AP Biology Name Campbell Reading Guide Date

AP Biology
Campbell Reading Guide
Name __________________
Date ___________Period ___
Chapter 24: The Origin of Species
1. Define the term species.
2. How do the patterns of speciation differ?
anagenesis ________________________________________________
cladogenesis _______________________________________________
3. What is thought to be essential for the formation of distinct species rather than
a continuum from one form of life to another?
4. Define and give an example for each of the following barriers that cause
a. prezygotic Barriers __________________________________________________________
b. habitat Isolation ___________________________________________________________
c. behavioral Isolation _________________________________________________________
Adapted from the work of Ms. Foglia
d. temporal Isolation __________________________________________________________
e. mechanical isolation ________________________________________________________
f. gamete isolation ____________________________________________________________
g. postzygotic barriers ________________________________________________________
h. hybrid inviability ___________________________________________________________
hybrid sterility ______________________________________________________________
5. Compare and contrast the five definitions of species given in the text. When
would it be appropriate to use these different definitions, give specific
examples (such what definitions apply to asexual reproducers, what
definition would be appropriate to use in the field, etc).
Adapted from the work of Ms. Foglia
6. Define the Modes of Speciation
a. allopatric speciation ________________________________________________________
b. sympatric speciation ________________________________________________________
7. How does the antelope squirrel demonstrate allopatric speciation?
8. What does the concept of “ring species” demonstrate? Give an example.
9. How do island chains encourage adaptive radiation?
10. What are the two intrinsic factors that result in sympatric speciation?
Adapted from the work of Ms. Foglia
11. How can polyploidy lead to speciation? Give a specific example of polyploidy
in plants.
12. Why are allopolyploid hybrids are usually sterile?
13. What is thought to be the two factors demonstrating sympatric speciation in
the cichlids of Lake Victoria, in East Africa?
14. Compare gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.
15. How does microevolution differ from macroevolution? Give specific
Adapted from the work of Ms. Foglia
16. Identify a couple of factors that could lead to the pattern of evolution we see
as divergence?
17. What does the Mollusk eye demonstrate (in regards to evolution)?
18. What does the evolution of the horse demonstrate?
19. Define each of the following evolutionary trends (give a real world example
of each):
a. convergent evolution _______________________________________________________
b. analogous traits
c. parallel evolution ___________________________________________________________
d. co-evolution _________________________________________________________________
Adapted from the work of Ms. Foglia