Chapter 11 study slides study_slides_ch11


SCI 200:

Study slides CH11


Major concepts: CH11

• Some substances with carbon can be analyzed with simple tests

• Which common substances contain carbon? How can you test for the presence of carbon? How do interpret the results?

Major concepts: CH11

• Earth has a fixed amount of carbon; that carbon moves among several major reservoirs

• What are the active and inactive carbon reservoirs? How does carbon move between these reservoirs (it doesn’t have wings?) How does change in the amount of carbon in one reservoir impact the other reservoirs? How can we model carbon cycling with system thinking tools?

Major concepts: CH11

• Carbon transfer involves chemical reactions with changes in atomic structures of carbon and in properties of carbon-bearing material

• What are the chemical formulas for common carbon bearing substances?

What are some of the chemical reactions that occur when carbon is rearranged?

What does the law of conservation of matter have to do with these reactions?

Major concepts: CH11

• Simple reactions simulate carbon cycling in the natural world

• What are some of the simple reactions you did? How do these reactions model what happens on the planet?

Major concepts: CH11

• Some carbon sinks in the geologic past are now valuable sources of fossil fuels and energy for our society

• Which carbon sinks on the planet are inactive reservoirs of carbon? How have humans made these reservoirs active reservoirs? What are the unintended consequences of taking inactive carbon and adding it to the active carbon in

Earth’s carbon cycle?
