Aristotle ◦ First to study motion Galileo ◦ Dropped big and small rock Fell at same rate ◦ If no interference – motion will go on forever Newton formalized ideas ◦ At 23 (1665) he overthrew Aristotle’s 2000 year old ideas ◦ LAWS OF MOTION Force ◦ The cause of an acceleration (or the change in an object’s motion) ◦ Force = mass x acceleration ◦ Units: Newton – SI Unit of Force (kg x m/s2) Dyne – CGS Unit of Force (g x cm/s2) Pound – English Unit of Force (slug x ft/s2) Inertia ◦ The tendency of an object to maintain its state of motion Equilibrium ◦ The state of a body in which there is no change in its motion Weight ◦ The magnitude of the force of gravity acting on an object ◦ Weight = mass x acceleration Law of Inertia ◦ An object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force “Object” – any body “Continues” – keeps rest or moving “Unbalanced force” – net force, not in equilibrium Why Law of Inertia? ◦ Tendency of a body to resist change of motion More matter = more inertia Ex. If chased by an elephant, how should you run away? Zigzag!! V I M V Cardboard I M Wood V I M Lead • Same volumes take up the same amount of space • Which is harder to move? - More inertia - More mass (mass is a measure of inertia) Does mass = weight? ◦ Mass – quantity of matter in a body ◦ Weight – measure of gravitational force which acts on a body W = mg Depends on where the object is Ex. Earth, Moon, Space g = 9.8 m/s2 g = 1.6 m/s2 g=? Gravity on the Moon ◦ Gravity around the Solar System ◦ /q0227.shtml How much would a 75 kg (165 lb) person weigh on the Moon? On Mars? ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ gmoon= 1.62 m/s2 gmars= 3.77 m/s2 2.2 pound = 1 kilograms 1 pound = 4.45 Newtons Moon: 121.5 N or 27.3 lbs Mars: 282.8 N or 63.5 lbs On bus (rest rest) ◦ Standing and bus moves forward ◦ You seem to fall backward ◦ Actually feet move forward with bus and body remains at rest ◦ Bus stops? Dishes on Table (rest rest) ◦ Snap a cloth from beneath ◦ Friction between dishes and cloth not enough to move dishes In stopping car (motion motion) ◦ Fly forward ◦ Keep moving while car stops Deals with acceleration Acceleration = a = v / t ◦ Ex. Car died tow 5N 50 N Which provides the greater acceleration? Which can get car from 0 mi/hr to 20 mi/hr faster? GREATER FORCE With same force, which can go from 0 mi/hr to 50 mi/hr faster? Mass = 1000 kg SMALLER MASS SMALLER INERTIA Mass = 5000 kg Force = mass x acceleration (F = ma) The more force on an object, the more it accelerates. The more massive an object, the more it resists acceleration. “The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the body” * “in the same direction as the net force” ◦ a in the same direction of body’s motion speed up ◦ a in opposite direction of body’s motion slow down ◦ a at right angles to direction of body’s motion deflect circular ◦ Any other change in speed and direction mks cgs English Length m cm ft Mass kg g slugs Time s s s Velocity m/s cm/s ft/s Acceleration m/s2 cm/s2 ft/s2 Dyne (g x cm/s2) Pounds (lbs) (slugs x ft/s2) Force Newtons (N) (kg x m/s2) mass x gravity W = N or lbs g = -9.8 m/s2 or -32 ft/s2 N or lbs Use ______________ as force units push or a __________ pull A force is a __________ Now also say: Force is anything that can ____________ accelerate a body. Weight = Galileo gave no reason why bodies fall with an acceleration. Newton did. ◦ Newton – a F pulls on a body and pulls it toward the Earth. ◦ F = ma Heavier body attracted with more F. Heavier body has more m and… More I More resistance to change Ex. If 2 x F and 2 x m same net acceleration Force: ◦ Causes acceleration ◦ A push or a pull ◦ Always involves two objects interaction Ex. Hammer and Nail ◦ Hammer exerts force on nail ◦ In process, nail slows down hammer ◦ Therefore, nail exerts force on hammer Ex. Ice skater with rifle or with mitt To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ◦ One force is action force, other is reaction ◦ Neither can exist without the other Action Reaction Weightlifter lifts on barbell Barbell pulls on weightlifter Feet down on Earth Earth pushes up on feet You sit on chair Chair pushes up on you Tires sit on road Road pushes up on tires You push on wall Wall pushes back on you Helical blades push down on particles Particles push up on blades Rifle pushes bullet Bullet pushes back on rifle (KICK) SAME FORCE: F/mb = a F/mr = a Sometimes not so obvious. ◦ Reactions in free-fall Earth pulls on body = action Body pulls on Earth = reaction Therefore, can say boulder falls to Earth or Earth falls to boulder ◦ F is equal but acceleration is very small When step off curb – street comes up to meet you Bug against windshield – deceleration of car small, deceleration of bug large When objects are relatively the same mass, both forces are more easily noticed since both accelerations are about equal.