103 學年第 2 學期 美國憲法(US Constitutional Law) 課程名稱:(中文) 美國憲法 課程綱要 開課單位 (英文) US Constitutional Law 科法所 永久課號 授課教師: 張兆恬 學分數 必/選修 3 開課年級 * 先修科目或先備能力:(修課生背景及外文能力) No pre-requisites but basic understanding of the US or Taiwanese constitutional law is recommended. Good English writing and speaking proficiencies are expected. 課程概述與目標:(學習目標與學習結果個別分點說明) This course provides an overview of the history, the design of the system and the government, and the principles, doctrines and leading cases in subfields of the US Constitution. Learning the US Constitution not only helps us understand the foundation of the US legal system, but also serves as a resource to rethink constitutional issues in our country. Course Objectives: In this class you will learn: 1. the history of the US Constitution; 2. separation of power and federalism; 3. due process of law and equal protection; 4. fundamental rights; 5. methods of searching, reading, briefing cases. Expected Results: After completing this class, students will: 1. have a general understanding of the framework and main topics of the US Constitution; 2. have an ability to identify, conceptualize and analyze constitutional issues. 3. be able to write clear, critical and persuasive legal documents and academic papers. 4. be able to engage charitably in discussion about constitutional issues. Reading assignments (including cases and secondary materials) can be 教科書(請註明書 found from Westlaw, the Legal Information Institute (LII) 名、作者、出版社、 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/) and other public accessible resources. 出版年等資訊) Students are encouraged to browse SCOTUSblog (http://www.scotusblog.com/) to follow latest US Supreme Court cases. 課程大綱 分配時數 備註 單元主題 Lecture 內容綱要 講授 示範 習作 其他 Introduction 3 Separation of power and federalism 9 Due process and equal protection 21 Liberty 12 Welfare State 3 Presentatio Final term paper- student presentation n 3 教學要點概述: 學期作業、考試、評量: Panel Presentation (30%): Each student will sign up to serve in the discussion panel for at least a week. Starting from Week 3, the discussion panel should upload a written summary of the week’s reading assignments (no more than 2000 words) 48 hours before each class and provide an in-class presentation (20 minutes). Class Participation (10%): Attendance is necessary but not sufficient. Students are expected to listen and talk actively and responsively to the materials and to their fellow students. Paper (60%): 1000-2000 words. The paper should describe an ongoing constitutional law issue (either in US, Taiwan or anywhere else) and analyze it with US constitutional theories, doctrines and cases learned this semester. Students should prepare an informal oral presentation (10 minutes) to explain their final paper ideas in Week 17. 2.教學方法及教學相關配合事項(如助教、網站或圖書及資料庫等) 排定時間 師生晤談 地點 每週進度表 週 次 1 上課日期 課程進度、內容、主題 Introduction: The US Constitutional History Interpreting Constitution 2 3 - Judicial review: Marbury v. Madison - Judicial Scrutiny Judicial interpretative Methods Separation of Powers 連絡方式 4 - The Legislative Power - The Executive Power Federalism - National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius (“Obamacare”) Substantive Due Process and Economic Liberty 5 - Lochner v. State of New York West Coast Hotel v. Parrish U.S. v. Carolene Products Co. Substantive Due Process and Individual Liberty 6 - Griswold v. Connecticut - Roe v. Wade Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey Gonzalez v. Carhart Equal Protection, Segregation and Desegregation 7 - Dred Scott v. Sandford Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Education (I)、(II) Equal Protection: Race 8 - Loving v. Virginia Griggs v. Duke Power Co. - Ricci v. DeStefano Equal Protection: Affirmative Action 9 - City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co. Grutter v. Bollinger Fisher v. University of Texas Equal Protection: Gender 10 - Frontiero v. Richardson United States v. Virginia Craig v. Boren Due Process or Equal Protection: Sexuality 11 - Bowers v. Hardwick Lawrence v. Texas United States v. Windsor Liberty: Freedom of Expression- Defamation, Pornography 12 - New York Times v. Sullivan Hustler Magazine v. Falwell Miller v. California Liberty: Freedom of Expression- Fighting Words, Hate Speech 13 - Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire R.A.V. v. St. Paul Virginia v. Black Liberty: Freedom of Expression- Time, Place and Manner 14 - Schneider v. State Commonwealth v. Davis (public forum doctrine) Christian Legal Society v. Martinez (private forum) McCullen v. Coakley Liberty: Religion 15 - Lemon v. Kurtzman - Salazar v. Buono Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Welfare State 16 - Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez Plyler v. Doe 17 Student presentation of final term papers 18 Submit final term papers