Think about such things—p.32

Calm My Anxious Heart—a Woman’s Guide to Finding Contentment
Chapter 2—Content With Circumstances
# 1—Memorize Philippians 4:6-8. Pray these verses.
Philippians 4:6-9--do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8 Finally,
brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about
these things. 9 What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the
God of peace will be with you.
Psalm 116:17--I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving
and call on the name of the LORD.
p. 26-28
The author begins the chapter by describing her life in Hong Kong. At first it seems like paradise, but then
she describes the “flip side”.
Mud or Stars p.28-29
She also gives a “proverb” from a mother to a daughter who was struggling with her circumstances—“Two
women looked through prison bars, One saw mud, the other saw stars”.
I choose my focus.
Our Part & God’s Part p.29-32
Anxiety should be used as a spring board to pray specifically. Our part in the process of learning to be
content is a heart choice.
If we make the choice to pray, God keeps His promise to give us peace. Again, this is not religious rote, but
heart communication to a loving Abba Father. We will have to cast our cares on Him continually. The
potential for anxiety—worry, pressure, stress, fear—is always near. When we choose to develop a lifestyle of
prayer, thanksgiving, and hiding God’s Word in our hearts, peace will flow into us more easily. As we
experience His peace more and more, we develop a taste for it, a spiritual appetite for peace.
I choose Psalm 116:17—to give a sacrifice of THANKSGIVING.
The author describes the over and again process of Phil. 4:6-7, her part to pray with thanksgiving instead of
being anxious. God’s part to give peace that transcends human understanding and to protect her mind and
heart in Christ Jesus.
Think about such things—p.32
Proverbs 23:7, what we believe inwardly, not what we say outwardly will be our reality. Philippians 4:7 tells us
what to think about. It is a list of do’s not don’ts.
True, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy
What we think about becomes our reality. Colossians 3:2 set your mind above where Christ is
Our thought life determines our contentment. We must take control of our mind. Only I can
determine what I think about. It really is as simple as resisting the negative thoughts when they come, not
keeping them from coming. It is countering the negative with the truth of God’s word—
God is mad at you—NO, God is for me so who can be against me? (Romans 8:31)
God is punishing you—No, God is working all things together for my good because I love Him
(Romans 8:28)
You’re a failure—No, God will complete the work He began in me (Phil. 1:6)
You aren’t going to make it through the month—No, my God shall supply all my needs according to
His riches in glory
Practice Makes Perfect p.33
Philippians 4:9
Be a doer of the word and not a hearer or only deceiving yourself. (James 1:22)
If we only take in the word and never put it into practice we will be miserable and frustrated and
caught up in our own deception. We will have no one to blame for the deception but ourselves. It is
futile to listen but not do. What is the point?
Again peace is promised if we will put into practice what Paul is telling us. Disciplining (by the
power of the Holy Spirit, not our own will power) our thoughts, emotions, and actions to line up
with God’s Word. The promise of peace is attached to this!
Questions p.213-216
Making the choice to look at the stars
The act of writing down the things in our life that are good is powerful.
Question 2—List positives and negatives.
Question 3—Which list do we dwell on the most? What did God show you through this exercise?
I was amazed that there are only two negative circumstances and really they are two parts of
one whole, yet at least 70% of my thought life is spent here—either dwelling on it, trying to
fix it, or getting to the Lord with it again.
Remembering who Jesus is and what He has done for me eternally is powerful.
Calling to mind His goodness and grace to me in the past, gives me hope and joy for the present and
the future. I can honestly say, He has never left me or forsaken me and He promises that He never
will. On the hardest days of my life, I have still been aware of His presence. In the midst of
confusion and shouting circumstances, I have still experienced His still small voice calling out to me
to come away with Him.
“Make secret choices that will honor Me. Though no one sees your choices or knows how
difficult they are make them for Me.”
Question 4—choose the most troubling thing from the negative list.
Question 5—Accoring to Phil 4:6 what are your two choices concerning this difficult circumstance?
I can be anxious or I can pray about it with thanksgiving
Question 6—Meditate on Phil 4:7. How do you define peace? What do you think it will feel like when you
possess it?
I think that peace is surrender. Those moments when I am sincerely resolved that I am secure no
matter the outcome in the natural because I taste the reality of the eternal outcome. I have to come
back to this truth more than once a day. At any moment, the “what ifs” can jump on me and I have
to tell my soul-mind, will, emotions—to remember.
Psalm 103—Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not His benefits.
Question 7—what does Phil. 4:8 mean in your particular circumstance?
My part is to think about what is true, honorable, right, lovely, of good report, excellent or
praise worthy. My part is my thinking. What my mind is set on is my choice. No one else can
make it for me.
This is usually, for me, choosing to think about Who God Is and the promises He has made that He
intends to keep. This is usually, for me, choosing thankfulness before the answer comes. This is not
easy. It is an act of will. Some days it is more difficult than others.
Question 8—practice these things. The author had us focus Philippians 4:6-9, but I backed up to verse 4.
Choosing prayer instead of anxiety
Choosing to dwell on what is praise worthy instead of on my problem(s)
Rejoicing in the Lord (v4)
Letting your gentle spirit be known to all