6713 DSK

• The 6713 DSP Starter Kit (DSK) is a low-cost platform which lets
customers evaluate and develop applications for the Texas
Instruments C67X DSP family. The primary features of the DSK are:
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225 MHz TMS320C6713 Floating Point DSP
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AIC23 Stereo Codec
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Four Position User DIP Switch and Four User LEDs
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On-board Flash and SDRAM
• TI’s Code Composer Studio development tools are bundled with the
6713 DSK providing the user with an industrial-strength integrated
development environment for C and assembly programming. Code
Composer Studio communicates with the DSP using an on-board
JTAG emulator through a USB interface.
6713 DSK
• 225MHz VLIW DSP core and 256Kbytes
of internal memory. On-chip peripherals
include a 32-bit external memory interface
(EMIF) with integrated SDRAM controller,
2 multi-channel buffered serial ports
(McBSPs), two on-board timers and an
enhanced DMA controller (EDMA).
• The 6713 has a significant amount of
internal memory so many applications will
have all code and data on-chip. External
accesses are done through the EMIF
which can connect to both synchronous
and asynchronous memories. The EMIF
signals are also brought out to standard TI
expansion bus connectors so additional
functionality can be added on daughter
card modules.
• on-board codec called the AIC23. Codec
stands for coder/decoder, the job of the
AIC23 is to code analog input samples into
a digital format for the DSP to process,
then decode data coming out of the DSP
to generate the processed analog output.
Digitial data is sent to and from the codec
on McBSP1.
• The DSK has 4 light emitting diodes (LEDs) and 4 DIP
switches that allow users to interact with programs
through simple LED displays and user input on the
switches. Many of the included examples make use of
these user interface options.
• The DSK implements the logic necessary to tie board
components together in a programmable logic device
called a CPLD. In addition to random glue logic, the
CPLD implements a set of 4 software programmable
registers that can be used to access the on-board LEDs
and DIP switches as well as control the daughter card
The DSK includes a special
version of Code Composer
specially tailored to features on
the 6713 DSK board. Other
versions of Code Composer are
available that fully support each
of TI’s processor families on a
wide variety of hardware
• The 6713 DSK includes a special device
called a JTAG emulator on-board that can
directly access the register and memory
state of the 6713 chip through a
standardized JTAG interface port. When a
user wants to monitor the progress of his
program, Code Composer sends
commands to the emulator through its
USB host interface to check on any data
the user is interested in.
• Debugging method is extremely powerful
because programs can be debugged
unobtrusively on real hardware targets without
making any special provisions for debug like
external probes, software monitors or simulated
hardware. When designing your own hardware
around the 6713 you can debug your application
with the same rich functionality of the DSK
simply by using Code Composer with an
external emulator and including a header for the
JTAG interface signals.
Break point
Watch the Variables
View Memory, Registers
View C and Assembly code
Graph the results
Monitor execution time
Step through program (into, over, out)
RTDX – real time data exchange between DSP
board and the PC
• When you tell Code Composer to run, it simply
starts executing at the current program counter.
If you want to restart the program, you must
reset the program counter by using Debug à
Restart or re-loading the program which sets the
program counter implicitly.
• After you start a program running it continues
running on the DSP indefinitely. To stop it you
need to halt it with Debug à Halt.
• Open the led.pjt Code Composer project using
Project à Open and selecting led.pjt. It is in the
directory c:\ti\examples\dsk6713\bsl\led.
• Load the led.out executable file. Select File à
Load Program. It will open a file browser dialog.
Select the led.out file in the led\Debug directory
in the file browser and hit "Open" to load the
executable file. You must reload the compiled
executable every time you make changes to the
• elect the Debug à Run option under the Debug
menu. LED #0 will start blinking slowly.
• 9) Move DIP switch #3 up and down, you will
see LED #3 change with it.
• 10) When you are satisfied that the program is
indeed running correctly, stop the program by
selecting Debug à Halt.
• DSP/BIOS programs are organized such that logically
independent parts of a program are executed as
independent tasks and threads. In the context of an
application like a mobile phone, one task could be
assigned to listening for wireless communication
transfers, another assigned to wait for user input,
another to periodically check the battery level and so on
rather than have a single task try to do all of these things
at once. In addition to basic task scheduling, DSP/BIOS
also includes components that allow communication and
synchronization between tasks and devices.
• Refer the CCS tutorial for more detail.