Gibsonville United Methodist Church SENDING FORTH *Hymn Spirit Song #347 *The Light of Christ Leads Us into the World 501 Church Street, Gibsonville, North Carolina 27249 – 336-449-4810 *** Acolyte MISSION STATEMENT Gibsonville United Methodist Church exists to WELCOME people to faith in Jesus Christ, EQUIP us with a faith that helps us grow as disciples, and SEND us into the world to serve and to make a difference for Jesus’ sake. *Benediction Today is Communion Sunday. All money left on the altar rail during communion will be put in the Emergency Assistance Fund. Welcome New Members! Last week we celebrated as the following people joined our church: Chris and Ron Steigerwaldt, Evelyn Stanley and Sue Wood. Their addresses and phone numbers were published in the Mid-Week Messenger. August 3, 2014 8th Sunday after Pentecost GATHERING Opportunities this week for Worship, Study, and Service Sunday 8/3/14 9:45 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship 4 PM Children’s Council Monday 8/4/14 Tuesday 8/5/14 Wednesday 8/6/14 8 AM Men’s Breakfast 7 PM Alive in Christ 10:30 AM PB&J Thursday 8/7/14 Friday 8/8/14 Saturday 8/9/14 Sunday 8/10/14 Youth SpiritUs 6:30 AM Breakfast at Greensboro Urban Ministries 6:30 PM Fellowship Committee Visitation: Ray 9:45 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship Choir Schedule TBA Camp Guilrock Day Camp, August 4 – August 7 Worship Assistants For August 3, 2014 Acolyte: Tyler Journigan Altar Guild: Ben & Sandy McMillan Camera Operator: Joe Ray Counters (Offering) Purple Team: Deleno Flynn, Howard Hendricks, Nancy Shepherd Greeters: David & Mandy Uberig Kid’s Own Worship: No Kid’s Own Worship - Communion Liturgical Color of the Day: Red Nursery (Infant): Elizabeth Ingle Nursery(Toddler): Julie Isley Head Usher: Tommy Norwood 12 Noon Board of Trustees Worship Assistants for August 10, 2014 Acolyte: Carter James Altar Flowers: Wallace & Lisa Kale Altar Guild: Ben & Sandy McMillan Camera Operator: Glenn Zimmerman Counters (Offering) Purple Team: Deleno Flynn, Howard Hendricks, Nancy Shepherd Greeters: David & Mandy Uberig Kid’s Own Worship: Open Liturgical Color of the Day: Red Nursery (Infant): Donna Rickard Nursery(Toddler): Ken Rickard Head Usher: Tommy Norwood Ministers: All Our Members Pastor: Rev. Sybil Parks – Home Phone Number: (336) 603-8135/Cell Phone Number (336) 529-3005 Director of Christian Education: Diane Jones – Cell (336) 255-3477/Office (336) 449-4810 Administrative Assistant: Edith Younger – Music and Creative Worship Arts Team: Bonita Chrismon & Susan Pyles Custodian: Kibble Davis Website: Please sign the attendance pad as it is passed to you. If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer card located in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. Welcome and Announcements Pastor Sybil Parks *Mutual Greeting Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you. *Chiming the Trinity This is the Lord’s Day and it is our great privilege and responsibility to worship Him with His people. Gathered by God in worship: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” WORSHIP IN SONG *Call to Worship Canticle of God’s Glory Pastor Sybil Parks Leader: Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth. Lord God, Heavenly King, Almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, and we praise you for your glory. People Sing: Father, we adore You; Lay our lives before You: How we love You. Leader: Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us; receive our prayers and praise. People Sing: Jesus, we adore You; Lay our lives before You: How we love You. Leader: For you alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of the Father. AMEN. People Sing: Spirit, we adore You; Lay our lives before You; How we love You. *Hymn of Praise Standing on the Promises #374 *Light of Christ Leads Us Into Worship Acolyte WORSHIP IN PRAYER Holy Communion As United Methodists, we practice an "open table" for Holy Communion. This means that you do not have to be a Methodist to take part in Communion. This is the Lord's Table and Christ invites anyone (children, youth, and adults) to come and receive His love and grace when receiving the elements. If you desire to receive from Christ, you are invited to come forward. We also have gluten-free Communion wafers at the altar rail. Pastoral Prayer WORSHIP IN GIVING The Giving of our Tithes and Offerings First time visitors you are our guests. Your presence is your gift today. Offertory *Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow #95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Prayer of Dedication Diane Jones PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE Children’s Time Diane Jones Children ages 4 through 2nd grades are invited to follow the leaders to Kid’s Own Worship. Anthem Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:13-21 Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God. Message “Bring Them to Me” Silent Prayer Leader: Hear the Good News: Christ died for us while we were still sinners; that proves God’s love toward us. In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. People: In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven! Glory to God! The Great Thanksgiving Leader: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Leader: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them up to the Lord. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Leader: It is right, and a good and joyful thing… … Response to the Mystery of Faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. ... The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Mabel Owen Pastor Sybil Parks Invitation to Holy Communion (Based on Isaiah 55 and Psalm 42) Leader: Come to the waters you who are thirsty; come and drink deep of the Lord! People: My soul thirsts for God, for the living God! Leader: Why spend money on what does not satisfy? Listen to the lord, and fill yourself with only the best and the finest. People: My soul hungers for God, for the living God! Leader: Our Lord invites to His table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another. Therefore, let us make our silent confession before God. Giving and Receiving We practice Communion by intinction: Each person is invited to come forward in lines from both sides, cup your hands as a sign of receiving, receive a small piece of bread from the pastor, and dip it into the cup of grape juice and eat. (Persons seated on the right will dip into the cup on the right and persons seated on the left will dip into the cup on the left). Then, you may kneel or stand at the altar rail and pray or you may return to your seat by the side aisle and silently pray. If you would like to be served in your pew, please indicate that to an usher. Prayer Abba Father, we give thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. Fill us with your presence and your grace. Help us to go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, to give ourselves for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN. Upcoming Activities & Information Children’s Council: The Children’s Council will meet today at 4:00pm in the conference room. This is an important meeting as we will begin to plan children’s programming for the fall. Men’s Breakfast Group: The Men’s Breakfast group will meet Monday (instead of Tuesday), August 4 at 8:00am. All men are invited. For additional information contact Wallace Kale at 449-5154. Camp Guilrock Day Camp, Reidsville – August 4-7: There are many opportunities to be a part of this camp. Campers eat, swim, canoe, fish, make crafts, hear Bible stories, play games, and hike. Helpers are needed every day in all areas. If you would be willing to share your time and talents with this group of children or for more information, contact Diane Jones at 449-4810 or email Fellowship Committee: The Fellowship Committee will meet Wednesday, August 6 at 6:30pm in the conference room. For additional information contact Sherrie Sawyer at 263-1277. Vacation Bible School at a Sister Church: Come join Hearts on Fire and Gibsonville Evangelical Methodist Church for Workshop of Wonders on the Gibsonville Town Greens. August 9th, 3:00-7:30pm. Register by calling 336-266-7183 or 336-707-7263. PB&J Ministry & Activities: Please meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10:15am every Wednesday through August 20 to make bag lunches and prepare to delivery them. The entire congregation is invited to join this outreach by donating items needed. What is needed most right now are monetary donations to cover the items purchased and juice boxes, individual bags of chips, and individual fruit cups. Please bring the food items to the Welcome Center. At the end of each Wednesday delivery, we play games and interact with the children at Hutson Trailer Park…children, youth and adults are welcome to join us! Greensboro Urban Ministries Breakfast, Next Sunday, August 10…Your Help Is Needed!! We will gather at the church at 6:30am to carpool or drive the van to Greensboro. At the site, folks are already preparing the food, so we set the table with milk, juice, etc. and serve the folks when they come in. This is a great ministry for people who live on the street to enjoy a hot meal. Sometimes we have a prayer station for those who would like prayer and sometimes we have church members sing. Join us for a morning of giving of yourself...God's blessings are abundant in the process! Terrific Tuesday: We are having tons of fun and lots of kids at Terrific Tuesdays. Next outing is August 12 - Swimming and Fishing at Camp Guilrock - Meet at the church at 5:00pm. Bring a swim suit and a fishing pole if you have one. We will be back to the church by 8:00pm. Sign up by August 10. Welcome Committee (Evangelism): The Welcome Committee will meet Wednesday, August 13 at 7:00pm in the conference room. Contact Terry McNeill at 270-5135 for additional information. Altar Flowers: Volunteers are needed to place flowers on the altar for August 24 and 31. If you would be willing to take one of these dates, please call 449-4810 or email or see the flower chart located outside the church parlor to sign up. Enjoy a cup of coffee or a juice box in our Welcome Center located on the ground level at the North entrance of the building. We also invite you to pick up information about the various ministries at Gibsonville United Methodist Church. Welcoming the Children at Gibsonville United Methodist Church NURSERIES: For children Birth - 3 years old, we offer nurseries for both Sunday School and Worship. The Infant Nursery cares for children ages Birth - 18 months of age and the Toddler Nursery 18 months – 3 years. Both nurseries are located behind the Sanctuary on the 1st Floor. SUNDAY SCHOOL: Begins at 9:45 AM and all children (age 3 through 5th grade) gather in Room 210. The children then divide into three age groups for their lesson, 3-5 year olds – Room 211, 1st & 2nd grades - Room 209, 3rd – 5th grades –Room 210. KID’S OWN WORSHIP (Children’s Church): A Worship enrichment program is offered for children ages 4 through 2 nd grade. After the Children’s Time, children are invited to leave the Sanctuary with their leaders for a time of fun and learning. Children may then be picked up immediately after worship in Room 210. Remember In Prayer Requested By: Prayer Request Stanley Adams Carol Beck Becky Dodson Charles & Audrey Wyrick Paula Lewis Friends Friends Paula Lewis Healing from a fall Healing and comfort Healing, peace and comfort Peace and comfort Long Term Prayer Needs Carol Beck, Eddie Brown, Etta Brown, Tootie Burke, Dee Dee Ezekiel, Pam Fagan, Logan Forbis, Anita Johnson, Janis Hawk, David Hix, John Learned, Michael Meehan, Matt McIntyre, Beverly McLeod, Bill Modlin, Van Moore, Carol Neece, Betty Overman, Katherine Schipp, Beverly Souther, Reggie Wall, Juanita Wicker Extended Care Facilities and Homebound Lorraine Apple – The Oaks, Rm 112, 1670 Westbrook Avenue, Burlington, NC 27215 Etta Brown – 511 Trail One, Burlington, NC 27215 (222-3555) Nell Gerringer – Ashton Place, Room 705 Beatrice Jadlocki – Liberty Commons, 791 Boone Station Road, Burlington, NC 27215 Betty Overman – 7005 Stella Drive, Whitsett, NC 27377 Margaret Shepherd – 904 Springwod Avenue, Gibsonville, NC 27249 Jane Trim – Alamance Healthcare, 1987 Hilton Road, Burlington, NC 27217 Margie Underwood – Cedar Ridge, Apt 305, 2860 S. Mebane Street, Burlington, NC 27215 Evelyn Wall – Peak Resources, 779 Woody Drive, Graham, NC 27253 Amy Whitesell – Blakey Hall, Rm 211, Elon, NC 27244 (Phone: 506-2369) Military Personnel Cameron Barfield, Alan Bowlsby, Jeremy Cobb, James Dahl, Mike Gidcumb, Jimmy Hawks, Jay Lawler, Jerry Moize, Jr., Rick Moor, Tommy Pollard, Jeffrey Shepherd, Jonathan Small, Evan Strickland, Jr., Aaron Traywick, Chuck Walker, Joshua Webster Our Stewardship for 7/27/14 Sunday School Attendance: 36 Worship Service Attendance: 123 Offering Received for Operating Budget: $4,228.00 Offering Received for Building Fund: $2,230.00 Weekly Offering Needed for 2014 Operating Budget: $6,343.00 Weekly Offering Needed for Building Mortgage Payment: $1,643.00