Key Dates CFC Campaign Kickoff September 9, 2015 – 10:00 a.m. - Location TBD Central Alabama CFC Campaign Timeline September 1, 2015 until November 13, 2015 CFC 2015 Awards Ceremony Date TBA 2015 CFC Campaign Contacts Terry Davis CFC Director Donna Thomas Administrative Assistant 252-458-2051 205-458-2080 Sharon Ward BFS 2015 CFC Chair Jim Stefkovich, Chief Meteorologist National Weather Service 2015 LFCC Chair THE CFC STORY The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the only authorized solicitation of Federal employees in their workplaces on behalf of approved charitable organizations. The CFC began in the early 1960’s to coordinate the fundraising efforts of various charitable organizations so that the Federal donor would only be solicited once in the workplace and have the opportunity to make charitable contributions through payroll deduction.1 In 2014 the generous Federal Employees from 70+ local agencies contributed $900,000 to the CFC of Central AL. Our local CFC includes the following counties: Jefferson, Shelby, Walker, Blount, Chilton, Clay, Coosa, Marion and Winston. CAMPAIGN UNIVERSAL GIVING Contribute to any CFC-participating charity no matter where you or your charity is geographically located. 1 CFC Facts can be found in any OPM approved CFC Brochure Your 2015 CFC Giving Made Easy For You The Central Alabama Combined Federal Campaign is happy to offer you FOUR methods for making your pledge to your favorite charity (ies) in 2015 – three of those are via on-line e-pledging, the other is by using the traditional paper pledge. On-line, E-pledging via CFC Nexus, CFC Employee Express (CFC-EEX) and MyPay Why Pledge On Line? Easy – simple and quick to use Accurate – no math errors, verifies 5-digit codes Intuitive – very interactive Legible – no need to decipher penmanship Accessible – pledge from nearly anywhere Searchable Data – find charity preferences quickly and easily Cost Savings – eliminates data entry, reduces printed charity listings Campaign Progress Tracking – up-to-date reporting CFC Nexus CFC Employee Express (EEX) MyPay Federal Agencies Serviced Federal Agencies Serviced Federal Agencies Serviced ALL Federal Agencies ONLY Specific Civilian Federal Agencies ONLY Specific DoD and some other Federal Agencies PLEDGE ONLINE TODAY! IT’S FAST, EASY AND GREEN Access to CFC-Nexus, CFC-EEX and MyPay is available via the CFC website at: INTRODUCING… CFC UNIVERSAL GIVING What is it? Universal Giving (UG) is a new donation option that permits donors to pledge to any CFCparticipating charity no matter where the donor or the charity is geographically located. Previously, only National, International, and Local charities in our campaigns territory were available to receive donors’ contributions. Now, with Universal Giving, all Local charities in all CFC regions are accessible to donors. Thus for those donors who wish to stay involved with a favored charity or charities outside the area, they may now do so through UG. How does Universal Giving work? The list of UG charities can only be accessed online. UG charities are too numerous to be listed in this paper charity listing. If you wish to donate to a local charity outside our campaign territory, log in to any of our online giving tools at to search for the charity you want to support. Enter the charity’s five-digit code on your paper pledge form or the online donation tool of your choice: CFCPaper Nexus, CFC Employee Express, MyPay, your phone or tablet. It’s that easy!Congratulations! Pledging Retiring Soon? Paper pledge forms are available through your Federal Agency and Military Unit CFC Coordinator and/or Keyworker or by calling the CFC office at 205-458-2080. They are also available for download from the CFC website at Paper pledge forms are required for cash and check contributions. Your gift is very important, so please consider continuing to support your favorite charities through the CFC. One-time credit card pledging is available to Retirees via CFC Nexus by accessing the RI and SEMA CFC website at, or you can complete the traditional paper pledge form and send it to the CFC office. See the CFC website for additional information. CFC of Central Alabama 2014 Campaign Statistics Top 20 Employer Pledges Employer Pledge SSA Operations $252,352 VA Medical Center $186,605 US Postal Service $161,922 Bureau Of Fiscal Service $45,449 VA OIT Field Office $23,838 Internal Revenue Service $22,836 US Dept Housing Urban Development $22,638 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission $21,265 US District Court - Northern Alabama $19,416 SSA Office Of Disability Adjudication Review $15,341 National Weather Service $11,570 Social Security AIPQB $9,145 US Attorney's Office $8,999 VA Employee Education System $8,489 Alabama Air National Guard-117th ARW $5,548 Army 4th Brigade 75th Division $5,540 FAA / ASO-FSDO-09 $5,502 SBA Birmingham Disaster Services $5,295 Transportation Security Administration $4,740 Federal Bureau Of Investigation $4,435 2014 Campaign Designation Report Campaign Statistics: 2014 Campaign Total $896,315 Total Designated to Local Charities $522,407 Total Designated to National Charities $323,944 Total Designated to International Charities $24,326 Total Undesignated Contributions $25,658 Coordinator Tools-(Topics this booklet covers) Coordinator Role/Develop a Plan Goal Setting Campaign Planning Sheet Awards Criteria 2015 Leadership Certificate Awards What’s NEW( CFC NEXUS and WEBSITE) o CFC Nexus ONLINE PLEDGING DEMO Pledge Card Instructions EEX Online Pledging System Coordinator Campaign Supply List Coordinator Role The campaign coordinator is a very important position which provides leadership, direction and enthusiasm for your agency’s campaign. Primary responsibilities are outlined below. Responsibilities prior to the Campaign: Attend coordinator training Create a winning team by recruiting others to help make your campaign a success Develop your plan, including budget, theme, and events to support your campaign Establish a campaign timeline that includes agency tours, speakers, meetings, etc. Work with your agency director to establish giving and participation goals Turn in your agency’s Campaign Planning Sheet Meet with your CFC Loaned Executive to communicate your strategies to meet our goals Responsibilities during the Campaign: Consult with your Loaned Executive to receive campaign guidance Conduct a Leadership Campaign to include events or face to face solicitation Organize the campaign kick-off and special events Make sure everyone is offered the opportunity to give Make sure all pledge information is reported completely and accurately to your LE Turn in check and cash on a weekly basis *PLEASE SET AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR LOANED EXECUTIVE TO REVIEW YOUR CAMAPIGN RESULTS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING THEM. Responsibilities after the Campaign: Announce your campaign results to all of your fellow employees Implement a “ THANK YOU” portion of campaign (Thank ALL donors) Organize information for next year’s campaign team Develop a Campaign Plan Develop a plan for your agency that includes all the best practices. Generate enthusiasm for your campaign with the message, incentives and fun events. Communicate the importance each employee plays in supporting community needs and giving back. Utilize all agency resources available to you to ask your fellow employees to contribute to the CFC. Central Alabama CFC Campaign Timeline: September 1, 2015-November 13, 2015 An effective Campaign Plan should include the following best practices: A Winning Team--Select a campaign committee to include individuals in your organization who are leaders, respected team players, and dedicated to the success/completion of the job. Recruit different talents and skill sets with a variety of personalities and positions to represent all within your organization. Your Loaned Executive (LE) should be part of the team. Campaign Goal--Analyze your campaign approach and results from last year and build a plan to reach more employees through a specific strategy. Agency Director support--Provide a way for your (AD) or manager to publicly support the campaign. Tours and Speakers--Your LE can assist you in scheduling tours and speakers appropriate for the interests of your employees. Leadership Meeting--Invite your management and company leaders to a separate leadership event to set the pace for your campaign. Employee Meeting--Ask employees to join you in moving the needle forward on critical community issues through a contribution to the Combined Federal Campaign. Event/Incentives--Build enthusiasm in your campaign by including themes, prizes, and events appropriate for your company environment. Campaign Process—Campaign wrap-up is crucial to a successful CFC campaign. Organization and documentation is key to a successful campaign close out. Develop a Campaign Plan Execute your Campaign Plan Announce your goal and other campaign specifics to employees Facilitate Leadership and Employee meetings Facilitate fun and exciting events to promote enthusiasm about the campaign Provide campaign progress (Keep a goal thermometer for all the employees to see campaign progress as pledges are turned in.) Finalize your Campaign Compile Results Report your results to the Loaned Executive (LE) and fellow employees Thank employees This year we will hold our Annual CFC Awards Program in December, date is still TBD. DATELINE FOR CAMPAIGN RESULTS ALL RESULTS FOR YOUR AGENCY WILL NEED TO BE SUBMITTED ON BEFORE NOVEMBER 13th. AWARD DETERMINATION STATUS WILL BE TAKEN FROM AGENCY RESULTS THAT HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED BY NOVEMBER 13th. CAMPAIGN RESULTS SUBMITTED AFTER THE NOVEMBER 14TH DATE WILL BE COUNTED FOR THOSE AGENCIES BUT NOT CARRY ANY AWARD WEIGHT. YOUR AGENCY WILL GET CREDIT FOR THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE RESULTS. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE INCLUDED FOR AWARD DETERMINATION. Goal Setting Things to consider when you and your agency director set a goal Were employees involved in the campaign? Did you educate employees about CFC? Did you have leadership support? What method of giving do the employees use? (one time pledge vs. payroll deduction) Issues that could impact your goal New hires Layoffs/cutbacks Shifts/part-time/contract employees Things you as a coordinator need to consider when asking fellow employees to give to CFC What motivates you the most to get involved in a project? What has been effective in motivating your employees? Has your agency submitted its Campaign Planning Sheet? Campaign Planning Sheet Agency Name: Do Not Abbreviate Agency Name Agency Head: Director/President or CEO of the Agency Agency Mailing Address: Agency Phone Number: Agency Fax Number (very important): Agency Payroll Office ID Number (8 digits): Number of permanent employees: Number of temporary employees: CFC Contributions for Fall 2014 Campaign: **Suggested Goal for CFC Contributions for Fall 2015 Campaign: (Write “same” if you agree with the goal on attached spreadsheet) Agency Goal if different from Suggested Goal ____________________________________ Please enter a 2015 goal for your agency. If a goal is not submitted, the Suggested Goal listed above will be used for Award criteria calculations. Comments regarding agency goal (if different from attached spreadsheet) Example – loss of employees, deployment, etc. CFC Keyworker Name: CFC Keyworker Phone Number: CFC Keyworker Fax Number: Email Awards Criteria Award Criteria for Certificates Agencies must meet or exceed the requirements of three or more of the award criteria and have complied with all other requirements of the CFC Committee to be eligible for the following certificates at the end of the Campaign: Agencies meeting all five requirements will be awarded Gold certificates Agencies meeting four of the requirements will be awarded Silver certificates Agencies meeting three of the requirements will be awarded Bronze certificates Award Criteria for the Inter-Agency Trophies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 80% or more in employee participation Per Capita of $100 Participation in payroll deduction plan 65 percent and over Average contribution per contributor is $75 and over 100 percent of goal is reached (Goal cannot be set lower than previous year’s contribution, unless extenuating circumstances exist. Explanation must be given by the agency director *In the event of a tie, the highest per capita will be the tie breaker Trophies will be awarded to the winning agencies in each of the following groups: Level V (Super Agency) Level IV (Large Agency) Level III (Medium Agency) Level II (Small Agency) Level I Over 500 Employees 100-500 Employees 26-99 Employees 11-25 Employees 1-10 Employees CFC Employee Recognized Giving Levels Leadership Giving Levels The Builders Society, annual gifts of $5,000 and above Feather Society, annual gifts of $1,000 – 4,999 Gold Feather, $3,500 – 4,999 Silver Feather, $2,000 – 3,499 Red Feather, $1,000 – 1,999 Fairshare 1 hours pay per month All Contributors receive a CFC pen [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] [Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] Coordinator Campaign Supply List Coordinator Name ________________________ Date_____ Agency Name_____________________________ # of employees_______ # of Pledge Cards needed ____________________ # of Charity Brochures ______________________ # of Posters needed_________________________ # of Envelopes needed ______________________ Coordinator signature _______________________________________________ Loaned Executive Signature___________________________________________