Unit 7 Review

Age of Jackson Test Review
1. List the first 7 Presidents of the United States, 1 major event from their presidency, and
its significance.
2. Explain the significance of the Indian Removal Act.
3. What is the Trail of Tears?
During the Trail of Tears what Indian tribe was forced to leave their land?
5. During the Trail of Tears land was set aside for the Indians in what present day state?
6. What was the original cause of the Nullification Crisis? __________________________
7. How did the South feel about the Nullification Crisis?
8. How did the North feel about the Nullification Crisis?
9. Explain how Jackson felt about the Bank of the United States.
What is the significance of the following dates:
1620 _______________________________________________________
1776 _______________________________________________________
1787 _______________________________________________________
1803 _______________________________________________________
11. Write a short description of the significance of the following people:
George Washington
Thomas Paine _____________________________________________
King George III ___________________________________________
Samuel Adams ____________________________________________
Ben Franklin
Thomas Jefferson _________________________________________
James Madison _________________________________________
12. Define judicial review _________________________________________________
13. What court case established judicial review?______________________________
14. What is the significance of the following documents, plans, compromises, or events:
Magna Carta _________________________________________________
Virginia House of Burgesses
Mayflower Compact __________________________________________
Fund. Order of Conn.
Intolerable Acts _______________________________________________
Great Compromise _________________________________________
Articles of Confederation
Bill of Rights ___________________________________________________