
Chapter 1 Earth’s Structure
--Lesson 1 Spherical Earth
 Describing Earth
o Size & Shape of Earth
o Earth’s Systems (Spheres and
Sphere Interactions)
 How Earth Formed
o Influence of Gravity and density on
o Solar Nebula
o Early Earth
Steps of solar system formation
 Formation of Earth’s Layers (role of
density in formation)
Two Factors that effect gravity
--Lesson 2 Earth’s Interior
 Clues to Earth’s Interior (How we learn about
the interior & what we know about it.)
o What’s below Earth’s Surface?
o Temperature & Pressure Increase with Depth
o How do scientists learn about the interior layers
Using Earthquake Waves
 Earth’s Layers
o Crust - two types and characteristics that make
them different
o Mantle (uppermost mantle, asthenosphere,
upper and lower mantles)
o Core (inner and outer cores)
 Earth’s Core and Geomagnetism (How Earth’s
Magnetosphere protects Earth from dangerous
solar particles)
o Earth’s Magnetic Field
o Magnetosphere - where is it and what does it do
Chapter 2 Minerals
--Lesson 1 What is a Mineral?
 What is a Mineral (2 questions)
o Naturally Occurring
o Definite Chemical Composition
o Crystalline Form
o Solid
o Inorganic
 Structure of Minerals
o Crystal Shape & what determines it
right conditions
o Common Minerals (silicates and nonsilicates)
 How Minerals Form
o Minerals form from Cool Solutions
 evaporation of water with dissolved solids
o Minerals form from Hot Solutions
 water with dissolved solids seeps into
Earth’s hot interior where crystallization
o Minerals form from Magma
 lava vs. magma
 size of crystals determined by location
and rate of cooling
--Lesson 2 How are Minerals Identified?
 Physical Properties
o Color
o Luster
o Streak
o Hardness
o Cleavage & Fracture - difference
o Density
o Special Properties
Why so many tests?
Mohs Scale - talc vs. diamond
--Lesson 3 Sources and Uses of Minerals
 Mineral Resources
o Metallic Mineral Resources
o Rare Minerals
o Nonmetallic Mineral Resources
o Gemstones
Chapter 3 Rocks
--Lesson 1 Rocks & the Rock Cycle
 Rocks - classification based on...
o Texture
o Composition
What is a rock? Characteristics
 Three Major Rock Types
o Igneous Rocks - extrusive vs.
o Sedimentary Rocks - contains dead
o Metamorphic Rocks - formation
difference between magma and lava
o The Rock Cycle
 Uplift, weathering, sediments,
erosion, deposition, compaction,
cementation, subduction, melting,
magma, cooling & crystallization,
extreme temperature and pressure,
Chapter 4 Weathering
(and Soil)
--Lesson 1 Weathering
 Weathering and Its Effects
Changes to Earth over time
 Mechanical Weathering
o Examples of Mechanical Weathering
o 4 Types of Mechanical Weathering
o Surface Area - what happens when it
is increased?
 Chemical Weathering
o Water and Chemical Weathering
o Dissolving by Acids - difference
between normal rain and acid rain
o Oxidation
What Affects Weathering
Rates? two factors?
Causes of unusual rock
Chapter 5 Erosion &
--Lesson 1 The Erosion &
Deposition Process
 Reshaping Earth’s Surface
o Constructive & Destructive
Forces - list examples
 Continual Process of Change
o Weathering Agents - list them
o Erosion
sorting and rounding
o Deposition
 Interpreting Landforms
o Landforms Created by Erosion characterized by?
o Landforms Created by
Deposition - characterized by?
o Comparing Landforms