Oedipus the King Part 3

Oedipus the King Part 3
Pages 285-291
1. Paraphrase this sentence: “If, in present crisis, he thinks he
suffers any abuse from me, anything I’ve done or said that
offers him, the slightest injury, why, I’ve no desire to linger
out this life, my reputation is in ruins.”
2. How does Creon react to Oedipus is this scene?
3. Do you think Oedipus treats Creon fairly? Why or why not?
4. Creon calmly responds to the angry Oedipus. How does
Creon want to be judged?
5. Oedipus is making the point that Tiresias could have
accused him years ago. Why is this important?
6. Oedipus says that people would “never have heard” the
accusation if Creon and Tiresias had not teamed up. What
does he mean?
7. Creon is making the point that he already has power.
According to Creon, who are the three people who share the
power to govern Thebes?
8. Creon challenges Oedipus to go to the oracle himself. If
Creon is guilty, he wants to be executed. What does this
suggest about him?
9. Whose side does the Leader take?
10. Why is Jocasta so upset?
11. Why does the chorus take the side of Creon?
12. Why does Oedipus believe the chorus wants his death or
13. Why would Oedipus feel sorry for the chorus?
14. The chorus compares Oedipus to a helmsman, or pilot, who
once saved his ship from going down. How did Oedipus save
Thebes in the past?
15. Why does Oedipus turn against Creon?
Pages 293-299
16. According to Jocasta, can any human predict the future?
17. Jocasta tells a story about her own son to convince Oedipus
that prophecies can be wrong. What was her son supposed
to do?
18. If no human being can know the will of a god, what value is
there in the priests and prophets?
19. Where was Oedipus when Laius was murdered?
20. After Jocasta gives a physical description of Laius, Oedipus
fears that Tiresias was right? Why?
21. Who told Jocasta about the murder?
22. List five important facts about the murder of Laius revealed in
this scene.
23. Why does Oedipus regard the shepherd who witnessed the
murder as his “last hope”?
24. Why is Oedipus so concerned with the number of attackers?
25. Why is Jocasta so convinced Oedipus is innocent?
26. Jocasta has told Oedipus that Laius was killed at “a place
where three roads meet.” Why does Oedipus become fearful
when he hears this piece of information?
Pages 299-300
27. How has Oedipus shown “no reverence for the temples of
the gods”?
28. What is an example of Oedipus’s pride?
29. The chorus wants “these prophecies” to come true. To what
are they referring?
Oedipus the King Part 3
Pages 285-291
1. Paraphrase this sentence: “If, in present crisis, he thinks he
suffers any abuse from me, anything I’ve done or said that
offers him, the slightest injury, why, I’ve no desire to linger
out this life, my reputation is in ruins.”
2. How does Creon react to Oedipus is this scene?
3. Do you think Oedipus treats Creon fairly? Why or why not?
4. Creon calmly responds to the angry Oedipus. How does
Creon want to be judged?
5. Oedipus is making the point that Tiresias could have
accused him years ago. Why is this important?
6. Oedipus says that people would “never have heard” the
accusation if Creon and Tiresias had not teamed up. What
does he mean?
7. Creon is making the point that he already has power.
According to Creon, who are the three people who share the
power to govern Thebes?
8. Creon challenges Oedipus to go to the oracle himself. If
Creon is guilty, he wants to be executed. What does this
suggest about him?
9. Whose side does the Leader take?
10. Why is Jocasta so upset?
11. Why does the chorus take the side of Creon?
12. Why does Oedipus believe the chorus wants his death or
13. Why would Oedipus feel sorry for the chorus?
14. The chorus compares Oedipus to a helmsman, or pilot, who
once saved his ship from going down. How did Oedipus save
Thebes in the past?
15. Why does Oedipus turn against Creon?
Pages 293-299
16. According to Jocasta, can any human predict the future?
17. Jocasta tells a story about her own son to convince Oedipus
that prophecies can be wrong. What was her son supposed
to do?
18. If no human being can know the will of a god, what value is
there in the priests and prophets?
19. Where was Oedipus when Laius was murdered?
20. After Jocasta gives a physical description of Laius, Oedipus
fears that Tiresias was right? Why?
21. Who told Jocasta about the murder?
22. List five important facts about the murder of Laius revealed in
this scene.
23. Why does Oedipus regard the shepherd who witnessed the
murder as his “last hope”?
24. Why is Oedipus so concerned with the number of attackers?
25. Why is Jocasta so convinced Oedipus is innocent?
26. Jocasta has told Oedipus that Laius was killed at “a place
where three roads meet.” Why does Oedipus become fearful
when he hears this piece of information?
Pages 299-300
27. How has Oedipus shown “no reverence for the temples of
the gods”?
28. What is an example of Oedipus’s pride?
29. The chorus wants “these prophecies” to come true. To what
are they referring?