The New Deal - Plainview Schools

The New Deal
Chapter 22
Page 730
Section 1
FDR offers Relief
• Obj: analyze the impact of FDR on the
American people
• Describe the programs that were part of Frist
new deal
• Identify critical responses to New Deal
• Americans elect FDR to find ways to end the
Great Depression
• Hoover no chance in Election of 1932
• FDR wins in a landslide
• Came from a rich family and upper class
• Served in New York Senate
• Diagnosed with polio in 1921
• Married to Eleanor Roosevelt- most active first
lady ever
B. New Deal
• Promised a “New Deal” for Americans
• Made a cabinet to be his “Brain Trust”
– Not just yes men
– Included both Reps and Dems.
• Francis Perkins
• Henry Wallace
• Harold Ickles
C: First 100 Days
• Congress passed 15 bills
• 3 goals- Relief, recovery, reform
• Day after inauguration, enacted four day bank
– Gave banks opportunity to get accounts in order
• Fireside chats? Restore national confidence
– Something is being done
D. Reform Financial system
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporationinsured bank deposits.
• People have confidence in banks
• Won’t withdraw money with every panic
• SEC- Regulate stock market
E: Help to Farmers
(AAA)Agricultural Adjustment ActRegulate production by manipulating pricers
Pay subsidies to not farm part of their land
Tennessee Valley Authority
Built series of dams to generate electricity
Prevent flooding
Bring cheap electricity to rural areas
G. Direct Relief
• CCC- Civilian Conservation Act- provided jobs
to 2 million men
• Replant forest, built trails, dug irrigation
• FERA- Federal Emergency Relief Act- gave
funds directly to un-employed
• HOLC- loaned money to homeowners
• FHA- Federal Housing Administration- loans to
repair houses
• NRA- National Recovery Administrationdeveloped codes for fair competition in
industry- minimum wages and price controls
• PWA- Public Works Administration- built
dams, power plants, government buildings
H. Opposition
• Republicans- FDR going too far
• “Challenges to Liberty” ??
• American Liberty League- also fought new
deal legislation
Some on Left say “not enough”
Huey LongFrancis TownshendFather Charles Coughlin-
Bet I know what his New Years resolution is.
Hey, what’s your name? You wanna be my friend?
Section 2
The Second New Deal
• Obj: Discuss the programs in the Second New
• Explain how New Deal legislation affected the
growth of organized labor
• Describe the impact of Roosevelt’s court
packing plan
• 1935, many problems still facing the nation.
FDR- more needs to be done
A: More Programs
FDR re-elected in 1936
Second New Deal- 1935- address the
problems of elderly, poor, and unemployed
WPA- 5 billion for new jobs- improve roads,
dredge rivers, promote soil conservation
– Spent 11 billion to but 8 million people to work
– Used deficit spending to finance- 4.4 billion in
– John Maynard Keynes- pump priming?
B. Social Security Act
• Social Security was “old age” insurance and
insurance on un-employment
• Still around today
• Rural Electrification Act- loaned money to
rural electric companies to build power lines
• Before-10%
• After- 80%
D. Unions
• Wagner Act?
• Collective Bargaining?
• Fair Labor Standards Act?
Election of 1936
• FDR won an overwhelming victory
• 61 percent of vote
• Beat Alfred M. Landon
E. Challenges to New Deal
• Supreme Court ruled most of the New Deal
Legislation unconstitutional in 1936
• Roosevelt Ticked off
• FDR tries to “Pack the Supreme Court” what
was this?
• Fails- hurt FDR’s popularity
• 1936- RDR reduced spending, economy wasn’t
ready took a dive.
• Conservatives gain ground as economy takes a
dive in 1935-36
• Democrats still had majority, but lost support
of Southern Dem.
• To keep support, FDR moved away from
reform, especially Jim Crow laws.
• “Packing” the
Supreme Court
– FDR was frustrated
that a conservative
dominated court
found many New
Deal programs
– Tries to add new
– Must retire by age
– His efforts to
“Pack” court fails
– Upsets many in
Congress and
American people
Section 3
Effects of the New Deal
• Obj: Describe how the New Deal affected
different groups in American Society
• Analyze how the New Deal changed the shape
of American Party Politics
• Discuss the impact of FDR on the presidency
• The New Deal, whether successful or not, had
a lasting impact on the U.S.
Life During the Roosevelt Years
• A. Minority groups
– African Americans- most would miss out on the
benefits of New Deal Programs
– Roosevelt first Prez to put African Americans in
key cabinet positions
– Would come to be called the Black Cabinet
– However- no major civil rights legislation was
Mexican Americans
• Before the 1930’s, no limit to immigration was
put on Mexicans
• People from Mexico would start to face
prejudice during 1930’s because they often
worked for less and drove down wages
American Indians
• Really only Minority group to make progress
during the Depression
• Bureau of Indian Affairs- halted allotment of land
to individuals
• Indian New Deal• Indian Re-organization Act• Reestablished tribal ownership of land, made
loans available for native owned businesses, set
up programs to teach new methods of land
Legacy of New Deal
• 1937- Roosevelt tries to balance the budget
• Throws the U.S. back into a recession
• Many not sure if New Deal programs actually
helped the country
• People seemed to either hate FDR or love him
• War would bring the U.S. out of Great
Depression as wartime production put people
to work
• 1. Extended power of Federal Gov’t- gov’t still
plays a much greater role in people’s lives
• 2. Extension of Power of Prez- presidents after
FDR were expected to be strong leaders and
push legislation
• 3. Deficit Spending- National debt 260 billion
after FDR- most gov’t budgets after GD would
operate under deficit spending
• 4. Federal Social Programs- the U.S. became a
welfare state- gov’t expected to care for the
• 5. Greater concern for workers- recognized
unions rights to exist- protect workers- raise
minimum wage
• 6. Conservation gains- new deal programs
helped promote conservation practices
• 7. Renewal of Faith in Democracy- Carried U.S.
through a time of hardships- democracy could
survive hardships and see the people through
• 8. Reorganization of political Parties- New
Deal Coalition
• 9. Government tries to regulate the economy
Section 4
Culture of the 1930’s
• Obj: trace the growth of radio and the movies
in the 1930’s
• Describe the major themes of literature of the
New Deal Era
A. Movies and Radio
• By end of 1930’s 9 in 10 have a radio
• Americans going to movies at least once a
• A way to forget about troubles
• Rise of networks like NBC, CBS
• Rise of movie producers like Fox, Paramount,
B. Films
Wizard of Oz
Snow White
Most famous ever- Gone with the Wind
Public enemy
MR. Smith Goes to Washington
War of the Worlds- minute 23:45
C. New Deal Art
• Federal Art Project- ??
– Paid artists to create murals
• Dorothea Lange- FSA photographer- capture
the plight of the farmer on film
D. Literature
• Overlooked by 1920’s lit
• John Steinbeck’s “Grapes of Wrath”
– About??
• Lillian Hellman- wrote plays featuring women
• Comic strips– Dick Tracey
– Superman