Lecture notes (PP) Protestant & English Reformation

The European Reformation & it’s
impact on the Americas
• 1. What was the Protestant Reformation &
• 2. When and what role did the key reformers play
in the reformation in Continental Europe?
• 3. What was the resulting conflict & impact in the
Journal Write
• Have you ever disagreed with a belief or
practice commonly used or held within
your community, family, religion etc...
How have you expressed your
dissatisfaction with that belief or practice?
Explain. To what lengths would you go to
express your feelings? What would you
do if you found your community, family,
religion etc.... practicing a belief you did
not agree with? Explain.
The Reformers: Setting the
• During the Middle Ages (400-1400 AD) the single
most important power, politically, socially and
culturally was the church- The Catholic Church.
• At almost the exact time that the New World was
discovered, the Old World was changing. The men
most responsible for this change are known as the
Reformers- here are their stories.
The Reformers:
Johannes Gutenberg
1410 (?)- 1466 AD Germany
Contribution: Invented a printing press capable
of mass producing the printed word (books,
leaflets, etc....).
Significant Contributions: Printed 300
Gutenberg Bibles in both Latin and German.
Increased literacy gave the common man
access to the bible.
The Reformers:
Martin Luther
Born: 1483-1546 AD, Germany
In 1506, he became a Catholic monk. In 1510,
he visited Rome and was shocked by the
spiritual laziness and the widespread sell of
*Indulgences could be purchased for one's own salvation or to
release a loved one from purgatory.
The Reformers:
Martin Luther
All his life, he felt a tremendous burden of guilt. Through
prayer and bible study he came to believe men were
saved by "grace" & "faith" not ordinances (baptism,
marriage etc...). He argued against Papal authority.
In 1517, he posted 95 problems with the church on the
door of the Wittenberg castle church.
In 1521, he was excommunicated by the Pope.
His stand against the church made him the leader of
the Protestant movement in Germany.
The Door upon which Luther Posted his thesis
Think about it
• Watch the short film clip: “The Calm
Before the Storm” & following the film clip
write a short paragraph answering the
question below:
• What was one concern written by Martin
Luther on the 95 Thesis? Why do you
think this concerned him? Be prepared to
share your answer.
The Reformers:
John Calvin
Born: 1509-1564 AD, France
He studied both theology & law; he grew to
appreciate humanistic & reforming movements.
The Reformers:
John Calvin
He underwent a personal religious experience
and came to believe that the Bible, not the Pope,
was in charge and people were saved by faith not
He reformed the church in Geneva, Switzerland.
As a city/church official, he supported the
Papal Authority
development of public schools, hospitals,
Not necessaryproper
For salvation
sewage system, and help for the poor
and sick.
His Protestant faith spread throughout Europe.
The Reformers:
Born: 1469(?)-1536 AD, Italy
Contribution: Catholic Scholar.
He fought for a kinder and more
humane approach towards
religion. He worked to reform
the Catholic Church.
He criticized the leading classes and church
dignitaries for their “unchristian behavior.”
• A reform movement within the Roman
Catholic Church that arose in 16th-century
Europe in response to the Protestant
Reformation. It had two primary goals:
1. Reform theology
Council of Trent
1st Council 1545
2nd Council 1551
2. Stop
Protestant faith
- Clarify Catholic
Doctrinethe spread
- Dealtof
- Reconfirmed the Nicene
Creed Emperors
raised by English
(Charles I & Phillip II
- Canonize the Old and
Church (Henry
VIII)spread of
military action
to stop
& by French
- Set the number of sacraments
primarily in Spanish held lands
at seven
- Defined original sin
i.e. the Mass &
- Ruled against Martin Luther
The Habsburg (Spanish Empire)
Charles I & Phillip II: The heirs of Ferdinand & Isabel
United States
Juan Ponce de Leon 1513-1521
Juan de Onate 1598-1608
Hernando De Soto 1539–1542
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés
Hernán Cortés
Florida, 1565–1567
Juan Ponce de León (
(Baja California,
Hernán Cortés
Puerto Rico, 1508
(Mexico, 1518–1522)
(Honduras, 1524)
Vasco Núñez de Balboa
(Panamá, 1510–1519)
Francisco Pizarro
(Peru 1509–1535)
Juan Pizarro (Perú, 1532–1536
Pedro de Valdivia (Chile, 1540–1552)
• A reform movement within the Roman
Catholic Church that arose in 16th-century
Europe in response to the Protestant
3. Education and missionary work aimed at
conversion & reconversion
-Jesuits (often lay members mobility and
Think about it
• What have we studied that shows the
impact of the Counter-Reformation in the
Americas? Did the church, through the
Spanish, meet their goals? Explain your
Consequences of Protestant
Reformation in Germany
The Thirty Year War
The Thirty Year War 1618-1648
Cause: Fought in the Germanic territories of the Holy
Roman Empire. It was a religious conflict between
Lutheran Protestants, some Calvinist Protestants and
The Habsburg monarchs, the heirs of Ferdinand &
Isabel from Spain, were Catholic. The German
Nobles were Protestant.
The war was fought both to determine which religion
would have power in Germany- Catholic or Protestant,
and to determine who would reign: the Catholic Kings
or the Protestant Nobles.
The Thirty Year War
What Happened?
20 to 30 percent of the population died due to
battle, famine and disease.
The Thirty Year War
1. Germany divided into many different States.
2. Broke the power of the Hapsburg Empire
(Catholics) in Northern Europe.
3. Gave the “State” power over the church.
4. Many Germans fled war torn Germany for
the Americas.... The New Netherlands (New
Think about it
• Watch the short film clip: “The Thirty Year
War” & following the film clip write a short
paragraph answering the question below:
• What might it have been like to live in
Germany, or even Rothenburg, during the
30 year war?
War in France
• The Huguenots were French Calvinists.
• Huguenots became known for their
criticisms of the form of worship found in
the Mass
War in France
• Religious wars, followed by brief periods of
peace, continued for nearly fifty years.
• In 1598 the Edict of Nantes established
Catholicism as the state religion of France,
but granted the Protestants equality with
Catholics and some religious and political
freedom in France & their colonies
An eyewitness depiction of St. Barthelemy
in 1572, in which up to 70,000 Huguenots
were massacred.
War in France
• In 1685, Louis revoked the Edict of Nantes
and declared Protestantism to be illegal
Nova Scotia 1628
• Some two million
Huguenots fled to
All 13 colonies
countries (including
those countries ravaged by the Thirty year
war), and eventually throughout the world
Brazil 1555
• Thousands of French Protestants eventually
fled to the Americas.
War in France
• A group of Huguenots under the leadership
Note the
Jean Ribault in 1562 established the small
location of
of Fort
colony of Fort Caroline in 1564, on the banks
Carolina in the
the St. Johns River, in what is today
West Indies
Jacksonville, Florida
near the
• The colony was the first attempt at any treasure fleet.
permanent European settlement in the presentday continental United States, the group
survived only a short time. In 1565 they were
slaughterd by the Spanish.
• The Spanish remained in Florida until 1819
Mapping Activity
• Use the map provided in your workbook identify
regions within the North and South America
impacted by the French Huguenots and German
• On the map provided in your workbook, label
those Western European countries impacted
most by the Protestant Reformation. In the
summary on the next page, be sure to write
down who was involved in the reformations and
where did the reformations take place.
The Reformation & Counter-Reformation
Who were the reformers that impacted
the Catholic Church in Europe? When
did they reform? Where did they live and 3.
complete their work?
What were the primary beliefs of the
primary European reformers?
What were the causes of the CounterReformation in both Europe and the
What were the long term results of the
reformation & counter-reformation in
Europe and the Americas?
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
The English Reformation & it’s
impact on the Americas
How did the English Reformation differ from the
European Reformation?
What happened and why with England’s first failed
attempts at colonization?
How did English Religious Conflict and the resulting
political philosophies impact the developing political
ideas of the Americas?
Henry VII flirts with America
Or England’s first voyages to America
Who did Henry hire to sail in search of Asia?
John Cabot, 1497
Where was the sailor from?
Newfoundland, Canada
Where did he arrive?
What did he think he had found?Asia
What happened on his second voyage?
Four ships disappeared Cabot’s fate is still a mystery
What was the result? Henry VII stopped further
Henry VII flirts with America
Or England’s first voyages to America
Newfoundland Canada
Marriage as a Political Tool
Arthur (son of Henry
VII & Elizabeth of
Catherine (daughter of
The Catholic MonarchsFerdinand & Isabel)
Marriage I
Henry VIII was crowned King in 1509, at the age of 19.
Henry VIII jousting while Catherine of Aragon looks on
Henry VIII allied England with Spain and as part of the CounterReformation declared war on France to ensure the victory of
Catholicism over Protestants (during the French Religious wars) The
Pope gave him the title, Defender of the Faith.
Marriage II
Additionally he was in love with
Catherine & Henry VIII were married 24 years. After
Anne Boleyn, a lady in waiting (or
a number of miscarriages and several dead infants,
secretary) to his wife.
Henry came to believe that he was being punished
for marrying his dead brothers wife.
Henry &
Catherine’s only
living heir Mary
Anne Boleyn
The mistress that changed the course of history
Anne studied the writing of Calvin
evidence suggests she may have
met him personally. She owned
and studied the Calvinist Bible.
All this for an Heir!?!
It pays to be the King!
Henry appealed to the Pope for a divorce.
The Pope was
During the course of
dependent on Charles V.
Henry’s marriage to
Charles would not allow
Catherine, Spain’s power
the divorce of Catherine
over the Pope had
(his aunt) from Henry
increased. By now the
most powerful person in
Europe was Catharine’s
nephew, Charles V -the Charles V was the son of Juana the Loca
Holy Roman Emperor.* (the grandson of Ferdinand & Isabel)
A New Church
Political Reformation
When the Pope refused to grant Henry a divorce,
(drawing on the title the Pope had earlier given him of
Defender of the Faith), he named himself the head of
the church in England and granted himself a divorce.
Marriage II
A New World
Henry married Anne.
Anne gave birth to a
daughter, Elizabeth I.
The Church of England
So... forget about Anne what about this new Church?
An Act was written which proclaimed the King had total authority in
England. The king was head of the church in England and the Pope
could not pass judgments or excommunications that were valid in
They passed “An Act of Submission of the Clergy” which forced all church
leaders to swear allegiance to the King over the Pope.
The King took over the Monasteries
The breach and
the king Crown revenues
and the
believers to
a few
choose their allegiance - the
most famous being Sir Thomas
They passed an “Act of Succession”
More, who was
Protestant children the righttreason
to inherit
the throne over
in 1535.
The end of Queen Anne
Out with the old - in with the new...
King Henry and Anne had been together seven years- four
as sweethearts, three as spouses. And the romance... at
least for the King.... was beginning to die.
The King's fancy for one of Anne’s ladies-in-waiting, Jane
Seymour, began to grow.
Anne's enemies at court began to plot against her. They persuaded
the King to sign a document calling for an investigation of Anne, that
would possibly result in charges of treason.
On May 2, Queen Anne was arrested at Greenwich and was informed
of the charges against her: adultery, incest and plotting to murder the
King (witchcraft). She was imprisoned in the Tower of London.
Queen Jane
Blink and you will miss her
Within two days of Anne’s death, Henry
married Jane Seymore.
In October, a prince was born. Jane died from
complications during the birth
The heirs are in place
But just for the fun of it.... Lets finish the story of
Henry’s wives.
Anne of Cleves
Married1540 Jan. -July
Why: Too ugly
She outlived them all.
The arranged marriage led to
Cromwell’s end
Kathryn Howard
Married:1540 - 1542
Why: Adultery-Really!
She was Anne’s cousin,
and 20 years younger
than the King.
Katherine Parr
Married: 1543 - 1547
She outlived Henry.
Raised Elizabeth I
Summary English
• List 5-10 key individuals/ events/ ideas
• Summarize the English Reformation in 3550 words.
The Heirs of King Henry VIII
Mary (Daughter of Catherine) Edward (Son of Jane) Elizabeth (Daughter of Anne)
Mary (Catholic)
Edward (Protestant)
Elizabeth (Protestant)
Each of Henry VIII children eventually came to the throne. Each brought
Religious changes to England. None had any heirs (children)
The English Come to America
Comes to America
America was born
during a period of
great revolutionary
Plymouth,Pilgrims: 1620
King Charles
in England. These
Jamestown: 1607
King James
Roanoke: 1584 drastically altered the
Queen Elizabeth I
social, religious and
political perspective
St. Augustine: 1564
ofin 1564,
the new American
Founded by the French
Taken over by the Spanish in 1565
…and why the
Henry’s heirs the next
• Read pages 115-118
• 1. Complete the Main Idea summary on pg 118.
• 2. Complete the readings and textbook questions on
page 116
• 3. Complete the mapping activity on page 115
• 4. Skip the film clip on the bottom of page 117
• *These are exit cards and must be completed prior to
leaving class.
Elizabeth & Roanoke
Raleigh returned to England,
to get supplies & colonists.
While in England the Spanish
Armada sailed, he was
forced to stay and fight the
Spaniards. On his return he
found the colonists had
Sir Walter Raleigh