Chapter 1 and 2 Early America Native Americans 5000 B.C. O Hunter gatherers in Northern Mexico developed wild grass into corn. O Size of a penny O Nomadic hunters began to settle and raise corn. Great Early Groups- 1200 B.C. O 1200 b.c O The Pueblo People O Located on the Rio Grande O Constructed irrigation systems to water cornfields O Constructed multistoried, terraced buildings. 100 A.D. O The Mound Builders O Location: Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi Valley. O Lived from about 3,000 years ago until the 1700s. O Most Native Americans O Living in small, scattered groups. O Loved the physical world and did not want to alter it. The Great Serpent Mound The Serpent Mound, is not haunted in the classical sense. No vengeful ghost walks there at midnight (as far as anyone can tell); no axe murders are reenacted when the moon is full. But to the ancient Indians who built it, the great effigy mound definitely was a spiritual place. Question: How Were Mounds Made? O Imagine groups of workers toiling from dawn to dusk, gathering baskets of dirt. They carry their burdens to a clearing, dump the soil, and tamp it down with their feet. As the days pass they retrace their footsteps time after time until a shape emerges and begins to grow. An earthen mound is born. Question: What did they look like? O The shapes of mounds vary. O They can be flat-topped pyramids, rounded domes, or barely perceptible rises on the landscape. O Mounds can stand alone or be in groups of as many as 20 or more. O Some mounds are arranged around broad plazas, while others are connected by earthen ridges. Question: What was the purpose of the mound? O The 1st mounds were burial grounds. O They also found shells from the Gulf of Mexico and turquoise from the South west. O Some mounds were used for religious ceremonies. O This image was taken from Henry Clyde Shetrone's book The Mound-Builders, 1930. The figure depicted here is the first known attempt to portray the builders of the ancient mounds as they appeared in life. O What happened to them? Mound Builders O 1700s-Mississippians had died from disease they caught from Europeans. European Exploration of the Americas 1492-1700 Question? The year is 1510. You live in a European port town and have heard exciting tales about mysterious lands across the sea. Would you join a voyage of exploration? Why? Spain vs. Portugal O 1493: Spain and Portugal wanted a ruling to who would control the lands. O Pope Alexander VI ruled O Line of Demarcation East: Portugal West: Spain Spain vs. Portugal O King John Mad- favored Spain O June 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas O Portugal: Eastern South America O Spain: Mexico European Countries Goals 1. Spread Christianity beyond Europe. 2. Expand their empires. 3. Become Rich. Mercantilism O Goal: Increase money in the country’s treasury by creating a balance in trade. O Mines: produce gold/silver O Crops=CASH European Explorers 1. Amerigo Vespucci 2. Vasco Nunez Balboa 3. Ferdinand Magellan Invasion of Mexico O Conquistador: Hernando Cortes O 1519 Mexico O Aztec Emperor: Montezuma O Cortez=Aztec God O Sent gifts of gold What do you think the Spanish thought of the gifts? Invasion of Mexico O Spanish marched to the Aztec capital O Received by great ceremonies O Stayed in the great palaces O Took Montezuma captive O Aztecs Rebelled! O “Sad Night” Fall of the Aztecs O 1-year later Spanish regrouped O Small pox O Aug 1521 Aztecs were defeated. O Mexico City O Inca Empire fall Seeds of Change Broken spears lie in the roads; we have torn our hair in our grief. The house are roofless now, and their walls are red with blood. . . We have pounded our hands in despair against the adobe walls, for our inheritance, our city, is lost and dead. --Aztec Poet Why were the Spanish able to conquer strong empires? O Diseases O Spanish were excellent soldiers and sailors O Great weapons O Made allies O Acted brutally Spanish continued to search for riches told in Native American stories. 1492 A.D. O Christopher Columbus persuaded the King and Queen of Spain to give him three ships. O He was trying to find a western route to India. He sailed for six weeks before sighting the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. O Two Worlds Collide O The plants and animals of the Old and New World O O O O O O O had been separated for thousands of years. New World Crops -Tobacco -Corn -Beans -Tomatoes -Potato These crops revolutionized the European diet. 3/5 of the crops grown around the world originated in the Americas. 1493 O Columbus returned to the Caribbean with 17 ships loaded with Old World animals. The Horse would completely change many Native American cultures. The Ultimate Weapon: Germs O Europeans brought diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria with them to the New World. O These diseases quickly devastated Native American populations. O Some Native American slaves would knead their own infected blood into their master’s bread to try to infect them. The Planting of English America 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh and a group of settlers landed on Roanoke Island (North Carolina). O Raleigh established the settlement then returned to England. O When Raleigh returned to Roanoke, the settlers had disappeared. They became known as “The Lost Colony.” O England’s population was growing explosively. In 1550 the population was 3 million. In 1600 the population was 4 million. O O An economic depression hit England in the late 1500s and as a result, English farmers were unable to pay the rent on the land they farmed. Landlords then began to force farmers off their land. O Many began to look to the New World as an escape or a refuge. 1606 O The Virginia Company of London received a charter from King James I for a settlement in the New World. O The company came seeking gold and the colonists were threatened with abandonment if they didn’t strike it rich for the company. O Few investors in the company’s colony were interested in long-term settlement. O The Virginia Company Charter guaranteed settlers the same rights they would enjoy in England. O Other colonies followed this pattern as well. Late 1606 O Three ships of the Virginia Company land near the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Colonists moved northward up the James River and established Jamestown on May 24, 1607. Hard Times O Early years in Jamestown were a nightmare. O First 40 of the colonists died coming to America. O Those who made it: O Died from Disease, Starvation, Malnutrition O Wasted a lot of time searching for gold. O Men were not accustomed to fend for themselves. 1608 O Captain John Smith O He was placed in charge of the colony. Smith had a hardnosed approach to the colonists. He said, O “He who shall not work, shall not eat.” The colonists quickly responded to Smith’s subtle leadership approach. Captain John Smith Real Life Disney December 1608 O -Captain Smith was kidnapped and subjected to a mock execution by Chief Powhatan. O -Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas, “saved” Smith from execution. The execution was done to show Powhatan’s power and also to show his desire for peace with the English. O O Show clips from the movie….. Sorry Guys!!! Real Life Disney Change in Leadership Tactics O Lord De La Warr assumed leadership in the Jamestown colony. O Had a game plan for dealing with the Indians O New Policy O Allow English troops to raid Indian villages, burn houses, cornfields, and to confiscate provisions. O First years of this policy caused the First AngloPowhatan war. O In the end the Indians were banished from their lands. Virginia and Tobacco O John Rolf O Perfected a method of raising and curing tobacco. O Jamestown began planting. O Tobacco was popular in Europe. 1619 O Virginia colony set up the House of Burgesses. O Its goal was to pass laws for the colony. O First step towards England’s independence. 1642 O Sir William Berkley O Came to Virginia to serve as governor. O Became popular O Organized a force that ended the Second Anglo-Powhatan War. O Tried to protect the Indians. O Problem was the population growth. O 1660-40,000 O Pressing further west. O Will have clashes over the land. Bacon’s Rebellion O 1673 O Nathaniel Bacon O Western Virginia Farmer. O Disagreed with Indian policy. O Issues: O Mad at not being allowed in the governor’s inner circle. O Not being granted a piece of the governor’s lucrative fur trade. Bacon’s Rebellion O 1675 O Band of Indians raided a western plantation O O O O and killed a white servant. Angry whites struck back. Indians responded with more raids and killed more white plantation owners. Bacon and others defied the governor and began to attack the Indians. Bacon was dismissed and also his associated rebels. Bacon’s Rebellion O Bacon led his rebellion into Jamestown. O Led the army twice O First time: He won a temporary pardon from the governor O Second time: He burned the city and drove the governor into exile. O Suddenly: Bacon will die of dysentery. O Berkley came back and signed a peace treaty with the Indians. Importance of Bacon’s Rebellion O It showed the continuing struggle to define the boundary between Indian and white lands. O It showed the English settlers were unwilling to abide by agreements with Indians and that the Indians were unwilling to allow further white settlement on their lands. O Most important: O It showed the potential for instability in the colony’s large population of free, landless men. The West Indies and Sugar O Mid 1600’s O England Gained control of many Caribbean Islands. O Foundation of the Economy was Sugar. O Very labor intensive O The use of Slaves O By 1700 O Blacks outnumbered white settlers. O Four to one in the islands. O Devised formal law codes. The Northern Colonies O Religion: O Played a major part in the lives of the colonists who settled in the northern colonies O Religious group that led the settlements were Puritans. O Puritans: O Were a break off from Protestants. O Followed reformer John Calvin. O Beliefs: O God was all powerful O Humans were wicked O God knew who was going to heaven and hell O Called them “The Elect” O Good works could not even save you. O Always sought for signs of conversion. O They were told to lead sanctified lives Founding of Plymouth Colony O Early 1600’s O King James began to take steps to force the Puritans to leave England. O 1608 O Group left England and settled in the Netherlands. O 12 years the Puritans began to be worried about the Dutchification of their children. O ???? O Needed to move O Children would be thrust down to Hell. O They set sail in 1620. Founding of Plymouth Colony O Group of 120 O Sailed on the Mayflower O Drew up a Mayflower Compact O Agreed to strict laws O One of the earliest constitutions O First step towards self governments. O Winter 1620-1621 O More settlers arrived after the Mayflower to settle in Plymouth colony. O First winter only 44/102 survived O Fall 1621 O Enjoyed a plentiful harvest O Celebrated the first Thanksgiving that year. O Plymouth later merged with Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691. Founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony O 1629 O Another group of Puritans secured a Royal Charter O 1630 O 11 ships O 100 Immigrants O Massachusetts Bay Colony was begun on a much larger scale O 75,000 people began to flee from England. O First Governor O John Winthrop O Successful attorney O Puritan O Wanted the Colony to be a city upon a hill. O Wanted to live by strict ideals. O Some of the ideals were too strict. Puritan Intolerance O Many Quakers lived in Massachusetts. O Quakers resented the Puritan leaders O Always fined and banished Quakers from the Colony. O Puritans Beliefs: O Both men and women were equal in the eyes of God. O Church was ran by men. O Anne Hutchinson O Challenged the male leadership. O She claimed to have God talk to her and told the reverend got it wrong in Sundays sermon. O Put on trial for heresy. O Convicted and banished from Massachusetts. Georgia 1733 O Was founded to serve as a buffer between Spanish controlled Florida and the Carolinas. O Also received cash from the King to help defend itself. O Nickname: Charity Colony O Roger Williams: popular Salem minister O Also was a reformer. O Wanted a complete break from the Church of England. O Argued about the legality of the Mass Bay Colony’s Charter. O Argued that the Indians were not fully paid for. O Got in trouble again when he said that civil government had no authority to regulate religious behavior. 1635 O Williams was banished from the colony and went O O O O O to Rhode Island. In Rhode Island he built the first Baptist Church. Still fought for religious freedom. Anne Hutchinson eventually settled in Rhode Island. Puritans called Rhode Island- Rouges Island or the Sewer. They became independent for many years. Maryland O Founded by Lord Baltimore O Catholic O Wanted to gain wealth. O Create a refuge for persecuted English Catholics. O He awarded huge estates to his catholic relatives. O Catholics were always O O O O outnumbered by protestants. Planted Tobacco Used indentured servants Later slaves were imported. Lord Baltimore permitted freedom of worship. The Carolinas- 1670 O English King Charles II O The Carolinas formed after granting lands to eight of his friends. O Prospered due to a close relationship with the West Indies. O Many emigrated from Barbados and brought their slaves with them. O Rice was their main export. O Early settlers did not know how to grow rice effectively. O Relied heavily on slaves. O 1710- African Slaves outnumbered white settlers. 1712 O Many colonists had settled in the northern portion of Carolina colony. O Northern colonists were treated badly by the Southern colonists. O Decided to separate O Due to mistreatment O Colonists worked to establish a colony that became one of the most democratic, independent of the original 13 colonies. The Seeds of Colonial Unity 1643 O Four Colonies: O Massachusetts, Plymouth, New Haven, and Hartford joined to form New England. O Reason: O Wanted to get better prices for their goods. O Puritans refused to let Rhode Island and Maine into the confederation. O Places had undesirable characters. O First time they allied themselves for a common purpose. O Elected reps made decisions for the colonies. O The English Crown, was allowing the colonies to become independent commonwealths. 1660/1686 O 1660 O Charles II took the English throne. O Began to take an active role in governing and managing colonies. O 1686 O Creation of Dominion of New England O IT promoted the interests of the king rather than the colonies. O Aimed at improving colonial defense. O English Navigation Laws/Acts O Forbade colonies from trading with any nation except England. O Bring them closer economically and restore proper colonial relationship. 1686 O Sir Edmond Andros O Head of the Dominion of New England. O He was a tactless military man. O Offended many colonists. O Boston complaints: the English soldiers were teaching O O O O people to drink, blaspheme, and curse. Curbed town meetings. Placed restrictions on the courts, press, and schools. Revoked land titles Decided to raise taxes O Colonists were on the verge of revolt. Change in England -1689 O English dethroned King James II O Replaced with William II. O News broke out- people of New England rose up against the Dominion. O Andros attempted to flee O Disguised as a woman O Boots gave him away O Later returned to England Dutch America: 1623-1624 O Colony of New Netherland was established near the Hudson River O Company called the Dutch East India bought the Manhattan Island for almost nothing. O English viewed the Dutch Colony as a threat to their growing American colonies. O 1664- English took New Amsterdam by force. O New Amsterdam was renamed New York. O Haarlem=Harlem O Breuckelen=Brooklyn Pennsylvania O Quakers- were a people of deep convictions O O William Penn O O O O Activated passive resistance. 1681 O O O O O O O O O Well born (rich) Englishman Attracted to Quaker faith at the age of 16. Father was not pleased with this choice. Penn secured land from the King, and named it Pennsylvania. Most advertised colony All of the ads were truthful. They welcomed everyone Many immigrants choose to settle there. Philadelphia became the most important city. Penn was fair to Indian Tribes Became very liberal Catholics and Jews could not vote or hold office in the colony. Pennsylvania O By 1700 O Only Virginia and Massachusetts had more wealth O William Penn only spent four years total in Pennsylvania. O Other Quaker Settlements O 1664- New Jersey was created and in 1702 was made a Royal colony. O 1703- Delaware colony was created and granted its own assembly. O Colony was name after Lord De La Warr. Society and Culture Early English Population O Majority of the population were laborers. O O O O English Government O O 1670 O O Some paid for own passage. Some came as indentured servants Nearly ¾ of the population were indentured servants. Sent convicts, orphans, paupers, and Pow’s The flow of indentured servants began to decline. New arrivals: O Could anticipate great hardships O O O O Inadequate food Frequent epidemics Early Death Life Expectancy O O O White Men- just over 40 Women- less than 40 ¼ of the children died, those who lived died before 20 Women in the Chesapeake O Average married age: 20-21 O Women’s life was about childbearing. O Wives were pregnant every two years and bore eight children. O Few women lived to see children grow up. O Women in the South O Enjoyed more power and freedom O Men were plentiful and women were scarce. O Women had great freedom choosing a husband. O Economic Power O Widows were left with many children to care for and a large plantation or farm to run. New England Women O Families were more stable O Children most likely to survive childhood. O Young Women had less control on who they married. O Parents lived to see their children grow to maturity. O Status of Women: O Defined by their religious beliefs. O Religious authority remained with the men. Other European Immigrants O English immigration declined: O French O German O Swiss O Irish O Welsh O Scottish O Scandinavian O French O 1685- Huguenots began to leave France O German O Suffered wars O 3000 came to America O Most settled in Pennsylvania and North Carolina Other European Immigrants O Scottish-Irish O Were Presbyterians O They tripled rent in Ireland O This led to many immigrating to America. O Most numerous group of people O Would settle on the outskirts of towns. O Scottish Highlanders and Irish Catholics O Many immigrated in 1745 O Settled in North Carolina Colonial Commerce O Elaborate trade with the colonies and West Indies. O Traded: O Rum. Agricultural products, meat fish, sugar, molasses and slaves. O Transatlantic Trade O Colonial Education O Placed a high value on education O Home schooled. 1647 O Old Deluder Satan Law O Required communities to establish and support local schools. O Quakers O Established church run schools O Widows and unmarried operated the schools O Master craftsmen O Set up evening schools for apprentices. O 100 trade schools- 1723-1770 O Small number of children received education beyond primary level. O White males were the most literate. O 1776- well over half of all white men could read and write. 1647 O Women O Were not as literate as men and there were fewer educational opportunities for women until the 19th century. O Slaves O Received no education and very few Native Americans were literate. College O Most colleges were founded by religious groups. O Training of Preachers O Harvard O Established in 1636 by Puritans O College of William and Mary O Established in 1693 in Williamsburg, VA by Anglicans O Yale- established in 1701 by Conservative Congregationalists O Princeton- Established in 1746 by the Great Awakening O Columbia- established in 1754 had no religious ties. O University of Pennsylvania- Established in 1755, inspired by Ben Franklin. American Law and Politics O Early colonists O Tried to recreate old world practices in the new world. O Changes to Law: O Royal Government O O O O O Was far away, Americans created a group of their own self government. English Crown imposed Common Law Never worked because the colonies were running their own affairs. American Legal System O O O O Occurred because the scarcity of English trained lawyers in the colonies. Similar to English system Court procedures were simplified, crimes were redefined, and punishments were changed. Whipping, Branding, or the Stocks instead of hanging. The Colonial Government O O O Became accustomed to acting independently of Parliament Few problems in 1760 In 1763- English Government began to tighten its control.