Science Study Guide

Science Study Guide
December 14, 2015
Test Thursday
Week 1 Structure of the Earth
• Earth is made up of the Core, Mantle and Crust.
Draw and label
• The thickest layer of the Earth is the mantle.
• Plate Tectonics: A theory that some scientists believe
the Earth’s continents used to fit together like a
• Seismographs measure the intensity of earthquakes.
• Geologists study the earth. Seismologist study
• Geologists study the Earth’s rocks, minerals,
and metals.
Science Study Guide
week 2
• The Rock Cycle: Igneous rock-sedimentary rockmetamorphic rock.
• Igneous rock comes from molten layer of the earth like
the mantle.
• Sedimentary rock is broken down igneous rock (like
sand) that is pressed into layers. Examples: flint,
sandstone, and conglomerate
• Metamorphic rock: Pressure and heat can change
sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock this takes
millions of years.
• Geologists learn the age of Earth’s materials by
studying the layers.
Week 3 Soil
• About 10% of Earth is covered with useful soil.
• It takes over thousands of years for rock to turn
into soil. This process begins with water freezing
and breaking rocks apart. Plant roots also break
apart rocks. Wind also breaks down rocks into
smaller particles like sand. Next lifeless plants and
animal remains mix with the particles. Lastly
Animal waste mixes with it and helps supply the
soil with nutrients and minerals.
Week 3 Soil
• Earth worms enrich the soil by eating decaying
leaves/roots. Their waste leaves behind
nutrients for growing plants.
• Topsoil
• Subsoil
• Layers of
• Bedrock
Week 3 Soil
• Crop Rotation is when farmers change their
crops from year to year so nutrients aren’t
removed from the soil. Corn-peas-beans
Week 4 The Mighty Ocean
• The Hydrosphere is all the water on the Earth
including: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and Drinking