Instruments - at The University of British Columbia

EDUC 500:
Introduction to Educational Research
Dr. Stephen Petrina
Dr. Franc Feng
Department of Curriculum Studies
University of British Columbia
Cultural & Social
Processes & Forces,
Nature, Ideologies,
Mentalities, Grand Narratives
Structu re
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EDUC 500
Methods, procedures, concerns
Instruments - interview, scale, questionnaire
research objectives - identifying sample- reminder quantitative methods
keys to questions (“what” rather than “why”)
Population for inclusion in study- people, events, objects, sampling
related to choices of perspectives, approaches, ethics
Criteria for sampling- related to research objectives, understanding of
phenomena, practical constraints
Proxies: attributes, constructs, operationalization, rationale for focus
EDUC 500
Diversity: Homogeneity vs. heterogeneity, Invariant/relative: blood
(Palys, 2003), people Krech, Crutchfield & Ballachey, 1962),
classrooms Denzin & Lincoln (1994)
Representativeness, adequateness, intact, variability, influenced by
socialization, norming, “common sense”, social construction
Skinner box: rat in a maze, operant conditioning- perhaps facile,
consistent with deductive scientific worldview (invariant example)
EDUC 500
• Deductive model - Research in which theory is driven by a priori
underlying assumptions
• Functioning to test, explain, affirm (closed); influences sampling
choices, exceptions exist (e.g. exploratory factor analysis)
• Limitations in putting theory before research- preconceived
notions, socialization factors, where “a procedural research
decision implicitly reaffirms and supports a particular social
arrangement” (Paly. 2003: 127)
•Discourses of power (Foucault,
1970, 1972)
•Knowledge as arbitrary, role in
surveillance, control, discursive
borders, voice, margins
•Knowledge = (technical) power
•Influences research from the base:
directions, rationale, sampling, etc.
•Reasons for sampling based on
alternate rationale that pays attention
to the margins
EDUC 500
• Why not get statistics of population?
• At times possible- but frequently impossible, impractical,
expensive to sample.
• It is possible to make predictions with relative size samples,
around 2000 for national survey with error limits, where N=
Population, n= Sample, +/- 2%)
EDUC 500
Sampling implications Introduce error
Idea is to minimize this error, with larger samples,
Declare the margin error we are willing to tolerate
When we “find” significance when there is none - generally set
the alpha level at 0.05 (1 in 20), can set at 0.01 (1 in 100) or if it
is really critical 0.001 (1 in 1000)
Sampling language/terminology
– connected with probability theory
– universe, population unit of analysis
– sampling elements
– sampling frame
– Representativeness
– sampling ratio
– sampling error
• synonymous terms
• full set of units of analysis/ sampling elements
• not inherent, defined by researcher
• e.g. persons, articles, statements
• an error in unit of analysis can have implications (Bateson,
Sampling frame
• from population, sampling error
• introduce problems with representativeness
Probabilistic sampling
• Representativeness
• Descriptions of variability, normality, linearity, outliers
• Implications for ability to generalize back to population
• Larger sample size and random selection helps to minimize
errors in probabilistic sampling
Probability-Based Sampling
Probability-Based Sampling
• within margin of error- with random sampling
• all elements have equal probability of being selected
• every element is listed once and once only
• minimizes sampling error, deviation from population mean
Sampling errors
Two main errors we need to be concerned with :
– 1) Systematic errors - the introduction of systematic bias
– 2) Random errors- due to vagaries of chance variation (range of
certainty, e.g. 47 to 53), larger sample size, better estimate of “real”
• See table: how as sample size increases
– lower sampling error, as size of confidence interval decreases
(Palys, 2003: 131, 132)
– Yet, note counter- example of Bush speech with CBS twin polls:
touchtone phone in vs. commissioned survey (p.138-139)
Tyranny of the majority
Tyranny of the majority (Palys, 132)
– two languages/meanings of representation
– dominant group vs. under-represented minority groups
– one way to ensure rights of the minority groups are “represented”research sub-groups
– If as researchers, we are concerned with issues of marginalization,
minority interests/disparaged social groups, then probabilistic
sampling might not be an issue.
– If we are less concerned with need to mirror the population in which
representation is disproportionate, as we shall see, there are nonprobabilistic sampling/qualitative approaches
Other approaches
Other approaches to sampling-
– systematic sample with random start- cyclical
– will need to recognize problems with periodicity (e.g hockey teams,
stratified random sampling (note error in text, 35% not 10%)
– when probabilities are known ahead of time
– stratifying according to variable of interest to make comparisons
– need large sample sizes for proportional stratified random sampling
– can use different sampling ratios in disproportionate stratified
random sampling but then, can no longer generalize, only compare
In absence of sampling frame
• When sampling frame is not readily available:
– could employ multistage cluster sampling
– performing random sampling of clusters within each successive
cluster, until the desired “representativeness criterion” is reached
(Plays, 2003: 136)
– should be used only when sampling frame is unavailable since
errors accumulates
– also with content analysis for other objects of interest
Non-Probabilistic Sampling
• Haphazard, convenience or accidental sampling
– minimal requirements, “ideally, somewhat homogenous
– with respect to phenomenon of interest” (Palys, 2003: 142)
– Pilot research to pretest research instruments
– Research aimed at generating universals
Non-Probabilistic Sampling
• Purposive sampling
– Does not aim for formal representativeness
– Intentionally sought for criteria
– Reflects researcher’s interest and understanding of
phenomenon of interest
– When sampling individuals could be more inductive,
– Field-based research : choice of informants- including
naïve, frustrated, outsider, rookie, “outs”, old hand (Dean et
al., 1969)
– Informants vary in willingness to disclose
Non-Probabilistic Sampling
• Purposive sampling (continued)
– Extreme or deviant case sampling - for instance,
experience of pain (Morse, 1994)
– Intensity sampling - experienced experts, frequent or
ongoing exposure to phenomenon of interest)
– Maximum variety sampling (emphasizes sampling for
– Snowball sampling - using connections; useful for deviant
populations (Salamon, 1984), first influences
– Quota sampling (target population with known
characteristics)- Gallup -heterogeneous without true
Eliminating rival hypothesis
Towards relational research: relationships, explanations
– Classic experiment
– Quasi-experimentation
– Case-Study analysis
Share common logic- control over rival plausible explanations
Make reasonable inferences about causes
Approaches vary in degree emphasize:
– Manipulative or analytical control
Towards experimental design
Science three types of questions, according to Lofland (1971)
– Characteristics
– Causes
– Consequences
Expand to include considerations of antecedents (causes) of
phenomena of interest
Implications (consequences) for other variables of interest
Focus turns to examining relationships among variables and explaining
how variables interact to produce phenomena of interest
Informed by literature, allows for theorizing by examining relationships
The Problem of Causality
Causal relationships, causality
Differ slightly from Palys’ treatment of causality
Non-trivial to claim causation
Although Palys adds, “we cannot say that the experiment proved
Pascal’s theory.
Why? Why not? What can we say at best?
Role of theory in contributing to explanation
Cook and Campbell (1979) - Torricellian vacuum,
Pascal’s experiment
Pascal’s historical experiment, elements of experimental design
• Independent variable - effect to assess, manipulable
• Dependent variable - measure of “effect” of independent variable
• Comparison to test for treatment effect
Design: compare two tubes exposed to identical conditions except for
treatment (change in altitude)
Support, consistent, although cannot say proved: competing theories,
“jury never quite out”
Towards terminology and logic of experimentation
Pretest/Posttest Design:
Example from the text
Research question: Does watching a series of films about immigrants’
contributions to Canadian culture affect people’s attitude toward immigration
policies and current immigration levels. (p. 260)
Procedure, approach and design (what are these?)
– Who are the participants/subjects/informants/respondents?
– Why have we selected these participants?
– Know initial conditions- preliminary measure of attribute
– Reliable and valid instrument to measure attribute under study
– Application of treatment
– Measure and assessing impact of treatment, if any
– Number of variables: exposure to film (manipulated), measure to see
whether change has occurred
– Independent variable as treatment variable
Internal Validity & Research Design
If there is change, can we attribute it to our independent variable?
How confident are we that the change was due to the variable that we
Enter internal validity: “the extent to which differences observed in the study
can be unambiguously attributed to the experimental treatment itself, rather
than other factors” (Campbell & Stanley, 1963) - they “wrote the book”
Key question: “… to what extent, can we be confident that the differences we
observed are caused by the independent variable per se, rather than by rival
plausible explanations?” (Palys, 261).
We need to consider possible “threats” to internal validity (Campbell &
Stanley, 1963). What are some of these?
No matter how we try to minimize the possibility, random errors will occur…
Typical threats to Internal Validity
that offer rival explanations for change
Key question: Can we be sure that the effect we observed was caused
by the independent variable in our design? Uncertainty rears it’s
head… why? For a host of reasons… some of these include:
– History - pretest/posttest design, in the process
– Maturation- biological effects, with participants changing as a function of
– Testing- sensitization to the “test”- even administration can be factor, pretest
sensitization, practice effects
– Statistical regression towards the mean- more apparent than real- tendency
“for extreme scorers on the first testing to score closer to mean (average)…
on the second [or subsequent] testing [and] the more extreme the first
score, the greater the tendency” (Palys, p. 263).
Measurement: Review
• Data Entry, Analysis, Interpretation and Interpolation?
What do each of these terms mean?
What did you learn from inputting the form?
Could you see possible threats to internal validity?
Or possibly external validity?
How could the instrument have been improved?
What else did you learn by performing the analysis and
What else would you have liked to analyze?
How could we improve this activity?
What do you think is involved in instrument design?
When do you think the instrument was designed?
Measurement (continued)
• Analyzing the plots
What else can we learn from analyzing the output?
What other outputs would have been ideal?
Could you see more threats to internal validity?
Or possibly external validity?
How could the instrument have been improved?
What else would you have liked to analyze?
What do you think is involved in instrument design?
How could we improve this activity?
Pedagogical value of this activity?
You have learned enough to understand an article…
Opening the black box (Page 1)
An excerpt from Droba (1931: p. 96-97)
A Scale of Militarism-Pacifism
– The purpose of this article is to describe the construction of a scale
for the measurement of militarism-pacifism. The term “militarismpacifism” is used here to specify a particular attitude. In a very
broad sense it denotes a predisposition to act with reference to the
issue of war vs. peace.
– To measure militarism-pacifism directly is impossible. One cannot
enter into an immediate contact with the predispositions of other
persons. As an indirect measure of attitude the verbal expression of
a person, in the form of statements was chosen. The statements
cover the following topics in this field: Causes of war, purposes of
war, results of war and peace, what is to be done in case of war,
and general judgments about peace and war.
Opening the black box (Page 2)
Excerpt from Droba (1931: p. 96-97) continued:
– We can assume that there is some relationship between action and
verbal expression. That is, a person who endorsed militaristic
statements would probably tend to act like a militarist, and a person
who endorsed pacifist statements would be likely to act like a
– However, no assumption is made as to the extent of relation
between the verbal expression and action. If it is discovered hat a
person has endorsed statements indicating a pacifist attitude, one
cannot be sure that he will act exactly in accordance with his
Opening the black box (Page 3)
Excerpt from Droba (1931: p. 96-97) continued:
– In the present study verbal expressions or opinions will be used to
designate the successive steps in the militarism-pacifism scale. In
constructing the scale it will be desirable to find some way of
determining the distances between successful steps on the scale. If
it is desirable, furthermore, that the distances between the steps be
approximately equal. How to equalize the distances constitutes the
chief problem.
– To summarize, the main problem of this experiment is to construct
a scale of militarism-pacifism with approximately equal steps on the
scale- the steps to be represented by statements of opinion
concerning war and peace.
Evolution of a scale (Part 1)
• An instance from the literature, designing items,
calibrating and applying the scale (Droba, 1931)
– 237 statements expressing various degrees of
militarism-pacifism was collected from three
– Literature on war and peace, statements about the
issue of war vs. peace written by students and a
number of statements devised an modified by
– From 237 statements, 67 longest, least clear and
least relevant statements discarded
Evolution of a scale (Part 2)
• An instance from the literature, designing items,
calibrating and applying the scale (Droba, 1931)
– Three professors and writer went over remaining
statements, eliminated 30 more, leaving 130
– Subjects: 300 students, formal protocol for
presentation of envelopes- 130 statements, sort
into continuum from most to least militaristic
opinions, wrote on 11 slips
– 75% return rate, ok to “eliminate”, frequencies for
11 tabulated, curves plotted, scale constructed
based on criteria developed, 44 items, 2 pairs
(e.g. 18 : 2, 9 : 6, 7 : 13)
Evolution of a scale
• An instance from the literature, designing items, calibrating and
applying the scale (Droba, 1931)
– 237 statements expressing various degrees of militarismpacifism was collected from three sources
– Literature on war and peace, statements about the issue of
war vs. peace written by students and a number of
statements devised an modified by researcher.
– From 237 statements, 67 longest, least clear and least
relevant statements discarded
– Three professors and writer went over remaining statements,
eliminated 30 more, leaving 130 statements
– Subjects: 300 students, formal protocol for presentation of
envelopes- 130 statements, sort into continuum from most to
least militaristic opinions, wrote on 11 slips
– 75% return rate, ok to “eliminate”, frequencies for 11
tabulated, curves plotted, scale constructed based on criteria
developed, 44 items, 2 pairs (e.g. 18 : 2, 9 : 6, 7 : 13)
Analysis and Inferences
• An instance from the literature, designing items, calibrating the
scale (Droba, 1931) - continued:
– 237 statements expressing various degrees of militarismpacifism was collected from three sources
– 400 students at University of Chicago
– Ages range 17-44, mean age: 21.8 years
– Scores studied in relation to 4 factors: education(al) status educational attainment (5 groups), scholarship, gender,
religious affiliation
– Tendency? Plots, distribution of scores: females to males
– Evenly graduated scale of militarism-pacifism, reliability
Opening the black box
of measurement…
Consider context, we altered the scale- why?
Method: How might you design you own scale?
Would you have understood this paper?
Wanted to at least walk through a research paper with you
Fairly abstract and complex ideas
Could we have performed further correlations?
Might it have been helpful to code respondents as #01, #02?
Has it been a useful exercise? Chose to focus with related
lectures and activities
• What else might we want to know with regards to the
instrumentation process?
• Survey course, scope limited, time permitting, may include
relevant information for your further reference
Images used in this presentation were sourced from the following URLs:
People on the move:
Martin Luther King: Luther King, Jr. -- 3.jpg
Donna Haraway:
Vandana Shiva:
Michel Foucault:
Normal curve (animated):
Normal curve: