“Crunchtastic” By: Amber May Synopsis: For decades the danger-prone city of Glucotopia has had to endure different forms of supernatural onslaughts (rock candy meteor showers, dinosaurs wielding electric licorice ropes, elderly supervillians forcing civilians to partake in their horrible fiber-based meals, ect.) until one fateful day, a young, middle school boy decides to walk into a local gas station and pick up what he calls "a sugary twist of fate." Dexter ends up becoming the hero that his falling city needs. Main Chracters: Dexter Dudley/Dextro o 7th Grade math genius, socially awkward, longs to be heroic like his father was (who was killed while protecting the city from one of the toughest monsters in Glucotopian history) o Best friends with Twist (who he always has to bail out of trouble) o Has a crush on Ruth, but totally fails at expressing it o Voice Type: Medium, sort of whiney breathy and fast when excited or nervous Twist o 7th grade (supposed to be 8th grade, but failed due to continuous absences) o Dexter’s best friend (who keeps the bullies off his back) o Braggart, chauvinistic, occasionally perverted o Voice Type: Medium, laid back, sarcastic Other Chracters: Sarah Swizzles o Only has 1 line (“Another day. Another dino.”) o Twist’s imaginary superheroine o Voice Type: Low, seductive Dr. Reese o Created the ChemiCrunch candybar o Greedy chemist who doesn’t care how dangerous the new candy is as long as people buy it and he gets to be the top name in the sweets industry. Dr. Cadance o Dr. Reese’s softspoken, rational assistant who is against the idea of selling the candy o Voice Type: Medium, soft Dexter’s Mom o Overprotective parent o Voice Type: high-nasally, wise, concerned Patty o Dexter’s little sister o Loves to bother her older brother like any little sister o Voice type: High, annoying, spoiled, slurred Reggie o Bullies Dexter o Voice type: Medium-Low, sort of raspy, may include heavy Brooklyn accent Reporter (Tina Tootsie) o Tv reporter who covers the attack story Ruth o 7th grade sociable honor’s science student o Dexter’s crush o Voice Type: Medium-High Ms. Jolly o Store clerk who sells ChemiCrunch candybar to Dexter o Voice type: Slight southern accent, high pitched old lady voice Twixie Tart o One of the many SDA (Sweets and Drug Administration) agents sent to collect the hazardous candybars that were shipped throughout the city o Voice Type: Med-high, robotic, fake Boy on tricycle o Kid who wakes tricycle into o Ends up being Dex kicks the up Dexter by repeatedly running his him sent hurtle down the street after trike he’s on with inhuman strength Scene 1: INT. SCHOOLYARD – AFTERNOON Sounds: PUNCHES BEING THROWN. REGGIE (Angry) I thought I told you to have it done by class today, Dickster! DEXTER tries to stand up to respond to REGGIE (Sound: GRAVEL SKIFFING.), but is immediately kicked back down. (Sound: KICK.) REGGIE (Still angry) So what do you expect me to do now, huh? Tell Mr. Ray that I didn’t turn it in because my personal homework mule was busy doin’ his OWN work? What kind of lame ass excuse is that!? You WANT people to think I’m a slacker? DEXTER groans in pain. REGGIE What was that? It sounded like you said (mimicking voice) “Why yes Reg, I want everyone to see how much of a lazy bastard you are!” Is that what you’re tryin’ ta say, shrimp? DEXTER (cough)No… REGGIE kicks him, causing him to shriek. BEAT as DEXTER catches his breath. REGGIE walks over to him and picks him up off the ground by his collar. (sound: collar grab) REGGIE(calmer) Ya know, I don’t see why you even waste your time doin’ your own homework when you could basically sneeze on a test and get an A in the class. (bargaining tone) Think abooout it. Why do your own pointless work when you could be helpin’ a nice guy like me get by, huh? You know guys like me don’t do algebra. That kinda stuff is for eggheads like you. BEAT. As REGGIE drops DEXTER to the ground REGGIE Tell ya what, I’m gonna give ya ooone more chance to turn yourself around. Next Tuesday there’s another worksheet due. Have it done and I maaay just forgive ya for this little mishap today? Who knows, I may even make you my top homework piglet! REGGIE walks away laughing DEXTER is still on the ground Scene 2: INT. SIDEWALK – EVENING Sounds: Cars driving by, footsteps, falling, backpack zipping DEXTER is walking home in some pain, but is sadly used to it. He stops walking and looks up at the sky. DEXTER Sun’s going down already…? *sigh* Mom’s gonna kill me…again. Heh, oh well. Least I’m only 2 hours late this time. I’ll just tell her that the wrestling club ran a bit over to- DEXTER is suddenly tackled from behind by his best friend. (sound: falling onto ground) TWIST licks both of his index fingers and shoves them in DEXTER’S ears TWIST ABANDON SHIP! HERE COME THE WET WILLIES!! HAHAHAHA! DEXTER Ewww Twist!! Cut it out! I’m not in the mood! CUT IT OUT! TWIST Alright alright. Heh heh, I’m just teasin ya, Dex. …hang on a moment, is this a new bruise on your face? DEXTER Heh, you know the good ol’ wrestling club picking on the weaklings. Heh…eh… TWIST pauses and scowls at him DEXTER What…? TWIST I oughta slug you right now for thinkin’ that your own best buddy would fall for that ol’ wrestlin’ club crap! Who do ya think I am? Your mother?! Now you got 3 seconds to tell me who it was this time or I gots 8 more fingers that can get ya talkin’! TWIST slurps another one of his fingers in preparation DEXTER Ugh! Fine! It was Reg again. I’d forgotten to do his homework cause-…Hey wait a minute! What are you doing out this late anyway?? TWIST Don’t try to change the subject, Dexter! Why the hell do you even put up with that brainless ape! You’re WAY smarter than that! DEXTER Yeah yeah, but you know how persuasive the ogre can be. TWIST Dex, I keep tellin’ you time and time again to let ME handle that doofus! I’d have his head pinned to the ground eatin’ dirt in no time flat! Don’t make me have ta sit back and watch your ass get whooped every day! DEXTER But it’s not every day! ...it’s every time I don’t do what he tells me. Dexter!! You’re givin’ you! Seriously, you asshole, tell someone been buggin’ you since you’ve never lifted a TWIST me more of a reason to wanna pummel either need to stand up to that about him, or let me jump in. He’s he moved here back in 5th grade and finger! Is this what your old man woulda wan- BEAT TWIST Sorry. I-I didn’t mean… DEXTER No no, it’s fine. You’re right. My dad wouldn’tve taken squat from anyone. He was top of his class in the SALT team, and he helped take down one of the biggest monsters our city’s every faced. My dad was a hero. A hero! (beat) He could take down giants…why can’t I take down an 8th grader. TWIST (beat) Ya know Dex, you may not be brawny SALT material, hell even I’m sure of that, but there’s one thing that I do know about you. You’ve got spunk. DEXTER Spunk? Me? TWIST Did I stutter? Of course! I mean, you been puttin’ up with Reggie’s B.S. for years! Most people woulda skipped town by now and never came back! You’ve got as much guts as...well...me! Okay, maybe not that much, but you’re pretty up there! Hahaha! DEXTER Heh,I guess you’re right. Now uh, will you PLEASE get off of me? TWIST Oh right, sorry bout that! Haha! TWIST gets off (sounds: backpacks shifting) DEXTER So, why ARE you out this late anyway? TWIST Research, my friend, research. DEXTER Wait…you’re actually studying? TWIST You could say that. DEXTER Yeah, I don’t believe you. What’s in the backpack this time, hm? DEXTER sneakily yanks the backpack off of TWIST. They wrestle over it. TWIST What are you doin’ ?! Lay off, Dex! DEXTER Come ooon! Just a peek! DEXTER unzips it and pulls out a pair of blue-striped panties. DEXTER Oh Twist, not again… TWIST Hey butt out! I said I was doin research! DEXTER This is the time! I’m surprised you haven’t been arrested yet! And what could you possibly be researching that involves stealing ladies undergarments?? 5th TWIST (proudly) Simple mi compadre! Look. TWIST pulls a sketchbook from his backpack (sound: backpack zip, pages turning) DEXTER A drawing of a half naked lady. What’s your point, you perv? TWIST No Einstein! It’s a sketch of a new superhero I thought of. (sound: heroic music) Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Sarah Swizzles! The most ass-kickin’est heroine in all of Glucotopia! (sound: whiplash) Watch her lasso those badies with her licorice rope, (sound: blizzard)blow minty blizzard breath to stop ‘em in their tracks, and take down a T-rex with her poison chocolate kisses! (sound: ~kiss)(SARAH: “Another day, another dino.”) She is perfect! DEXTER (sound: record scratch) Yeah…so what does this have to do with stealing underwear? TWIST I told ya! Research! How else am I supposed to create the perfect goddess without a bit of a reference point? After all, us guys ain’t exactly the best fruits on the tree when it comes to true beauty; Big blocky hands, rough skin, hair everywhere! Meanwhile gals have soft, smooth skin from head to toe, thin fragile fingers, soft round… Hey! Dex where ya goin?? DEXTER (sound: walking) Home! I’ll listen to your questionable fantasies some other time. TWIST Heh…but what if I said that these beautiful bloomers belonged to... oh I dunno, Ruth? DEXTER stops in his tracks and whips his head around(sound: skid) TWIST Haha! I knew you’d fall for it, Romeo! DEXTER Not cool, Twist! Scene 3: INT: CANDY CORP. LAB – MEANWHILE Sounds: Mysterious music, bubbles in background, occasional electric/machine sounds. DR. REESE and DR. CADANCE are standing in a laboratory discussing the future of a certain candybar DR. REESE Ho ho! Cadance, we’ve done it this time! We’ve created the greatest confectionary known to man! I can practically hear the musical chime of cash registers everywhere! We’re bound to be the top name in the sweets industry! DR. CADANCE (calmly) Yes, I’m sure we’ll be on the charts next to Goody Treats Inc, sir. DR. REESE On the charts NEXT to them?? Are you kidding? We’re gonna blow those old fogies out of the water! (sound: robotic arm sound bringing chocolate) Just look at it Cadance; sweet milk chocolate that melts on the tongue, a crunchy peanut butter nougat, and just a hint of minty caramel that oozes with each bite. It’s the perfect delicacy! I’ve really outdone myself! CADANCE (under breath) …but I think I uh, helped out with you know, the actual design, and the synthesization, and… DR. REESE Quit mumbling! You sound like what a church mouse would sound like if it actually made a sound in church. CADANCE Oh, sorry sir. I was just questioning if this product would actually sell. It’s uh…very “different” and it sort of oozes green slime when you bite into it. I mean, not that I’m dubious of the conceivability of this plan, I’m just worried that it may not be safe for human consumpDR. REESE Cadance, Cadance, Cadance… You’re doing that thing where you’re doubting me. Tell me Cadance, who in this lab has 3 of the highest degrees in bioconsumption and chemistry? Hm? (louder to get his point across) And who went through 13 years of culinary grad school and opened his own sweets industry with his own 2 hands?! (pauses and sighs) You see, when you doubt my work, you doubt my intelligence. Do I seem inadequate to you, Cadance? CADANCE …no sir. I was just thinking thatDR. REESE Leave the thinking to me, missy! This is why you’re my lovely assistant. Now, what shall we name this mouthwatering work of art? It’s gotta be something snappy that will get kids’ attention. Minty Crunch? Or maybe Turbo Nougat? Hmm this is always the tough part. CADANCE (under breath) Maybe we should name it Chemical Crunch because of the repulsive green sludge oozing from its gullet. DR. REESE Wait a Mento! How about Chemical Crunch because of the tantalizing evergreen liquid that seeps from it with each bite! No wait, ChemiCrunch for short! Snappy alliterative name and just enough to make the kids say “yum!” and the adults say “guh-ross!” Ho ho! My own intellect astounds me sometimes. CADANCE (unenthusiastic) You really are brilliant sir. Scene 4: INT: DEXTER’S HOME – LATER THAT EVENING DEXTER (sound: door opening) I’m home! PATTY runs down the stairs (sound: stair running) PATTY(left) Yay! Dexter’s home! Dexter’s home! Hey Dexy! DEXTER Buzz off, squirt. PATTY ~ahem! That is not how you greet Princess Patty of Pastachio Palace, mister! DEXTER Yeah, if such a place actually existed. PATTY You’re just mad ‘cause you’re just a loooowly jester. Now bow before me! DEXTER I said not now, Patty! I’m exhausted! Now go make like a botanist and leave! PATTY Mom! Dexter called me a bot-..bot-...bottle...uh..A BUTT! (voice fading as she runs away to the right) Dexter called me a buuutt! DEXTER’S MOM comes downstairs looking worried (sound: walking down stairs) DEXTER’S MOM Dexter U. Dudley! Why on Cadbury’s chocolaty ovvums are you just now walking through the front door at this ungodly hour?? DEXTER It’s only 7:30, Mom. The wrestling club ran a bit over time since we’re preparing for the regional championships. DEXTER’S MOM Oh Dex, your face. Oh these bruises will take forever to heal. You really need to stop with this wrestling club madness; it’s not good for your health. Why not join the Math club or something that doesn’t cause shiners like these. Here, let me get the ointment. (sound: drawer opens) DEXTER It’s fine mom, I can handle it. I’m in 7th grade now. Pretty soon I’ll be in high school where the bulli-I mean challengers in the league will be much bigger. DEXTER’S MOM Yes yes, Dexter, but right now you’re still my little gumdrop. Now hold still. DEXTER’S MOM dabs the side of DEXTER’S face with a cloth full of ointment. DEXTER Ssss! Mom that stings! DEXTER’S MOM Well it wouldn’t sting so much if you took better care of yourself by taking up a better hobby. I understand you want to be a tough boy, but there’s gotta be a point where you learn your limits. Close your eye now. (sigh) You gotta know how much your body can handle before it quits on you. You’re a smart boy, so this should be common sense to you. DEXTER (sigh) Yeees mom… DEXTER’S MOM Dexter, I’m just worried that none of this is going to get through to that cerebellum of yours until something nasty finally happens. DEXTER Actually, the frontal lobe, or the Broca’s area of the brain, controls listening and understanding, Mom. Not the cerebell-Ow! DEXTER’S MOM Sorry sweetheart, gotta get you all cleaned up so you don’t get infected. She pauses for a sec, then starts giggling. DEXTER Wow, Mom, didn’t think contusions could be so funny. DEXTER’S MOM Oh no no, it’s just you’re so stubborn for your age; Always trying to be the brave one, not listening to your mother’s advice, never asking for help when you need it. DEXTER I don’t need any help though! I’m 12 years old and I could outsmart anyone in a college level Calculus class! DEXTER’S MOM (sigh) You may be book-smart, Dex, but it’s a dangerous world out there! I mean we’ve got hundreds of sharp-toothed Carmelvores, massive Pieclopses andDEXTER I don’t care! I’m going to grow up to be the smartest, most courageous being on this planet; one who could show all of these monsters what for! I’d NEVER back down! NEVER! DEXTER’S MOM And how do you expect to do that, Dexter, when something as small as a middle school wrestling club is kicking your tail every week!? You have to set smaller expectations for yourself or you’ll end up like your father biting off more than he couldShe stops herself noticing his disheartened look upon mentioning his father DEXTER’S MOM (sigh) I know you want to be like him, but I don’t want you to wind up… PATTY (from the right) CINNAGRYPHON!! LOOK! PATTY who is sitting in front of the TV in the living room shrieks in fear when she sees on the news a cinnagryphon soaring over the city. (sounds: people screaming, explosions)(edit audio to sound like TV output) DEXTER’S MOM runs to the TV REPORTER This is Tina Tootsie from Channel 2 News reporting live from downtown Glucotopia. As you can see behind me people are in panic as a massive cinnagryphon soars over the city. DEXTER’S MOM Oh my goodness! Not another one! I thought they were all wiped out in the last raid! REPORTER The Specialized Assault Logistics and Tactics team has just arrived on the scene and is ushering civilians to safety. (sounds: people screaming, explosions, continue) DEXTER has started walking upstairs (sound: stair walking) DEXTER’S MOM Dex? Aren’t you gonna watch this? DEXTER Nah. Happens every week. I’m going to bed. Night mom. Scene 4.5: Wishes INT: DEXTER’S Room – THAT NIGHT Sounds: Pencil writing, drawer opening DEXTER is sitting at his desk practicing formulas, but daydreaming and doodling on his notebook DEXTER Oh no! The city is being attacked by a cinnagryphon and the SALT team’s been taken down! Who will help us vanquish this beast? (sounds: heroic music)Why none other than Dynamite Dextro! Dun-dun-nana! “Look out, cinnagryphon! Here comes my supersonic boom kick!” BOOM! And he’s down for the count! “Oh Dextro! You’re my hero! We should study Avogadro’s Number sometime!” “Heh heh, any time, Ruth, aaany time.” (beat) *sigh* …if only. DEXTER leans back in his chair and stares at his ceiling (sound: chair creak) DEXTER Dad…what would it take to be as valiant as you were? Scene 5: Talking to Ruth INT: BUS STOP – THE NEXT MORNING Sounds: Traffic passing, footsteps,bus screech DEXTER stands at the bus stop waiting TWIST arrives shortly after DEXTER Well I don’t believe my eyes! If it isn’t the Tardy King himself! But what’s this? He’s actually on time today. No, EARLY! TWIST Yeah yeah, feels so weird wakin’ up this early to stand here on the side of the road at the buttcracka’ dawn waitin’ for the ol’ cheese to show up. But hey, maybe I’m turnin’ over a new leaf! DEXTER Yeah, I doubt it. Your mom kicked you out of bed this morning threatening you with some sort of unbearable punishment if you didn’t get to school on time. Am I right. TWIST Heh, alriiight Mr. Smartybean. Mom was threatening to make me clean my big bro’s room. He plays every sport under the sun, so his room smells like gym socks marinated in pickled feet juice 24/7. Makes my skin melt just thinkin’ about it! The bus pulls around the corner and stops in front of them. (sounds: bus screech) They climb in. TWIST So Dex, is today gonna be the daaay? DEXTER *sigh* I don’t know. Twist. You know I’m not as stupidly bold as you. These things take time! I gotta spend days or weeks prepping my nerves. Then I gotta analyze the kinds of males she’s into, or if she’s even INTO males. Then I gotta... OW! TWIST pops him in the back of the head. TWIST You’re over thinkin it, Romeo! Just go up to Ruth when she gets on at the next stop, chat her up a little bit, don’t even ask for the gal’s number, have her be the one to give it to you willingly. Take it from me, what gals are lookin’ for in their boys is his ability to take charge. Show that dominant side of ya and you’ll be the suavest hombre on the block! Here, watch this. TWIST gets up out of his seat and struts over to a girl sitting 3 seats behind him. He takes a seat next to her and gets comfy. DEXTER watches from his seat TWIST Hey, Sweetheart. Name’s Long John Twist, and I’m lookin’ for treasure. Can I look around your chest? The GIRL slaps him (sound: slap), leaving a bright red handprint across his face. TWIST returns back to DEXTER and sits. (sound: walking) DEXTER Smooth, hombre. TWIST Shut up and focus, dum-dum. She’s about to hop on the bus. What are you gonna say to her? DEXTER I told you! I’m not trying anything! What would I say?! TWIST Use the charm! DEXTER I have as much charm as a rusty zipper! Oh no here she comes! RUTH steps on the bus and walks towards a seat DEXTER squeaks as she walks by. She stop turns to him. RUTH Hm? Did you just say something? DEXTER Oh…uh…well…hi. RUTH Um. Hi? [AWKWARD BEAT] DEXTER You’re Ruth, but wait you knew that cause like, it’s your name. But what I mean is uh… TWIST What my pal Dexter is trying to say is that he’s a big fan of your science mumbo jumbo. DEXTER Y-yeah! Well not mumbo jumbo, but uh… I’ve seen a lot of your quantum physics projects, and I thought they were incredibly compelling. My favorite was when you discussed the early developments of string theory and the discovery of bosons. RUTH (giggling) Oh, wow! Well thank you. I never knew I had any “fans.” I don’t think I’m all that great, though. I mean, compared to well-known physicists like Robert Openheimer I’m just a speck of pixie dust! DEXTER Are you kidding? You’re amazing! Although...I did notice an error in your study where one of the exponents was off by 2. You must’ve mistaken it for the Schrodinger equation instead of the Heisenberg equation. Don’t worry, common mistake for novices. RUTH Oh...thanks? I’ll try to keep that in mind next time. Now um, I’m gonna go sit down. DEXTER (laughing nervously) Right right! Cause standing up inside a bus going forward at this velocity would be incredibly dangerous. With this much inertia, you’d go flying right through the windshield and end up with a concussion and a nasty contusion! I mean not that YOU’D be nasty or anything! I’m sure you’d still look nice with a massive bruise! RUTH Uh-huh...it was nice talking to you. (sounds: footsteps) RUTH walks to a seat at the back of the bus DEXTER buries his head into his lap with a groan TWIST Smooth, hombre. Scene 6: INT: OUTSIDE SCHOOL – AFTER SCHOOL Sounds: Traffic passing, footsteps, school bell, kids talking DEXTER and TWIST are exiting the school (sounds: School bell) TWIST Well, I must say that that HAD to have been one of the most excruciating lectures Mr. Ray has ever given. DEXTER You know there’s no point coming to school if you’re just going to sleep in every class. TWIST I don’t doze off in EVERY class. I’m clearly wide-awake in art class! DEXTER(mumbling) Yeah, because we’re required to study classic Roman art where… DEXTER AND TWIST …everyone is nude. TWIST Exactly! Now let’s go get some of those new Razzle Dazzle cherry smoothies at the gas joint up the street. Heard they’re the craze nowadays. DEXTER Can’t. I’m allergic to cherries. They make my esophagus swell to the size of my Aunt Carmella’s fist. TWIST (sound: skid) Ah-ha, so we’ve finally found the Daring Dexter’s kryptonite! DEXTER Whatever. I’ll probably just get a soda or something. Scene 6.5: INT: GAS STATION/GENERAL STORE – A FEW MIN LATER Sounds: occasional footsteps, shop door bell ringing, blender MS. JOLLY Hello hello! Welcome to Jolly Juicy’s Gen’ral Store! DEXTER Ms. Jolly, you know we see you like every week right? You don’t have toMS. JOLLY So! What are you fine boys lookin’ fer today? TWIST I’d like a Razzle DaMS. JOLLY Now now don’t tell me, don’t tell me! I bet you’re ahankerin’ for a Razzle Dazzle cherry smoothie! Am I right? TWIST Eh…yeah sure. MS. JOLLY Ha ha! I knew it! Between you and me sugar *whispering loud* I’m actually a mindreader! But don’t tell no one, ya hear? TWIST Alright, Ms. J. MS. JOLLY revs up the smoothie machine and it drones loudly in the background as she tries to talk to DEXTER MS. JOLLY(yelling) And what can I get you, sweet britches!? DEXTER I just want a Dr. Cola please! MS. JOLLY Sorry we don’t sell crapola here! DEXTER A Cola! MS. JOLLY A rolla’ what?? Toilet paper?? Duct tape?? DEXTER Nevermind! I’m getting a candybar! DEXTER walks away into the candy aisle (sound: footsteps, smoothie machine fading) (BEAT) He notices a new candybar after looking around a bit DEXTER ChemiCrunch? Hm. (Later) MS. JOLLY Yall come on back soon NOW! Such nice boys. Bell on door rings again as someone else walks into the store. MS. JOLLY Hello there! Welcome to Jolly Juicy’s Gen’ral Store! TWIXIE Hi there. My name is Twixie Tart and I’m a certified agent from the SDA. I’ve been made aware that you are selling a product by the name of ChemiCrunch. Am I correct, Jolly Juicy? MS. JOLLY Yes’siry pop, we do! TWIXIE Well I must inform you that this product was infact a failed experiment illegally distributed by the Candy Corp Labs. It was found to have high traces of sodium cyanide, astatine, ketamine, and polonium. It is not safe for human consumption and I NEED to know how many you’ve sold. My unit and I will be confiscating and incinerating the rest. MS. JOLLY That right, now? Hm…I reckon I sold one ‘bout a few minutes ago... or maybe it was a few weeks ago. Hm… But before that not a lot of people bothered. Maybe cause they were more interested in my new Razzle Dazzle CherryTWIXIE I don’t have the time for this, old lady. The more time I’m wasting here, the more the city is being poisoned by these sorry-excuses-for-chocolate monstrosities. So hand over all of the chocolate bars and I’ll be on my merry little way. MS. JOLLY Eh…sure you don’t want a smoothie first? It’s pretty hot outsTWIXIE NOW YOU OLD BAT!! Scene 7: INT: STREET – LATER THAT AFTERNOON Sounds: slurping, footsteps, traffic passing, faster walking, candy unwrapping, suspense music, backpack falling, heartbeat, blood running After leaving the store, DEXTER and TWIST are walking to their neighborhoods TWIST takes a slurp of his smoothie. (sounds: slurping) TWIST ~Mmm-Mmm! Dex you don’t know what you’re missin’! It’s like the sweet cherry goodness is havin’ a 50’s swing dance on my tongue! DEXTER Mmm… sucrose, artificial cherries, flavoring, and coloring, corn syrup, and the ever so popular dextrose. So nutritious. TWIST Dextrose, eh…? That’d make a pre-tty good nickname for you. DEXTER Because I make people’s teeth fall out? TWIST Nooo cause…wait…huh…that’s actually a good idea for what I had in mind. DEXTER Don’t tell me you’re thinking of involving me in one of your racy comic strips. TWIST Heh heh. DEXTER Aaannyway, I gotta start heading home before I end up hearing: *in mom voice* “Dexter U. Dudley! How many times have I told you not to blah blah blah!” TWIST falls on the ground laughing. (sound: backpack fall) TWIST PFFTTHAHAHA!! OH MAN! YOU DO THAT WAAAY TOO WELL! BAHAHAHA!! DEXTER Heh,yeah. Cause I hear it every day of my life. Anyway I gotta split. See ya Twist. (sounds: faster footsteps) DEXTER walks away from TWIST, who’s still rolling in tears. (laughing fades) DEXTER walks for a few minutes. DEXTER Cherries are my Kryptonite, huh? Heh, that’s funny. Oh hey! I never tried that weird candy bar yet. ChemiCrunch was it? DEXTER unzips his backpack, pulls out the candy bar, and examines it. (sound: unzip backpack, candy wrapper crinkle) DEXTER Hm… “Now introducing the new ChemiCrunch bar. A delectable chocolate bar packed with crunchy peanut butter nougat, and minty caramel that oozes with each bite.” I wonder if it’s really green like in the picture… DEXTER unwraps the candybar DEXTER *sigh* Alright here goes. DEXTER bites into the candy bar and gags DEXTER GLUGH! Well that was a mistake! I tasted neither peanut butter nor caramel in this *lower voice pitch* re…pul…sive……ugh… (*sounds: suspense music, heart beat, stomach gurgle, bubbles) DEXTER feels his head start to throb and his temperature heighten. He begins to sway back and forth, struggling to keep his balance as he attempts to walk forward. Dexter’s DNA strands are slowly being altered as they fuse with the putrid contents of the candy bar flowing through his bloodstream. If he had taken anything more than one bite, his young body may not have been able to handle the dangerous side effects. He drops to his knees and shrieks as the throbbing in his head becomes more severe. He nearly vomits from the unbearable nausea. He finally collapses and passes out. Scene 7.5: INT: STREET – EVENING Sounds: tricycle wheels and bell, backpack shuffle, running DEXTER is still passed out on the ground and a young boy on a tricycle keeps running into him with his front wheel. DEXTER finally wakes up to the rude rammings BOY Vroom! Vroom! DEXTER Hey hey! What are you doing, kid?? BOY Aw maan you’re awake now? I was gonna use you as a speed bump for my twicycle! The BOY rolls his tricycle into DEXTER one more time DEXTER QUIT IT, BRAT! DEXTER sits up and kicks the boy’s front wheel. Normally this would’ve sent the kid back maybe a few inches…but this time it sent the boy rolling backwards at an incredible speed. The boy yells as he rolls down the road. DEXTER Huh…what was…Ah! Oh no! It’s 11:30! I gotta get home! (sounds: running) Scene 8: INT: FRONT OF SCHOOL – THE NEXT MORNING Sounds: bus driving, kids outside, school bell, DEXTER just got off the bus and is looking around for TWIST to tell him about yesterday DEXTER Twist, for ONCE in your life can you be on time?? [School bell rings.] DEXTER Come on, Twist,I need to tell you about yesterday! That was NOT a normal candy bar… REGGIE Oh ho? You bringin’ me candy now, shrimp? How sweeet! But I only need my homework for English class today. DEXTER turns around and jumps when he sees REGGIE behind him DEXTER R-Reggie!! W-wait, I thought it was due next Tuesday! REGGIE That was the assignment for Math class, you dum-dum. Don’t tell me you completely forgot my English paper due today. I gave you the assignment a month ago. DEXTER Hang on! You gave that assignment to Weird Wyatt, not me! I was there when you told him! REGGIE You callin’ me a liar?? REGGIE picks up DEXTER by the throat. DEXTER is making choking sounds REGGIE You know I don’t like when pipsqueaks like you accuse a saint like me of lyin’. DEXTER …Reg…no… REGGIE left hooks DEXTER in the jaw, sending him soaring backwards before hitting the ground (sound: punch, ground hit) REGGIE’S assault continues. Suddenly TWIST is heard running towards DEXTER TWIST DEX!! HANG IN THERE! DEXTER(weakly) Twist…? REGGIE kicks him again DEXTER groans in tears TWIST Come on, Dex! You gotta get up and face him!! You’re tougher than you think! You are NOT a coward! GET UP! These words begin reverberating in DEXTER’S mind. Those words, and words from earlier: Twist: “Is this what you’re old man would’ve wanted??” Mom: “And how do you expect to do that, Dexter, when something as small as a middle school wrestling club is kicking your tail every week!?” Dexter: “My dad was a hero, A HERO!” Mom: “I know you wanna be like him, but I just don’t want you to wind up…” Dexter: “He could take down giants, why can’t I take down an 8th grader…?” Twist: “You’ve got as much guts as...well...me!” Dexter: “The city is being attacked by a cinnagryphon and the SALT team’s been taken down! Who will help us vanquish this beast?” Dexter: “Dad, what would it take to be as valiant as you were?” Dexter: “Why none other than-“ DEXTER(weakly) …Dynamite… DEXTER finally snaps back into reality when REGGIE picks him up and begins carrying him toward a brick wall REGGIE You’re pretty pathetic, ya know. We’ve known each other for years and you’ve never once put up a fight. To think you’re the son of the great Denton Dudley who took down the legendary Atomic Jawwrangler; well, before he got his ass handed to him, that is. Ah well, I’ll do you a favor and give you a one way trip to see your old man again. So, any last words, kid? DEXTER …Dynamite Dextro… REGGIE Huh? Couldn’t hear ya. DEXTER Dynamite Dextro. REGGIE Aww you sound like a little goldfish! Run that by me ooonne moDEXTER DYNAMITE DEXTRO!! (sounds: electricity) DEXTER is suddenly surrounded by a wave of electricity, which shocks REGGIE and forces him backwards (sound: skid) REGGIE Ow! H-hey! What’s goin on?? Th-this some kinda trick? Cause this aint funny! DEXTER (voice pitch adjust) Supersonic BOOM KICK!! (sounds: boom kick, electricity, debris crumble) DEXTER hurtles REGGIE into the side of the school wall, breaking some of the bricks off. He lands in the rubble unconscious. DEXTER powers down before fainting (sounds: electricity fading) Scene 9: INT: FRONT OF SCHOOL – AN HOUR LATER Sounds: traffic After a few moments, DEXTER is awoken by TWIST’S obnoxious voice TWIST Deeeexteerr. Hey Dex! DEXTER W-wha…? What happTWIST You shoulda seen yourself! You sent that punk flying into the wall like he was styrophoam! How long you been holdin out on your best friend?? DEXTER Me?? I knocked…but how?? OW! What was that for?? TWIST pops DEXTER in the back of the head TWIST For not telling me that you were secretly a superhero! DEXTER Super…hero? I’m a… hero? TWIST Yeah man! It was unbelievable! You were floating, and there was lightening, and you knocked the wind outta Reggie with one kick! DEXTER But that’s impossible! Someone of my size couldn’tve possibly hurt- …unless… that candybar… TWIST Candybar? DEXTER Oh right! Yesterday after I left you, I took a bite of that candybar I bought at the store and I just, I dunno, passed out on the sidewalk. Before I passed out, I remember feeling a surge of some sort starting in my stomach and flowing through me. It felt like…like… TWIST Like the powers were altering your body and fusing with your DNA! DEX! Do you know what this means?? It’s like in issue 17 of Choco-Zing whereDEXTER Twist! This isn’t a comic book! This is real life! For all I know I could’ve contracted an incurable disease that’s twisting my intestines into pretzels! TWIST Cant you be optimistic for once in your life? This is OBVIOUSLY a sign! You were chosen for this, Dex! Don’t you know what you gotta do now? DEXTER Go to the hospital like a normal person woTWIST But you’re not a normal person anymore, Smartybean! You’re the one and only Dynamite Dextro! You said so yourseeelf! It’s now your job to protect this city from any wrongdoers. Fight em off one baddie at a time! DEXTER Why me though?? Why was I the one to get caught up in this sugary twist of fate?? I’m just a nobody who always runs away. Just a nobody. TWIST Maybe that’s exactly why you were picked, cause for once in your life you actually stood up to that mook. You could be the hero you’ve always wanted to be. This is your dream, Dex! DEXTER My…dream. [BEAT as birds tweet in the background] DEXTER *sigh* So, think I should actually join the wrestling club? I dunno…could be something to keep me physically fit if I’m gonna be… TWIST Come oonnn saaay ittt… ;) DEXTER …a superhero. TWIST HAHAHAHHAAAA!! THAT’S MY SUPERBOY! DEXTER Shhh! This obviously has to be a secret though. So far only you and I know abou- WAIT! Ugh I forgot Reggie saw the whole thing! TWIST walks to REGGIE who’s still unconscious and snaps his fingers in front of him TWST *snaps* Hm. Ehh he’s totally out cold. I doubt he’d remember all this when he wakes up. Even if he does, what’s he gonna say? “That shrimp Dexter beat me up with some weird magic!” He’d be a laughing stock! You’re someone that no one would expect cause you’re so scrawny. DEXTER Ha ha, very funny, delinquent. Sooo what now? TWIST Well…I’d suggest getting ta class so it doesn’t seem like the top student is suddenly letting his grades slip. Meanwhile, I’M gonna go make you a uniform and maybe a theme song! *singing* ~Dextroooo he’s here to run the shoooww! Dextrooo he’s always on the go! DEXTER Hey wait! You should be in schoolTWIST has already ran off ignoring Dexter DEXTER …too. *sigh* If cherries are MY kryptonite, then school is Twist’s. DEXTER walks towards the school and stops for a second. DEXTER It’s still so weird, Dad. DEXTER softly giggles before walking inside.