Sense of Taste - Forsyth County Schools

November’s news
Mrs. Mayra and Mrs. Perez
A Peek at Our Weeks
What’s been going on!
In the month of October we learned and discussed
our five senses. The first week we talked about our
sense of touch and we felt different textures such as
rough, smooth, bumpy, soft and hard. The second
week we learned about the senses of taste and smell
and how the senses of taste and smell work together
when you eat. We discussed the taste buds in our
tongue which allow us to taste different foods such as
sour, sweet, bitter, and salty. In the third week, we
Unit Topic: Nutrition
Weekly Topics: Nutrition, healthy bodies,
We will be learning and discussing eating healthy
foods and what can we do to keep our bodies healthy.
We will also discuss Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving
traditions among our children.
Math: We are continuing to recognize numerals 1 –
10. We are making sets, finding the numbers, and
matching the numbers with the sets. We are also
reviewing colors and we will be introducing sizes
(long, short, thin, tall, wide, etc.).
learned about the sense of sight and the sense of
hearing. We heard different sounds and had to guess
what made that sound and we also played I spy game
to increase understanding of how we use the sense of
hearing and the sense of sight. Our House Area was
turned into a Pizza place and children enjoyed making
Language Arts: We will continue learning about
rhyming words, sequencing stories, beginning
sounds, book structure (characters, events, plot),
book knowledge (author, illustrator, cover page, title,
and left to right).
pizza for their friends and teachers. Our fall
celebration was a great success, we had a great time.
Thank you to all the parents for all the goodies that
were send and a special thanks to Kelly Moore and
Rachel McCollum for putting the event together.
If you need to contact me, please call me at
770-887-7705 Or
You can e-mail me at:
Science: We will be talking about seasons, changes
in the weather, leaves, plants cycles, where fruits
vegetables grow, and food pyramid.
Social Studies: We will be learning about
Thanksgiving, pilgrims, Indians, and family traditions.
Parents please remember to send a note or an e-mail letting me know about your
child’s absence. Otherwise, your child will be mark unexcused.
Upcoming Events
Morning Drop Off: 7:45
Afternoon Pick up: 2:35
As the weather changes, please remember to dress your
child appropriately.
If your child is going to be absent, please contact us.
Please make sure you send sheets back on Mondays
Please check your child’s folder everyday
Make sure you send extra set of clothes, accident can happen
Weather is changing; please make sure you dress your child
appropriately. We go outside at 9:00 am everyday if weather
November 19-23
Thanksgiving Break
Ansley 11/12
Parents and friends are invited to share
information about their food and culture with
our class. Please call or come see us.
Our own Pre-K Pizza Place
Our Five Senses
Sense of sight
Use pipe cleaners to make glasses
Draw things they saw on their way to school
played letter bingo
milky rainbow activity
Sense of touch
Finger painting
lacing different shapes
rubbing letters
Toilet paper smooch
guessing different textures
making goo
Sense of Smell
Play with scented playdough
Paint using lemonade and grape juice
guess that smell game
traced and cut flower and add perfume
draw using scented markers
use apple jacks to write names
Sense of hearing
Make musical instruments
play bingo game
guess different sounds
Make telephones
listen to a story read by a classmate
match letter sounds
Sense of Taste
Make own pizza
cut and paste favorite food
sorted different beans
Make patterns with apples
Pumpkin carving