Three Pivotal Battles Graphic Organizer

Name/Period: ________________________________
Cobb Digital Library Research Activity
Three “Pivotal” Civil War Battles
Directions: Using the Cobb Digital Library – go to “Encyclopedias” – select Britannica Online School Edition and locate and record the following
information. The recommended website for Chickamauga is New Georgia Encyclopedia. Please access additional links/resources if needed.
Union Strength
1. Based on what you learned by researching the Battle of Antietam, write a summary paragraph of its importance to the course (direction) of
the war:
2. Research the Emancipation Proclamation and answer the following questions:
A. Who issued the Emancipation Proclamation? _______________________________________________________________________
B. What inaction was Lincoln criticized for when the American Civil War broke out in 1861? What group was responsible for this criticism?
C. When Lincoln drew up the proclamation in July 1862, Secretary of State, William Henry Seward, urged that the proclamation should not
be issued. When did Lincoln see was the best time to issue the proclamation? Do you agree with his reasoning?
D. After the Battle of Antietam, when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued, what was the Confederate response?
E. What was the outcome of the Emancipation Proclamation? _______________________________________________________________
3. Based on what you learned by researching the Battle of Gettysburg, explain why the “outcome” of this pivotal battle is considered to be a
“turning point” in the Civil War:
4. Using the New Georgia Encyclopedia website, read about the Battle of Chickamauga and answer the following questions:
A. Compare the Battle of Chickamauga in Georgia to the Battle of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania:
B. What was the “goal” of the Union army in this engagement?
C. Why was the outcome of the Battle of Chickamauga important in regard to direction of the war in Georgia?
D. Did Rosecrans achieve his goal? ____________________________________________________________________________________
Anchor Activity: What to do when done with this research!!
Take out your Study Guide on the Civil War (pink handout) and a sheet of paper. Set up Cornell Notes and use the Focus Points as your
questions with your notes on the right.
Cornell Notes: Causes of the Civil War/Civil War Study Guide
Describe the regional
North: industrial
differences between the North
South: agricultural
and the South in the first half of
the 19th century and relate
these differences to the issue of
slavery and states’ rights.
What was the abolitionist
Who were the following key
people involved with the
abolitionist movement?
Frederick Douglass
William Lloyd Garrison
John Brown
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Tubman