ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. Nu Delta Lambda CHAPTER Chesapeake, VA INFORMATIONAL SEMINAR Tuesday, May 5, 2015 7:06 PM EST PLEASE PLACE YOUR CELLPHONES ON VIBRATE OR SILENT CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME BROTHER Laurence Aiken CHAPTER PRESIDENT, NDL CHAPTER INVOCATION BROTHER Dennis Riddick CHAPLAIN, NDL CHAPTER PURPOSE OF INFORMATIONAL SEMINAR BROTHER Leo Whitaker INTRODUCTION OF THE BROTHERS NAME CHAPTER OF INITIATION COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY ATTENDING/ATTENDED MAJOR OCCUPATION INTRODUCTION OF OUR GUESTS NAME COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY ATTENDING/ATTENDED MAJOR OCCUPATION & TITLE OBJECTIVES, AIMS, MOTTO & MISSION OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA BROTHER Dennis Wilkerson CHAPTER DEAN OF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, NDL CHAPTER AIMS OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. “MANLY DEEDS, SCHOLARSHIP, AND LOVE FOR ALL MANKIND” FRATERNITY’S MOTTO “FIRST OF ALL, SERVANTS OF ALL, WE SHALL TRANSCEND ALL.” “ESPRIT DE FRATERNITE” AN ALPHA PHI ALPHA MAN’S ATTITUDE SHOULD NOT BE “HOW MUCH CAN I DERIVE FROM THE FRATERNITY?” BUT “HOW MUCH CAN I DO FOR THE FRATERNITY?” IN PROPORTION TO WHAT HE DOES FOR HIS CHAPTER AND FOR ALPHA PHI ALPHA WILL A MEMBER RECEIVE LASTING BENEFITS FROM THE FRATERNITY TO HIMSELF IN THE WAY OF SELF-DEVELOPMENT, BY DUTY WELL DONE, AND THE RESPECT OF THE BROTHERS WELL SERVED. OBJECTIVES/VISION OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA “THE OBJECTIVES OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. ARE TO STIMULATE THE AMBITION OF ITS MEMBERS; TO PREPARE THEM FOR THE GREATEST USEFULNESS IN THE CAUSES OF HUMANITY, FREEDOM, AND DIGNITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL; TO ENCOURAGE THE HIGHEST AND NOBLEST FORM ON MANHOOD; AND TO AID DOWNTRODDEN HUMANITY IN ITS EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE HIGHER SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND INTELLECTUAL STATUS.” MISSION STATEMENT “ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. DEVELOPS LEADERS, PROMOTES BROTHERHOOD AND ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, WHILE PROVIDING SERVICE AND ADVOCACY FOR OUR COMMUNITIES.” BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA BROTHER Glynn Harden BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA FOUNDED ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1906 THE OLDEST INTERCOLLEGIATE GREEK LETTER FRATERNITY IN THE UNITED STATES ESTABLISHED FOR MEN OF AFRICAN DESCENT FOUNDED AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY IN ITHACA, NY, BY SEVEN COLLEGE MEN. BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA VISIONARY FOUNDERS, KNOWN AS THE “JEWELS” OF THE FRATERNITY HENRY ARTHUR CALLIS CHARLES HENRY CHAPMAN EUGENE KINKLE JONES GEORGE BIDDLE KELLY NATHANIEL ALLISON MURRAY ROBERT HAROLD OGLE VERTNER WOODSON TANDY BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA MEN OF ALPHA BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA MEN OF ALPHA BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA MEN OF ALPHA BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA MEN OF ALPHA BRIEF HISTORY OF ALPHA PHI ALPHA MEN OF ALPHA BRIEF HISTORY OF LOCAL CHAPTERS BROTHER Eric Williams CHAPTER Corresponding Secretary, NDL CHAPTER BRIEF HISTORY OF LOCAL CHAPTERS <include slides with brief history of Chapter, founders, activities, national programs, community service projects, etc> POEM HOUSE OF ALPHA BROTHER Kendall Pete POEM HOUSE OF ALPHA GOODWILL IS THE MONARCH OF THIS HOUSE, MEN UNACQUAINTED, ENTER, SHAKE HANDS, EXCHANGE GREETINGS AND DEPART FRIENDS. CORDIALITY EXIST AMONG ALL WHO ABIDE WITHIN. I AM THE EMINENT EXPRESSION OF FRIENDSHIP. CHARACTER AND TEMPERAMENT CHANGE UNDER MY DOMINANT POWER. LIVES ONCE TOUCHED BY ME BECOME TUNED AND ARE THEREAFTER AMIABLE, KINDLY, FRATERNAL. POEM HOUSE OF ALPHA I INSPIRE THE MUSICIAN TO PLAY NOBLE SENTIMENTS AND ASSIST THE CHEMIST TO CONVERT UNGENEROUS PERSONALITIES INTO INDIVIDUALS OF GREAT WORTH. I DESTROY IGNOBLE IMPULSES. I CONSTANTLY INVOKE PRINCIPLES WHICH MAKE FOR COMMON BROTHERHOOD AND THE ECHO RESOUNDS IN ALL COMMUNITIES AND PRINCELY MEN ARE THEREBY RECOGNIZED. EDUCATION, HEALTH, MUSIC, ENCOURAGEMENT, SYMPATHY, LAUGHTER, ALL THESE ARE SPECIES OF INTEREST GIVEN OF SELF INVESTED CAPITAL. POEM HOUSE OF ALPHA TIRED MOMENTS FIND ME A DELIGHTFUL TREAT, HOURS OF SORROW, A SHRINE OF UNDERSTANDING, AT ALL TIMES I AM FAITHFUL TO THE CREED OF COMPANIONSHIP, TO A FEW, I AM THE CASTLE OF DREAMS, AMBITIOUS, SUCCESSFUL, HOPEFUL DREAMS. TO MANY, I AM THE POETIC PLACE WHERE HUMAN FEELING IS RHYMED TO CELESTIAL MOTIVES; TO THE GREAT MAJORITY, I AM THE TREASURY OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP. POEM HOUSE OF ALPHA IN FACT, I AM THE COLLEGE OF FRIENDSHIP; THE UNIVERSITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE; THE SCHOOL FOR THE BETTER MAKING OF MEN. I AM ALPHA PHI ALPHA!! WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE INITIAL MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS – PART I BROTHER Dennis Wilkerson CHAPTER DEAN OF MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, NDL CHAPTER WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP MEMBERSHIP INTO ALPHA PHI ALPHA IS NOT AUTOMATIC. AN ALPHA MAN IS … VERSATILE, SCHOLARLY, AMBITIOUS, GENTLEMANLY, TENACIOUS, OBEDIENT, DEFERENT… AND MORE. HE IS A VERSATILE, INTELLIGENT, TRUE GENTLEMAN, WHO IS THE MASTER OF HIS FATE AND THE CAPTAIN OF HIS SOUL… WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP THE TRUE MEANING OF “MANLY DEEDS” To stand for character, integrity, justice, righteous; well representing the principles of Alpha before an observant society who desires and cries out for such men. To maintain the standard of Alpha as the originator of the fraternal ‘ideal’ for all college educated African-American men, for the benefit of all mankind. To protect the rights and civil privileges of all mankind, through voting and active participation in the political process at all governmental levels. To be willing to stand and fight to protect the liberties and rights of all people of society as granted by God. To provide for the needs of the oppressed, unrepresented, disenfranchised, socially ostracized and economically marginalized. WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP THE TRUE MEANING OF “MANLY DEEDS” To esteem the institution of marriage between one man and one woman as the cornerstone institution of society and an ideal basis for family, regardless if an individual person chooses not to enter into this institution or select to live a life of life-long singleness. To always protect our women, mothers, daughters, young girls and babies, from hurt, harm or danger, to be chivalrous and gentlemanly in all our dealings with them, and to positively portray them and hold them high before society. To guard young boys in their early years, and to develop them as young men so that they will become honorable leaders, good fathers, and productive men, and to uplift all men of society. WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP THE TRUE MEANING OF “MANLY DEEDS” To live a principled life so that all men and women when they see an Alpha man they know that they have seen a true man. To walk as a humble but strong man-servants of all submitting our abilities, gifts, talents, and resources to serve Alpha and all of mankind. BEFORE THE MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS, THE CANDIDATE MUST HAVE… Demonstrated his academic achievement by having obtained at least a cumulative 2.5 GPA (College Only); Earned a minimum baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution (Alumni Only) Show evidence of active involvement in his community WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP Attachments E and H handed out and reviewed WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE INITIAL MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROCESS – PART II BROTHER Michael Massie LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE BROTHER Charles Tate AREA DIRECTOR WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP MEMBERSHIP INTO ALPHA PHI ALPHA IS NOT AUTOMATIC. YOUR CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE PROCESS WILL BE MONITORED AT EVERY STEP AND REJECTION CAN OCCUR WITHOUT NOTICE ANY TIME. OUR PROCESS CONSISTS OF FOUR WEEKS OF ON-LINE AND FACETO-FACE TRAINING, INTERACTION AND STUDY. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO LEARN A LARGE AMOUNT OF DATA YOU WILL NEED TO PRESENT AT EACH EVENT YOU MUST PASS EACH ASSESSMENT BY 90% WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP …WE DO NOT NEED TO ABUSE AND HAZE YOU TO MAKE YOU A GOOD BROTHER. ALPHA’S POLICY ON HAZING IS SPECIFIC: “The Fraternity strictly prohibits hazing in any form, whether physical or mental, as a term or condition of membership. Hazing is illegal and a crime in most jurisdictions. A Candidate should participate only in the sanctioned membership processes as described herein to obtain membership in the Fraternity. Candidates shall not agree to submit to hazing in order to obtain membership in the Fraternity. “ WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP ALPHA’S POLICY ON HAZING IS SPECIFIC: “Pledging has been officially abolished by the Fraternity. Pledge Lines have been officially abolished by the Fraternity. “Underground” pledge activities are strictly prohibited. Candidates shall not submit themselves or agree to submit themselves to any prohibited membership activities. No member of the Fraternity is authorized to require any Candidate to engage in any prohibited membership activities. No member of the Fraternity is authorized to suggest or impose any term, condition requirement of membership upon a Candidate in any manner. “ WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP ALPHA’S POLICY ON HAZING IS SPECIFIC: “For your information: HAZING…is any action taken or situation created, however communicated, involving or resulting in abusive physical contact or mental harassment to a prospective member – whether on or off the Fraternity premises, campus or place where Chapters or prospects meet – designed to, or the result of which is to produce excessive mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment or harassment. “ WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP ALPHA’S POLICY ON HAZING IS SPECIFIC: “Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to: paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical or psychological shocks; morally degrading or humiliating activities; late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with either fraternal law or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or federal, state or local law – such violations are expressly forbidden. Members or Chapters who cause infractions are subject to disciplinary action.” – The STANDING ORDERS of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP ALPHA PHI ALPHA PROHIBITS HAZING IN ANY FORM. You are to call any one of the following immediately if you suspect any form of hazing: Sponsor, Chapter President, Chapter Dean of Membership Development, Area Director, Chapter Advisor or District Director. They are required to immediately notify the Regional Vice President. There are stiff penalties for Chapters, Brothers, as well as Candidates who are found guilty of hazing and violating the Fraternity’s guidelines and the constitution relative to hazing. Additionally, there are stiff penalties for interested candidates who are found guilty of violating the Fraternity’s guidelines regarding hazing. WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP PROCESS VIOLATIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, EVEN FOR CANDIDATES Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Codes, Section 9: Membership Development Violations - (Non-Alpha) a. Non-Alpha who engages in illegal meetings/gatherings/sessions of any kind prior to Alpha Awareness Seminar. First Violation b. Non-Alpha who engages in illegal meetings/gatherings/sessions of any kind after the Alpha Awareness Seminar. Loss of right to apply for up to 5 years Loss of right to apply for 10 years c. Non-Alpha who willingly allows himself to be physically hazed either prior, during or post the membership development process (4 weekends). Lifetime loss of right to apply d. Non-Alpha who willingly allows himself to be emotionally or psychologically hazed either prior, during or post membership development process (4 weekends). Loss of right to apply for 5 years or lifetime loss ANY SECOND VIOLATION BY A CANDIDATE FOR MEMBERSHIP RESULTS IN LIFETIME LOSS OF RIGHT TO APPLY WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP PROCESS VIOLATIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, EVEN FOR CANDIDATES Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Codes, Section 9: Membership Development Violations - (Non-Alpha) First Violation e. Non-Alpha who willingly allows himself to be a part of illegal or indecent activities either prior, during or post the IMDP(4 weekends). Loss of right to apply for 5 years f. Non-Alpha who willingly allows himself to do unapproved work or activities which may include but not limited to cleaning, washing, shopping, road trips and activities which may endanger either prior, during or post the IMDP. g. Failure of Non-Alpha to notify a brother and/or national office of an illegal meeting / gathering/ session of any kind. Loss of right to apply for 5 years h. Forgery, falsification, alteration of reports during and post an investigation. Lifetime loss of right to apply Loss of right to apply for 5 years ANY SECOND VIOLATION BY A CANDIDATE FOR MEMBERSHIP RESULTS IN LIFETIME LOSS OF RIGHT TO APPLY WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP VIRGINIA STATE PENAL LAW ON HAZING <See legal presentation if not known> WHAT IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE IMDP VIRGINIA STATE PENAL LAW ON HAZING Civil and Personal Issues of Liability are also available to the aggrieved party, and may also be offered as a remedy for any infraction of civil liberty or personal injury to any candidate. BROTHERLY REFLECTIONS WHAT ALPHA MEANS TO ME! BROTHER Joseph Calhoun INITIATED INTO ALPHA VIA NU DELTA LAMBDA CHAPTER ON MARCH 30, 2013 BROTHERLY REFLECTIONS WHAT ALPHA LEADERSHIP MEANS TO ME! BROTHER LES SMITH INITIATED INTO ALPHA VIA DELTA TAU CHAPTER ON DECEMBER 6, 1980 TO BE AN ALPHA MAN BY BRO. FRED H. WOODRUFF READ BY BROTHER STEVEN WILLIAMS TO BE AN ALPHAMAN MEANS MORE THAN JUST TO WEAR A PIN. IT REQUIRES INTRINSIC QUALITIES THAT ARE DEVELOPED DEEP WITHIN. IT CALLS FOR LASTING BROTHERHOOD, A WORD SOMETIMES USED IN VAIN. IT MEANS AN HONEST DEVOTION, NOT ANTICIPATION OF PERSONAL GAIN. FRATERNITY SPEAKS OF BROTHERLY LOVE, THAT’S SOMETHING TO ACHIEVE, IT’S MORE THAN JUST A GRIP OF HANDS, IT’S AN IDEAL TO CONCEIVE. YOU’RE PROUD TO BE AN ALPHA, AND SHARE HER PRAISES WON, BEFORE YOU INFLATE YOURSELF WITH PRIDE, ASK YOURSELF, HONESTLY, HOW MUCH HAVE I DONE? TO BE AN ALPHA MAN BY BRO. FRED H. WOODRUFF TO REALIZE THE WEALTH OF PERSONAL SATISFACTION, FROM KNOWING YOU’VE GIVEN YOUR ALL. TO HAVE HELPED HER CAUSE UNFALTERINGLY, WHEN YOU RALLY TO HER CALL. TO COMBINE ALL THESE QUALITIES, AND ROOT THEM DEEP WITHIN. THE PRODUCT WOULD BE AN ALPHAMAN, DESERVING OF HIS PIN. SO TAKE AN HONEST INVENTORY OF YOUR CHARACTER WITHIN, AND FOR EVERY VIRTUE YOU FIND MISSING, TRY AND WEAVE IT IN. FOR A MAN WITHOUT THESE VIRTUES ISN’T WORTH A GRAIN OF SAND. IT’S PLAIN TO SEE, IT’S MORE THAN JUST A PIN, THAT MAKES AN ALPHAMAN. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS CLOSING COMMENTS BROTHERHOOD FRATERNITY HYMN AND PRAYER SOCIAL HOUR AND REFRESHMENTS