Chapter 5 Study Guide People Alexander~ commander in the army @ 16, king @ 20 Archimedes~ Greek scientist of Hellenistic Era; worked on solid geometry, figured out Pi’s value, invented catapults Athena~ goddess of wisdom Euclid~ most famous mathematician & author (Elements) Euripides~ A Greek playwright known for his tragedies in which he questioned traditional thinking, especially about war Herodotus~ wrote History of the Persian Wars; “father of history” Philip II~ Macedonian King that loved Greek culture; planned to conquer Persia Plato~ rejected idea of democracy; wrote Republic. Believed philosopher kings should rule society Pythagoras ~ taught universe followed same laws as music and numbers. Developed Pythagorean Theorem. Socrates~ Athenian sculptor, believed absolute truth existed, all knowledge w/in each person Sophists~ taught there’s no absolute right or wrong Sophocles ~ dramatist who used painted scenery & 3 actors to tell a story Stoics~ happiness came from reason & doing one’s duty Thucydides~ considered by some to be the greatest historian of ancient world Zeus~ King of Gods; god of the sky, rain, & lightening Places and Vocabulary astronomer~ a person who studies stars, planets, & heavenly bodies Hellenistic Era~ time when Greek culture spread throughout non-Greek world Iliad~ a book written by Homer about the Trojan War Lighthouse at Alexandria~ one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World Macedonia~ the neighbor to the north Mount Olympus~ the highest mountain in Greece; according to Greek mythology, the home of the 12 most important Greek gods and goddesses. myth~ traditional stories about gods and goddesses plane geometry ~ type of mathematics that relates points, lines, surfaces, & angles to each other Rhodes~ Greek Island in the southeast Aegean Sea; Appolonius, author of the epic poem Argonautica, was from here. ritual~ the Greeks performed these ceremonies to earn favor of their gods &goddesses solid geometry~ type of mathematics that deals with spheres & cylinders Syracuse~ Greek city-state where the scientist Archimedes was from