Name: Kylie Wurster Class: 20th Century American History Lesson

Name: Kylie Wurster
Class: 20th Century American History
Lesson Title: Political Cartoons on Political Scandals of 1920s
Personal Goal: To have students understand the consequences of political
complacency and corruption prevalent during the 1920s.
PA State standards:
8.3.12. Identify and evaluate the political and cultural contributions of
individuals and groups to United States history from 1890 to Present.
8.3.12 Identify and evaluate conflict and cooperation among social groups and
organizations in United States history from 1890 to the Present.
Enduring Understandings: How to read and interpret political cartoons
Essential Questions:
How did the governmental complacency and corruption of the 1920s affect
American politics?
Phase/ Time Frame
The teacher will:
The student will:
Day 1-2
Give a brief introduction
to the political climate of
the 1920s. We will be
examining some of the
most prevalent scandals of
the 1920s including but
not limited to:
Take notes and research
in to further details that
they would like to learn
more about.
The Teapot Dome Scandal
Jess W. Smith /Alcohol
Corruption of the
Veteran’s Bureau
Day 3-4
Hand out the
requirements for their
political cartoon project.
Create a political cartoon
on a political scandal from
the 1920s using Pixton to
create the cartoons. They
will also have to provide a
1 page summary briefly
describing the scandal,
and explaining how they
interpreted it.
Day 5
Grade the student’s
political cartoons and lead
discussion on political
scandals of 1920s.
Present their political
cartoons to the class,
giving a brief description
of the scandal and how
they interpreted it.
Evidence of Enduring Understandings
Informal Check: On first day of lesson, a political cartoon will be handed out to
students in relation to the topic. Students will have to hand in a brief description of
the cartoon how it interpreted the subject matter.
Performance task: Students will create a political cartoon on a scandal of their
choosing. They will also will write a 1 page summary briefly describing the scandal,
and explaining how they interpreted it.
Special Needs:
Modifications and accommodations will be made in accordance with student IEPs.
Lesson activities will be adapted and/or enriched to successfully support the
learning for all students needing additional support.
Resources Used: