Chapter 9/10 Test Study Guide

Chapter 9:
Know the founders of the Gupta and Mauryan dynasties.
Trade systems, especially monsoon trade system and how it worked.
Impact of Aryan invasion
 and decentralization into rajas
 centralization over time in Mauryan and Gupta empires.
Know a little about Jainism, it's philosophy and lasting impact
 doctrine of ahimsa
Know about the development of Buddhism
 be able to distinguish Buddhism and Hinduism
 some basic tenets and beliefs of each
Know about the spread of Buddhism
 under the Mauryan
 rock and pillar edicts
 and the revival of popular Hinduism
 Bhagavad Gita
Chapter 10
Know the important features of Minoan society and what led to its destruction
Understand the political structure of the ancient Greeks, including the polis.
Be able to distinguish Athens and Sparta
 Spartan social system
 Athenian social system
 Political systems
 Peloponnesian War
 Gender relations
Know the critical battles of the Persian Wars.
Know about the Macedonian conquest of Greece
Understand Hellenism
Know the important ideas of each of the three great Greek philosophers
 Socrates
 Plato
 Aristotle