Ch. 4 Study Guide Answers

 E.
 rock
that cools below the Earth’s surface
 B.
 metamorphic
rock in which mineral
grains are NOT arranged in bands
 C.
 rock
that cools at the Earth’s surface
 A.
 process
in which layers in sedimentary
rock are formed
 D.
 layers
found in sedimentary rocks
 Sedimentary
rock is formed through the
process of __cementation_____.
 How
did humans use rocks in the past?
To make tools
 What
are the main categories of
sedimentary rock?
 Clastic, chemical, organic
 What
has to increase for metamorphism
to occur?
 Temperature and pressure
 What
kind of metamorphic rock has its
mineral grains arranged in planes or
 Foliated
 When
magma cools quickly, what kind of
texture does rock have?
 Fine-grained
 When
temperature and pressure change,
what can happen to the minerals in
 They change into minerals that are
more stable.
 During
the rock cycle, what forms when
magma cools? Igneous rock
 What
is the process in which water, wind,
and heat break down rock?
 Weathering
 Besides
clastic and chemical, what is the
other kind of sedimentary rock?
 Organic
 Besides
texture, how else are rocks
 By their composition
 What
do scientists call the rock that is
formed when magma cools below the
Earth’s surface?
 Intrusive igneous rock
 The
process in which rocks change shape
is called ____deformation _________.
 D.
 the
quality of a rock based on size and
shape of the mineral grains
 A.
 process
in which sediment is dropped
and comes to rest
process by which new rock is made from
old rock
 F.
 the
chemical makeup of a rock
 B.
 process
by which sediment is removed
from its source
 C.
 naturally
occurring solid mixture of one
or more minerals and organic matter
 Explain
how minerals contribute to rock
mineral is solid, nonliving, crystal-shaped,
and formed in nature, and a rock is made up
of 1 or more minerals. Rock is formed from
1 or more minerals and can become a
sedimentary rock (weathering and erosion),
igneous rock (magma), or metamorphic
rock (heat and pressure).