Federalism Unit Guide

Unit 3- Federalism
Test: September 19
Objectives: This chapter explores the relationship between state and federal governments.
After reading this chapter you should be able to do each of the following:
Explain the difference between a federal, confederal, and unitary system of government.
Articulate the purpose and meaning of the Elastic Clause
Explain the difference between the dual and cooperative federalism
List the different types of federal grants and understand their implications for federalstate relations
5. Understand the debates over federal sovereignty that have occurred throughout the
nation’s history
6. Articulate the definition and reasons for devolution taking place.
Vocabulary: Please have the following terms defined and ready for a quiz on
September 12.
1. Block grants
13. Grants-in-aid
2. Devolution
14. Categorical grants
3. Federalism
15. Revenue sharing
4. Sovereignty
16. Conditions of aid
5. Unitary system
17. Mandates
6. Confederal system
18. Second-order devolution
7. Elastic Clause
19. Third-order devolution
8. Nullification
20. Supremacy Clause
9. Police power
21. Horizontal federalism
10. Initiative
22. Dual federalism
11. Referendum
12. Recall
Lanahan Readings:
1. Reading #20: Federalist #39 and #46, by James Madison (copies will be distributed in
class)- read and take notes. There will be a 5-point quiz on the reading on September 13.
Textbook Readings:
1. Pages 49-59: by September 8
2. Pages 59-62 (up to Categorical Grants and Revenue Sharing): by September 12
3. Pages 62-71: by September 13
I reserve the right to give a quiz on these readings if I deem it necessary.
Court Cases (due same day as vocabulary, September 12):
1. McCulloch v. Maryland
2. Gibbons v. Ogden
3. Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States