
A- Authoritarian v. Democratic v.
Laissez Faire Leadership
B- Back Stage v. Front Stage
C-Conflict Theory
G-Gemeinchaft v. Gessellschaft
H-Hirschi Study 2001
I-Id, Ego, Superego
J-De jure v. De facto
K-Kholberg’s Theory of Moral
L-Labeling Theory
M-Mechanical v. Organic
N-Norms, Folkways, Mores,
Laws, Sanctions
O-Out group v. In group
P- Piaget’s Theory of
R-Role Conflict v. Role Strain
S- Status Inconsistency
T-Thomas Theorem
U-Civil Union v. Marriage
W-White Collar Crime
Y-Symbolic Interactionism
Z-Zimbardo Prison Experiment
By Megan Ramirez
IS FOR: Authoritarian v.
Democratic v. Laissez Faire Styles
of Leadership
• they lead by giving orders
• they leads by trying to reach a
Laissez Faire
• they lead by being easy going and giving
people a lot of freedom (not that
IS FOR: Back Stage v. Front Stage
Back Stage
• Where you let your hair
• Ex. home
Front Stage
• Where we play our
assigned roles
• Ex. when at work, school
IS FOR: Conflict Theory
Conflict Theory
• Key to human history is class conflict
• Bourgeoisie (wealthy) v. proletariat (workers)
• All about power and competition
• Karl Marx!
• “social living is a contest”
IS FOR: Deviance
• the violation of norms, rules, or expectations
• The reactions to the act is what makes it deviant
• Ex. Criminals
IS FOR: Ethnocentrism
• Use your culture to judge another (“Eating a monkey is gross
• Thinking your group is better that another for no good reaso
• Leads to negative feelings about “their” behavior
• Gives us the right to take over other countries/ have slaves
IS FOR: Functionalism
• Life is like a body
• Contributions made by each part of society
• Change in one part of society leads to changes in
all parts of society
• 4 Types
• Function- positive; keeps group together
• Dysfunction-negative; hurts group
• Manifest- main or intended purpose
• Latent- unintended outcome
IS FOR: Gemeinchaft v. Gessellschaft
• Intimate community
• personal relationships with family
and friends
• Impersonal association
• Most time spent with strangers
IS FOR: Hirschi Study 2001
Hirschi Study 2001
• Deviance depends on the bonds between society and the
• Social bonds formed with attachment, commitment
involvement, and belief
IS FOR: Id, Ego, Superego
Freud and Personality
• Inborn basic drives
to avoid pain, seek
pleasure etc.
• Balancing force
between the id and
• Our conscience
IS FOR: De Jure v. De facto
De Jure
• Discrimination “by law”
• Ex. Plessy v. Ferguson
• segregation in schools and other public places
• ”separate but equal”
De facto
• Discrimination “by fact”
• Ex. After Brown v. Board of Education
• Segregation not constitutional but people still
IS FOR: Kholberg’s Theory of Moral
Kholberg’s Theory of Moral
• Amoral (0-6 yrs)
• Preconventional (7-10)
• Conventional (10-18?)
• Post Conventional (adult+)
IS FOR: Labeling Theory
Labeling Theory
• Idea that the labels people are given affect their own
and others’ perceptions of them
• The result is that people channel their
behavior into either deviance or conformity
IS FOR: Mechanical v. Organic
What holds society together?
• People perform similar tasks
• Shared values and beliefs
• Ex. Farmers-hard work, religion?
• Interdependence in an industrial society
• No shared values—might not have anything in common
except that they need each other to work
• Ex. Factory workers—assembly line, need everyone to
make a specific part
IS FOR: Norms, Folkways, Mores,
Laws, Sanctions
Norms-specific guideline for behavior (no smoking)
Folkways-everyday habits/manners (don’t talk with full mouth)
Mores- norms vital to well being of society and to our values
(no incest)
Laws- government’s rules (murder)
Sanctions- punishment for violating norms/ reward for
following them (jail, honor roll)
IS FOR: Out group v. In group
In group
• a group you are part of
• Ex. VHHS students, share school pride, classes, and clubs
Out group
• a group you are not a part of
• For every in group there is an out group
IS FOR: Piaget’s Theory on
Piaget’s Theory on Socialization
• Well accepted
• Stages are fluid
• 4 stages
• Sensory Motor Stage (0-2 yrs)
• Pre-Operatinal Stage (2-7)
• Concrete Operationl Stage (7-12)
• Formal Operational Stage (12+)
IS FOR: Questionnaires=Surveys
• Most common for reasearch
• Sample=number of people or types of people
picked to answer questions
• Random= Ex. People on street
• Representative= Ex. 50% of VHHS
IS FOR: Role conflict v. Role strain
Role conflict
• Too many things to do/expectations and not
enough time in the day!!!!
• Ex.—come home and study? Prep for club?
Talk with family?
Role strain
• More of a moral dilemma
• Ex. Lance Armstrong—do drugs and win
dishonestly or no drugs and don’t win?
IS FOR: Status Inconsistency
Status Inconsistency
• Have some status characteristics that are relatively
high and some that are relatively low
• Ex. A poor person wins the lottery
IS FOR: Thomas Theorem
Thomas Theorem
• what you think is real is real
IS FOR: Civil Union v. Marriage
Different kinds of families
• Legal union with mutual rights and obligations
• Ex. Tax and insurance benefits; if one dies, other still
has to pay the mortgage
Civil Union
Recognition of association by state
Also includes things like tax and insurance benefits and DNR
But! Not all states recognize civil unions so have to stay in
state where it is recognized or lose these benefits
IS FOR: Values
Hard work
• General idea that people share about what is good or bad
• Ex. Civil rights, hard work
• 5 elements important to Americans
• Leisure
• Self-fulfillment
• Physical fitness
• Youthfulness
• Concern for environment
IS FOR: White Collar Crime
White Collar Crime
• Crimes high status people commit usually as
they do their jobs
• Ex. Insider trading, tax evasion, embezzement
• These money crimes lead to less jail time than people crime
IS FOR: Xenophobia
• irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries
IS FOR: SYmbolic Interactionism
SYmbolic Interactionism
• Cooley and Meade
• Symbol=stands for
something that has agreed
meaning (Ex. Love, flag)
• Defines what one should
and shouldn’t do
• Defines oneself and others
IS FOR: Zimbardo Prison Experiment
Zimbardo Prison Experiment
• Experiment where some college students played
the role of guards while others played the role of
• Not long after the experiment started, the
“gaurds” were psychologically torturing the
• The experiment had to be stopped after just six