First essay. Woot. What parts of the character should we analyze? -- defining feature -- assign qualities to somebody or something – individual or inherited characteristic Characterization Authors reveal character through either “direct” or “indirect” characterization. Direct Characterization- The author comes right out and describes a character’s personality. The mother was judgmental. The employee was lazy. The actor was self-centered. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck- “Curly was quick and mean.” Indirect Characterization- the writer reveals information about a character and his personality through that character's thoughts, words, and actions, along with how other characters respond to that character, including what they think and say about him. STAR- “Says, Thinks, Acts, Reacts” Think “show” rather than “tell”! Terminology Foil- characters who highlight the character traits of major characters. The foil may be an opposite of the major character, so the major character’s strengths and virtues are more pronounced. The foil may also be like the major character, but with lighter versions of the major character’s strengths and virtues. The major character is shown as even stronger. Terminology Cont’d Stock Characterscharacters based on a cultural stereotype Check out the link I gave you to archetypes. Do any of the character archetypes apply to your character? Terminology Cont’d Characters may be “flat” or “round”. Flat Character- usually a minor character; only has 1 or 2 major character traits; not fully developed. Think “one-dimensional” Round Character- Think “3D”; major character that cannot be fully described in a few words; real and complex with fears, motivations, dreams, etc. Terminology Cont’d Characters can also be “static” or “dynamic”. Static Character- does not change throughout the course of the story; Cinderella’s stepmother, for instance, remains selfish and spiteful all the way to the end. Dynamic Character- undergoes a significant change in opinion or growth in character over the course of events in the story; An example would be Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’s classic tale, A Christmas Carol. After being visited by the 3 ghosts (+ Marley), he realizes the error of his ways and becomes kind and generous. Where to Start? You need to find a general focus for your character. What is something you could bring out as the central idea to your essay? Brainstorm character traits that apply to your character. Use the handout – STAR Character Web. STAR Character Chart – S.T.A.R. Name of book and author Character name What they SAY (to others) What they THINK How they ACT (in different situations) How they REACT (to other people, situations, etc) What quotes support your reasoning and ideas? (use 3 for each) What adjectives describe this character? What are strengths and/or weaknesses? What kind of character is this? Protagonist/Antagonist Flat/Round/Dynamic/Static Answer each question with complete sentences, using quotes and textual evidence (don’t forget the page number!) and detailed explanations. Organizing Your Essay: The Introduction End the introductory paragraph with your thesis. What big idea are you trying to get across about the character? The name of the character, the title of the book, the author’s name Brief description of the character (strengths and weaknesses) Why you chose this particular character (what is important about this character and their “journey” during the story?) Explanation of thesis statement (Oh no!!! Not the dreaded thesis statement!!!!) Bob Definition of a THESIS STATEMENT: a short statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, etc., and is developed, supported, and explained in the text by means of examples and evidence. But you all cringe at the term so let’s just rename it and call it… Bob. Just make sure we can see Bob in all of your essays… How do we find bob? What is the main point of your essay? What do you want to say in your essay? An analytical paper breaks down an issue or an idea into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience. Try this To help you come up with a thesis: Imagine a reporter on TV is going to do a report on your paper. She wants to sum up your paper in a single sentence. That is your thesis. For example Chris Evans is an excellent actor who intensifies the character of Captain America with his powerful performance and smoldering good looks. Percy Jackson was thrown into a world he knew nothing about but excelled because of his inherent and godly powers. Organization: The Body Develop a central trait or major characteristic. You might do this in different ways. How is it embodied throughout the work? (Beginning, middle, and end. Significant events.) Follow a character’s growth or change. Discuss ways that this trait may be a strength and a weakness. (Note examples) Organization: The Body Cont’d Each body paragraph should contain 2 “chunks” – integrated detail sentence, commentary sentence, commentary sentence. So basically, a body paragraph should be organized like this: (use this as a checklist) Body paragraphs Bob (with transition from earlier paragraphs). Integrated detail sentence showing the trait. Commentary sentence discussing the trait. Commentary sentence discussing the trait. Another integrated detail sentence showing the trait. Commentary sentence discussing the trait. Commentary sentence discussing the trait. Ask yourself “what do I mean by that?” Don’t start sentences with “This quote means” The Conclusion How does this person fit into the work as a whole? What is his/her part in the conflict? Do the characteristics explain why the person helps or hinders other characters? This is your last chance to drive your point home! WITHOUT saying, “This paper has just shown…” SUBTLY (don’t just cut and paste) remind the reader of your central idea and Bob.