating because the ending is a real
twist and the foundation to the film is quite strong and it would keep
people on the edges of their seats.
The type of people that would be our ideal target audience interests would be:
Food + Drink;
Social Networking;
TV + Films;
“This is James Smith. He is 17 years and 8 Month old, he lives the middle of Brighton.
He dresses very mainstream, shirt top, skinny jeans and Nikes. He enjoys going out
partying with his friends, and going to town on the weekend with his money from
work. He shops in shops like Topman, River Island, Urban Outfitters etc.
He likes watching thriller films like Shutter Island, Se7en, Strangers etc. and comedy
films like Knocked Up, The Watch, Ted etc. He likes going to the cinema to watching
them, and will possibly download them when it comes out.
He watched TV shows like, Skins, Fresh Meat, Family Guy, American Dad, Pramface,
Sun Sex and Suspicious Parents, Geordie Shore and Two and a Half Men. The main
channels would be E4, Channel 4, BBC 3, Comedy Central and MTV.
The Music he would listen to would be very mainstream like Rihanna, Beyoncé, Jay-Z,
Kanye West, Wiley etc. but like other styles like Dub-step and drum and base. Likes
watching/listening to Radio 1, MTV etc.
I think our film would appeal to him because he is very mainstream and likes similar
films and going out a lot, so I think if this film was shown near him, this would be his
ideal film to go and watch with his mates.