Major Battles of the Civil War

Major Battles of the Civil
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Fort Sumter
 Location:
 Charleston County, South Carolina
 Leaders:
 Union: Maj. Robert Anderson
 Confederacy: Brig Gen P.G.T. Beauregard
 Notes on the Battle
 Confederacy fires the first shots of the Civil
 Lincoln had attempted to send aid
 Significance/Winner
 Confederacy
 No casualties from the battle itself
First Battle of Bull Run
 Location:
 Fairfax and Prince William County, VA
 Leaders:
 Union: Irvin McDowell
 Confederacy: Brig Gen P.G.T.
 Notes on the Battle
 First major land battle of the war
 Significance/Winner
 Confederacy
 Demonstrates the war will not be over
 Earns Thomas Jackson the nickname
Hampton Roads
 Location:
 Chesapeake Bay, VA
 Leaders:
 Union: Lt. John Worden
 Confederacy: Capt. Franklin
 Notes on the Battle
 Monitor= Union; Merrimack=
 Significance/Winner
 First battle of iron-sided ships no
more wooden ships!
 Inconclusive winner
Battle of Shiloh
 Location:
 Hardin County, TN
 Leaders:
 Union: Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
 Confederacy: Gen. Albert Sidney and
Gen. P.G.T Beauregard
 Notes on the Battle
 Series of attacks/counterattacks
 Helped the Union capture the ‘western
 Significance/Winner
 Union
 More casualties than all other U.S. wars
 Helped make Grant famous
Battle of Antietam
 Location:
 Washington County, MD
 Leaders:
 Union: Maj. Gen. George McClellan
 Confederacy: Gen. Robert E. Lee
 Notes on the Battle
 McClellan lost command after his failure
to pursue Lee
 Significance/Winner
 Union
 23,100 casualties single bloodiest day
of war
 Prompts Lincoln to issue the Eman. Proc.
Battle of Chancellorsville
 Location:
 Spotsylvania County, VA
 Leaders:
 Union: Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker
 Confederacy: Gen. Robert E. Lee
 Notes on the Battle
 Demonstrates superiority of southern
military leaders
 Significance/Winner
 Confederacy
 Considered Lee’s greatest victory
 ‘Stonewall’ Jackson killed by own
Battle of Vicksburg
 Location:
 Warren County, MS
 Leaders:
 Union: Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
 Confederacy: Lt. Gen. John
 Notes on the Battle
 Fulfilled second part of Anaconda
 Significance/Winner
 Union
 Sealed the fate of the Confederacy
 Grant appointed General-in-Chief
Battle of Gettysburg
 Location:
 Adams County, PA
 Leaders:
 Union: Maj. Gen. George Meade
 Confederacy: Gen. Robert E. Lee
 Notes on the Battle
 Only major battle above MasonDixon Line
 Significance/Winner
 Union
 Bloodiest battle of the Civil War
 Turning point Union gets upper
 Gettysburg Address issued later
Battle of Atlanta
 Location:
 Fulton County, GA
 Leaders:
 Union: Maj. Gen William T. Sherman
 Confederacy: Lt. Gen. John Bell
 Notes on the Battle
 Began Sherman’s path of
destruction total war
Destroy both civilian and military
 Significance/Winner
 Union
 Demoralized remaining
Confederate forces
Appomattox Courthouse
 Location:
Appomattox County, VA
 Leaders:
Union: Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
Confederacy: Gen. Robert E. Lee
 Notes on the Battle
Lee’s forces could not regroup
 Significance/Winner
Grant’s forces outnumbered
Lee’s and defeat was evident