NHS Appraisal Guidance This standardised set of appraisal documentation encourages a “one system” approach to the recording and reproduction of information from NHS Wales appraisals. It mirrors the way that information is displayed in the Medical Appraisal and Revalidation System (MARS). It will allow training of appraisers and the quality assurance of appraisal outputs to be uniform across Wales. All doctors in Wales will have the opportunity to prepare information for revalidation in a uniform manner. The responsible officers will benefit from this single system approach, making appraisal forms easier to understand and with only one type of form to examine. The information is contained in four main sections: Personal and professional details Scope of professional activities Information for the appraisal discussion The appraisal summary and personal development plan (PDP) The GMC require an annual set of core information – this core information is contained in the first two sections. There are annual probity statements and a statement of health, the statements contained within meet GMC requirements. Furthermore the GMC ask that information is presented to demonstrate how a doctor is meeting the principles and values as set down in Good Medical Practice (GMP). The GMP framework for appraisal and revalidation is based on this guidance, the GMC expect it to form the basis of a standard approach for appraisal. The Follett review states that "universities and NHS bodies should work together to develop a jointly agreed annual appraisal and performance review process based on that for NHS consultants, to meet the needs of both partners". That principle continues in medical appraisal and clinical academics will continue to participate in joint appraisal. If this situation applies to you, please select 'Yes' which will allow for a second appraiser to participate in this process. The third section – information for appraisal discussion – will be highly individualised. The GMC has explained what it expects every doctor to bring to appraisal in this section. The information forms within this toolkit ask you to reflect on what the piece of information means to you and how you have adapted or adopted this into your practice. This again is a requirement of the GMC. The final section will be completed by your appraiser after the appraisal meeting. During that meeting you will have had the opportunity to discuss next year’s PDP with your appraiser. The appraisal summary, once completed, should be signed by all parties when each agree that it is a fair and accurate record. More information on the requirements of appraisal for revalidation can be found at the GMC website http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/revalidation.asp Section 1 Personal details Last name First name Gender Date of birth Contact address Contact telephone number email Professional details College(s)/ Faculty Job title(s) Primary medical degree Other relevant qualifications GMC number GMC registration year Date of CCT or CCST Current appointments Record details of all current appointments outside your clinical practice. Examples could include "secretary of your local faculty" of your medical royal college. Clinical appointments are recorded in your activities section. Appointment Duration Places of work You should list here all your places of regular work. The GMC expect revalidation to cover all aspects of your work as a doctor. Current base Other Health Board premises Other places of work Organisation or employer Joint appraisal Are you a clinical academic? If so, you should arrange a Joint Appraisal to allow a second appraiser participate in this process. Name of second appraiser: Yes / No Current activities If you are currently working to a job plan please attach it here – if you do not have a job plan your average working week should be represented in the table below Monday am pm Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Responsibility and activities within the Health Board You may use this section to highlight other activities performed that are not part of your regular plan – examples could include audit, appraisal etc. Detail On call activities Details of other clinical work (not already entered) Details of non-clinical professional activity Direct clinical care (DCC), Paid, Identified in SPA or No identified time or payment Section 2 Appraisal information The GMC have provided the following information on their web site:During their annual appraisals, doctors will use supporting information to demonstrate that they are continuing to meet the principles and values set out in Good Medical Practice. This guidance sets out the supporting information that you will need to provide at your annual appraisal and the frequency with which it should be provided. It also gives further details on how the information can be used or discussed during appraisal. All doctors, regardless of the nature of their practice, should be able to meet these requirements although the underlying information may differ in certain categories depending on your practice and the context in which you work. Download a PDF version of the guidance, Supporting information for appraisal and revalidation (published 2011, pdf). These are our final proposals for at least the first cycle of revalidation, subject to the Secretary of State's final approval. Types of supporting information The supporting information that you will need to bring to your appraisal will fall under four broad headings: General information - providing context about what you do in all aspects of your work Keeping up to date - maintaining and enhancing the quality of your professional work Review of your practice - evaluating the quality of your professional work Feedback on your practice - how others perceive the quality of your professional work There are six types of supporting information that you will be expected to provide and discuss at your appraisal at least once in each five year cycle. They are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Continuing professional development Quality improvement activity Significant events Feedback from colleagues Feedback from patients (where applicable) Review of complaints and compliments The nature of the supporting information will reflect your particular specialist practice and your other professional roles. For example, an appropriate quality improvement activity will vary across different specialties and roles. This toolkit has been constructed around the domains as described in GMP for appraisal and revalidation . The framework describes four domains with three attributes to each domain. Over a five year period a doctor will need to demonstrate that their practice meets GMP standards as defined. The appraisal does not need to be structured around the domains or attributes, however the GMC suggest that some doctors may find this useful. You may copy and paste as many forms as you require The four domains and their attributes are: Domain 1 - Knowledge, Skills and Performance Maintain your professional performance Apply knowledge and experience to practice Keep clear accurate and legible records Domain 2 - Safety and Quality Put into effect systems to protect patients and improve care Respond to risks to safety Protect patients and colleagues from any risk posed by your health Domain 3 - Communication, Partnership and Teamwork Communicate effectively Work constructively with colleagues and delegate effectively Establish and maintain partnerships with patients Domain 4 - Maintaining Trust Show respect for patients Treat patients and colleagues fairly and without discrimination Act with honesty and integrity This toolkit contains four other sections: Teaching, research, leadership and innovation Probity, health and complaints declarations Insights and reflections Personal Development Plan Domain 1 - Knowledge, Skills and Performance Maintain your professional performance Apply knowledge and experience to practice Keep clear accurate and legible records Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Domain 2 - Safety and Quality Put into effect systems to protect patients and improve care Respond to risks to safety Protect patients and colleagues from any risk posed by your health Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Domain 3 - Communication, Partnership and Teamwork Communicate effectively Work constructively with colleagues and delegate effectively Establish and maintain partnerships with patients Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Domain 4 - Maintaining Trust Show respect for patients Treat patients and colleagues fairly and without discrimination Act with honesty and integrity Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Title Activity What did I do? When did I do it? Reason Why did I do it? Reflection What did I learn? Outcome What changes have I made? What will I do differently? Supporting documentation List any documentation Teaching, research, leadership and innovation Please detail below the teaching, research, leadership and innovation activities that you have undertaken or contributed to over the last year, including team based activities where appropriate. Please describe your activities and your personal participation, including learning. Probity, health and complaints declarations Please read each statement carefully and then indicate if you agree or disagree with the statement. If you disagree with a statement please give your reasons in the box below the statement. 1. Probity (general) The standard of propriety expected of all doctors is described in the relevant section of Good Medical Practice. Clearly defined expectations relate to issues concerning Providing information about services Writing reports, giving evidence and signing documents Research Financial and commercial dealings Conflicts of interest I have read and reflected on the section of Good Medical Practice relating to probity & complaints. I believe that I comply with the requirements of this section and I have nothing that I wish to disclose to my appraiser. I agree ...... I disagree ..... 2. Probity (appraisal material) Clearly defined expectations relate to issues concerning Submission of material Ownership of material Acknowledging and recording contributions of others I confirm that I have properly acknowledged and recorded the contributions of others to materials included in my appraisal. I understand that any attempt to deliberately assume ownership of someone else's work as my own is a probity & complaints issue. I agree ...... I disagree ..... 3. Health The doctor should consider the impact that his or her own health might have on patient care. For purposes of revalidation, it is anticipated that the doctor will provide written statements of assurance. I have read and reflected on the section of Good Medical Practice relating to health. I believe that I comply with the requirements of this section as my health does not put patients at risk and I have nothing that I wish to disclose to my appraiser. I agree ...... I disagree ..... Directives or suggestions from outside agencies Occasionally other agencies (an example would be the medical director) will require a doctor to bring a subject to appraisal (e.g. minor surgery, diabetic care etc). This should be declared in the statement below and should be backed up with entries in the relevant domain. I have had no directives or suggestions from outside agencies, that there are developmental or remedial needs that I should address that have arisen since completing my last appraisal. I agree ...... I disagree ..... 4.Complaints It is a revalidation requirement that all formal complaints are listed. Many Doctors will not have had a complaint during the appraisal period in this case they should simply agree to the statement. If there have been formal complaints during this time you should disagree with the statement, list the number of complaints in the box below and by using the evidence entry form complete a description of the events. In the period between my last appraisal and this one I have received no formal complaints, nor have I completed previously outstanding complaints from the previous year. I agree ...... I disagree ..... Insights and reflections Identify and describe any constraints that affected your service delivery or hindered your planned development You may find it helpful to consider whether those constraints were personal to you, for example time restrictions; specific to your team and training; or relevant to your area as a whole, for example access to relevant services. These constraints will be discussed and agreed with your appraiser and, along with any others identified during the appraisal discussion, will form the basis of the relevant section of the appraisal summary. Personal constraints Describe any constraints that may have impacted on your development this year Team/Hospital constraints Describe any constraints within your workplace that hinders the care you give to patients or restrains you development Service constraints Describe any wider constraints that the service imposes that affect your development Review your own progress over the appraisal period You may wish to identify any particular achievements, describe those initiatives that were successful and those you consider disappointing, and reflect on the reasons for these outcomes. This review will help your appraiser to structure your appraisal discussion, and will contribute to the appraisal summary. Review your development over the appraisal period and begin identifying development needs for the next year You should consider both formal and informal development that you have been involved in during the appraisal period. Include examples of courses and seminars that you have attended and individual or on-the-job development opportunities of which you have taken advantage. You should reflect on how these activities have contributed to your own development as a doctor. Your progress in relation to your Personal Development Plan (PDP) should be recorded. Record your progress against each item in last year's agreed PDP in the appropriate domain section. Personal Development Plan Living PDP The Personal Development Plan (PDP) has been seen by many as a list of aspirations discussed and agreed at appraisal which an individual can complete to a greater or lesser extent in the subsequent appraisal year. A PDP however should be a fluid document owned by the individual and discussed at appraisal, in the context of revalidation there will be a greater emphasis placed on completion of PDP goals and as such the value and relevancy of the PDP to the individual takes on greater significance. The living PDP allows you to use your agreed PDP to plan development additional PDP to add planned development in your current appraisal year aspirational PDP to add items that you wish to consider for future years or to form the basis of your discussion with your appraiser about next year's PDP The PDP should specifically detail what is to be achieved, why it is relevant, how the goal will be achieved, by whom the work will be done and what the expected outcome will be and when. Agreed PDP (from previous appraisal) What? Why? How? Who? Completion/outcome expected Additional PDP (plans for the current year that arose during the year) What? Why? How? Who? Completion/outcome expected Aspirational PDP (plans for the future – not necessarily for the next appraisal year) What? Why? How? Who? Completion/outcome expected Section 3 Summary of appraisal This section will be completed by your appraiser(s) and will form a record of your appraisal discussion charting your progress for the year. The content needs to be agreed by all parties and signed off within 28 days of the appraisal discussion. Doctor’s name and GMC number Appraiser’s name and GMC number Second Appraiser’s name (if Joint Appraisal) Date of appraisal meeting Domain 1 - Knowledge, Skills and Performance Activity/Achievement Available supporting documentation Discussion and feedback from appraisers Domain 2 - Safety and Quality Activity/Achievement Available supporting documentation Discussion and feedback from appraisers Domain 3 - Communication, Partnership and Teamwork Activity/Achievement Available supporting Discussion and feedback documentation from appraisers Domain 4 - Maintaining Trust Activity/Achievement Available supporting documentation Discussion and feedback from appraisers Teaching, research, leadership and innovation Activity/Achievement Available supporting documentation Discussion and feedback from appraisers Verification of supporting information Supporting information supplied 1.CPD 2.Quality improvement activity 3.Significant events Record of appraisal discussion Verified by appraiser Absent/Needs further refinement/Complete 4.Patient feedback 5.Colleague feedback 6.Review of complaints Probity, health and complaints declarations Issues arising from discussion – if none simply record “none” Insights and reflections Appraiser discussion/comments Last year’s Personal Development Plan Record the progress (or lack of) toward last year’s PDP goals PDP for the next appraisal period What? Why? How? Who? Completion/outcome expected We agree this appraisal document is a full and accurate reflection of the appraisal discussion. Appraiser...................... GMC Number……………………… If undertaking a Joint Appraisal: Second Appraiser ………………. Appraisee...................... GMC Number………………………. Dated.........................