7 Habits Synopsis

Get in the Habit:
As an introduction to the book, it generally goes over what you'll learn as you read through the
book. Using examples, the author shows the struggles that some teens go through. After he goes over the
habits we'll learn, Sean Covey goes over what is the exact opposite of what habits you should have. It is an
amazing idea because if you have one of the habits he describes, it really motivates you to work on it. The
author hooks the reader in visually by using interesting diagrams. I feel that the general idea of the habits
aren't too broad or too small. This is since he has enough room to go into detail and it doesn't feel as if he
was leaving anything out.
Paradigms and Principals:
As you can see throughout the book, the author is trying to make the book fun to read. This is probably
an effort to make sure kids read it all the way through. Starting the chapter off with quotes is unique. They
were entertaining to read as the quotes could've been motivators for the people who defied the person who
said the quote's expectations. Paradigms (your perspective) could hinder you. An example, your paradigm
of yourself could cause you to have self-esteem issues. Thinking you have a poor image is a terrible thing
so you should challenge the low perception of yourself. We sometimes center our lives on 'things" but on
principles. Centering yourself on your friends won't get you by in life but centering yourself on principals
does. If you don't, it'll catch up to you in the end. That being said you aren't supposed to go by this book all
of a sudden. Take baby steps and work towards it. I appreciate how the author points that out.
The Personal Bank Account:
This chapter is in the sub-section of winning the private battles. In order to win in the public parts of
life, you have to start with yourself. Your PBA is your Personal Bank Account. When you feel in control,
you have made a deposit. And when you don't, you've made a withdrawal. Everybody makes withdrawals
so don't be too hard on yourself when you do make one. There are certain symptoms of a poor PBA like
subduing to peer pressure that indicate if you need to make any changes with your future actions. Doing
things such as keeping promises and small acts of kindness can have a large impact on you PBA over time.
Being gentle with yourself is vital to being happy of your image. A big part of that is patience. You have to
work on things to actually improve. I can tell you that from my experience so far, don't judge yourself on
one thing. Being patient and seeing what situation you are in generally, goes a long way.
Habit 1--Be Proactive:
The main message of this chapter is to not be reactive but proactive. One of the ways the book says
you can be in a proactive mindset is by comparing proactive and reactive responses in the situations that
happen in your life. This is really a mental choice since a lot of people have the instinct to choose the one
they feel will help them the most. You should basically be looking for something that doesn't effect the
other people involved negatively. Listening to your language is integral to being in the proactive mind-set.
It shows that you have confidence and aren't doubting your's or another's efforts. Being a victim (feeling
like everyone is against you) won't help you in life. I don't feel like this habit is outdated by any means.
Habit 2--Begin with the End in Mind:
There is only one way to begin, by knowing your final goal. Setting goals is important as it provides
motivation and keeps you on-track by reminding you to take small steps. I always set goals and deadlines
for myself in my agenda. I think its an amazing idea because I look in it constantly, so I won't forget
anything important. The little things like writing down my homework helps me with finishing my week. As
the book says, the crossroads of life come at you and you don't always know what to choose ahead of time.
Be prepared to go in the direction you want to go in. It might lead you to where you wanted to go but it
might've not.
Habit 3--Put First Things First:
Setting down the video games and starting your homework is necessary to be successful. I'm not going
to lie and say I work all day but I do things in moderation. Usually I do my homework right after-school
which is putting things in order. Doing things due in a week, saves a lot more time than procrastinating. I
used to be a procrastinator once, but I changed by shifting into what the book calls a prioritizer. This
includes perfecting the balancing act of relationships, exercise, relaxation and the plans you have on a
certain day. This book could have helped me become a prioritizer sooner than with my own help.
The Relationship Bank Account:
Similar to the PBA, the RBA is an account you keep with an acquaintance of yours that you can never
close. This includes anybody you have talked a sentence with. It is tough because you cannot leave these
accounts alone for too long. To have a healthy relationship, make small deposits consistently. I feel this
rule applies even more now because of social media giving a centre for all of a person's friends to send a
message. They can be negative and the longer you leave these withdrawals, they turn into stone (are
Habit 4--Think Win-Win:
The book refers to a Win-Win as an all-you-can-eat buffet. It makes sense because a Win-Win
situation fills you with positive feelings, like a buffet fills you with food. The author says that there are
some situations where there is no Win-Win solution. Whenever this happens, decide not to play. I disagree
with this not because these situations don't exist but because I feel that the solution isn't what is needed.
You need to be listening more deeply into the problem and analyze how you can improve the situation just
for others. I believe in karma so that good energy will come back to you.
Habit 5-- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be
Listening is one of the most basic things you can do to understand a person. Sometimes people get
caught pretend listening or zoning-out (not focusing). Your heart deeply seeks communication. A person
who talks but doesn't listen, doesn't become exposed to the sensitive part of a person unless they feel
understanding and love. To be sending that message, you have to show proper body language, tone/feeling,
and display your understanding through your words. One thing a genuine listener always does is put
themselves in another's shoes. This chapter is relevant because I know people who don't show
understanding to their friends.
Habit 6--Synergize:
Synergy is many things. It is celebrating differences and having open-mindedness. There is a difference
between tolerating and celebrating differences. It shows through what you think are rights and what you
value. It is finding new and better ways. The thing I find most relatable about this is that as a student, you
are constantly working on new ways to do something. Also, synergy is using teamwork to lower the work
rate necessary to do something. I feel this is the biggest part of synergy because 1 + 1 could equal 3. If the
proper effort is put in, the power of a person can help another person as well as themselves. This causes
there to be an advantage to helping someone else.
Habit 7--Sharpen the Saw:
Sharpening the saw basically means refreshing yourself. Your mind, body, heart and soul all need to
stay sharp. Personally, I think everybody should take a time-out now and then. Whether this is a stretching
session or napping session, it'll help you in the end. This habit also involves balance because for the time to
refresh yourself, you need to be able to do what is necessary as well (homework, practices). Caring for your
idea is part of refreshing yourself so eat food that is healthy. The old saying "If you eat crap, you'll feel like
crap" fits so well. Maintaining a healthy weight by eating and exercising is just as important as getting
enough sleep. It'll come in handy for the days to come.
Keep Hope Alive!:
As it is the conclusion of the book, it gives you a few pointers to following the 7 habits. It is helpful for
people like me who sometimes struggle to follow a plan. The main part of this last chapter encourages you
to actually follow the book. I think that all the illustrations and fascinating stories got me through this book
fast. It didn't feel like it dragged on and kept to its main message. I feel that the main message of this book
is that it is possible to improve your nature. That means your instincts and habits. For the most part, I agree
that the 7 habits can be helpful to enriching your teenage years.