
 Orion
 Alnilam, Mintaka and Alnitak, which form Orion’s
belt, are the most prominent stars in the Orion
constellation. Betelgeuse, the second brightest
star in Orion, establishes the right shoulder of
the hunter. Bellatrix serves as Orion's left
 Right Ascension: 5 hours and Declination: 5 degrees
 Orion is occupying an area of 594 square degrees. It
is located in the first quadrant of the northern
hemisphere (NQ1) and can be seen at latitudes
between +85° and -75°.
 Orion is the 26th constellation in size.
 The neighboring constellations are Eridanus, Gemini,
Lepus, Monoceros and Taurus.
Orion is clearly visible in the night sky from November to
February. Orion is in the southwest sky if you are in the
Northern Hemisphere or the northwestern sky if you are
in the Southern Hemisphere.
Orion straddles the celestial equator. Betelgeuse is
about 7° north, and Rigel is
about 8° south. So, to cut to the chase and come out
and say there's no place on earth from which all of
Orion can appear to be above the horizon continuously
for 24 hours, i.e. it's not circumpolar.
The three brightest stars in Orion are:
• Rigel-Right ascension: 5 hours 14 minute 32.3 seconds,
Declination: -8 degrees 12 minutes 6 seconds
• Betelgeuse: 05 55 +7.4
• Bellatrix 05 25 +6.3
 One which is Ridel
 Orion, the hunter of Taurus the bull, and Lepus the hare.
Followed faithfully by his companions Canis Major, and Canis
Minor, he is the dominator of the northern sky. Madly in love
with the daughter of King Oenopion of Chios, Metrope, Orion
was consistantly denied marriage to her. His love for her raged,
and while in a drunken stupor, raped Metrope. Oenopion
consulted Dionysis, and found revenge. Dionysis casted Orion
into a deep sleep, and plagued him with blindness. Upon
awakening Orion sought the help of an Oracle. It told him that
to gain his sight back, he would need to travel east, and let the
rays of the sun strike his eyes. Orion did this, regained his sight,
and later lived in Crete, where the goddess of the moon
Artemis fell in love with him. Her love for him was so strong,
that she failed to light the evening sky with moonlight. Orion's
death came about when Apollo challenged Artemis to hit a
speck among the waters of the ocean, not knowing that this
speck was Orion swimming. Artemis shot a single arrow killing
him. In response to her actions, Artemis placed Orion, along
with his companions Canis Major, and Canis Minor in the sky,
near the seven daughters of Oenopion, the Pleiades. Here they
remained as the mightiest hunters of the night sky.
 They have said that Orion was actually used as a
ancient code-The whole city of Teotihuacán seems
to be aligned astronomically. It is consistently
oriented 15 to 25 degrees east of true north, and
the front wall of the Pyramid of the Sun is exactly
perpendicular to the point on the horizon where
the sun sets on the equinoxes. The rest of the
ceremonial buildings were laid out at right angles to
the Pyramid of the Sun. The Avenue of the Dead
points at the setting of the Pleiades.
Another alignment is to the dog star Sirius, sacred to
the ancient Egyptians, which has led some to suggest a
link between the great pyramids of Egypt and
Mexico. Orion, more than a constellation, s global
 Orion’s constellation is made up of all of the seven main stars in
Orion, with the exception of the red super giant Betelgeuse (429
ly), are young blue supergiants. These include Rigel (777 ly)
Bellatrix (243 ly ), Saiph (724 ly), Alnitak (826 ly), Alnilam (1360
ly) and Mintaka (919 ly).
 Orion contains 2 of the 10 brightest stars in the night sky. The
constellation of Orion’s brightest star is Rigel, which shines
40,000 times brighter than our sun, and represents the hunter’s
left knee. Next brightest is Betelgeuse, which is 100,000 times
brighter than our sun, and depicts the top right shoulder of
 Orion’s sword-Below his belt you can see a curved line of 3 stars,
which represent the giant’s sword. The middle star is, in actual
fact, not a star but a nebula. The Orion Nebula (M42) is a huge
cloud of dust and gas almost 6 light years across inside which
new stars are being formed. It is 1,500 light years distant and at
the center of the nebula are four stars, known as “The
Trapezium” which help light it up. Orion.
 http://www.space.com/16659-constellation-orion.html
 http://www.constellation-guide.com/constellation-list/orion-constellation/
 http://www.windows2universe.org/mythology/orion.html
 http://www.ancient-code.com/orion-constellation/